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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

If 1.3 Isn't Out by May - Will You Unsub?


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I know a lot of people (myself included) have felt like patch 1.2 was essentially fluff and features that should have been available at launch.


As such, my guild agreed last night that we're quitting unless we get new content in May. Particularly with Diablo 3 and Guild Wars 2 on the horizon. Now granted - James Ohlen himself has promised there will be monthly updates:



I suppose we'll have to wait and see. I'm certainty not holding my breath. Swtor currently feels very dull and static. For a Raiding Guild - we collectively were not impressed by EC. Though it's a step in the right direction from the abomination that was Tier 1.


Anyone else feeling the same regarding 1.3?


A raid guild heading to a game without raiding...Good luck

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I know a lot of people (myself included) have felt like patch 1.2 was essentially fluff and features that should have been available at launch.


As such, my guild agreed last night that we're quitting unless we get new content in May. Particularly with Diablo 3 and Guild Wars 2 on the horizon. Now granted - James Ohlen himself has promised there will be monthly updates:



I suppose we'll have to wait and see. I'm certainty not holding my breath. Swtor currently feels very dull and static. For a Raiding Guild - we collectively were not impressed by EC. Though it's a step in the right direction from the abomination that was Tier 1.


Anyone else feeling the same regarding 1.3?


I've never really understood ultimatum or milestone rage-quit threads.


If you aren't having fun, quit.


If you are, don't quit.


I mean seriously, other than a cry for attention what real purpose does "if xxx doesn't happen by xxx or in xxx I QUIT" serve?

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Just my opinion but from having played in a few GW2 betas, there is not one terrible thing in GW2, that game is amazing in almost every aspect, i had loads of fun in the betas, I'm sticking to Swtor for now but when GW2 comes out its gonna be tough to decide.

Maybe those terrible things you heard were about Tera, very disappointed with that game, at least until around lvl 20 its a montruous boring grindfest, after lvl 20 it's a lot better, world pvp is great .

Again, just my opinion from having played both betas.


And to answer the OP's question, no i will not unsub, for the time being i'm still having fun playing this game.


Well I have yet to be in GW2 beta so I can't say anything.I was in SWTOR beta from July till pre access.They did a good job cleaning up the bugs.There was a lot of them.So I think GW 2 will probably do the same.I also liked the D3 beta.I just subbed again because of the free 30 days and think the 1.2 patch did some really good things.There is definitely improvement.Will I stick with SWTOR?I'm not sure but I didn't say goodbye last time and I don't see no reason to do it if I do.Not like I going to be missed or miss anyone.As long as they keep the basic mechanics of the game working that is the main thing with me.

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1.2 was ok, but it wasn't enough for me or a lot of my guild members.


Operation that has already been cleared in hardmode by a few guilds within the week.... that was kinda weak.


no challenge to this game... no economy to speak of... no pvp (yeah rated...not here...not gonna care)


sorry, but I played the D3 beta (it was very nice) and we're looking at GW2 beta right now.... we're pretty much done with SWTOR once they release... sorry, but you guys screwed up, like you did with Warhammer.


There is no society, other than fanbois and those that don't know better. Someone majorly screwed up with this game, and it's a shame.... being a SW fan for decades, it's hard to see something you enjoy turned into a money grab.


This goes F2P in less than a year.

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1.2 was ok, but it wasn't enough for me or a lot of my guild members.


Operation that has already been cleared in hardmode by a few guilds within the week.... that was kinda weak.


no challenge to this game... no economy to speak of... no pvp (yeah rated...not here...not gonna care)


sorry, but I played the D3 beta (it was very nice) and we're looking at GW2 beta right now.... we're pretty much done with SWTOR once they release... sorry, but you guys screwed up, like you did with Warhammer.


There is no society, other than fanbois and those that don't know better. Someone majorly screwed up with this game, and it's a shame.... being a SW fan for decades, it's hard to see something you enjoy turned into a money grab.


This goes F2P in less than a year.

Tell me you've cleared the new op in hard mode, please do. Damn hypocrites... calling swtor fanboys foul when they do the same with another game, more so when they haven't played the game in question at all.

Edited by Shadit
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By all means, go to GW2 and get what you pay for, which is a bug filled cash shop. At some point you people will figure out that no game is perfect and its best to enjoy what a game has rather than gripe day and night about what it doesn't have.
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What will be more important to me is whether 1.3 will have tangible improvements & more raid & group content, timing isn't quite so critical as what will be in it, but it cannot take longer than 1.2 did.


I have read it will be a much smaller update than 1.2 as it will be the LFG tool that is coming with this that they want to push quickly & that post 1.3 updates will be somewhere between 1.2 & 1.3 in size, which seems fine.


The 2 big things that require solutions are server transfer capabilities primarily & a group finder tool, & of course more content to retain the burgeoning level 50 population (which has quite a high take up of operation & PvP play).


Personally I want to see an extra 4 to 8 character slots per server soonish too.

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Actually were still here because GW2 hasn't released yet and it isn't May 15th for D3. You think the servers are dead now? Wait for 3 weeks when this game REALLY loses subs.


Go find someone who has access to the beta weekend for GW2, you'll be shocked at just how antiquated and disappointing the game really is.

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Played GW2 today. Its really really bad. The voice acting is horrible the graphics sub par. It looks just like WoW. Also cash shop is extensive. So ya not worried about GW2. Its a huge disappointment even to me and I had no real high expectations.


I call BS, as if you reaaly were playing in the beta event you would be violating the NDA you agreed to. so if its true, have fun getting sued

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I am done after my free month is up. I wouldn't say 1.2 was "Fluff" but I agree it was stuff (minus the flashpoint and WZ) should have been availible at launch. With a effective LFG tool availible in 1.2. This didn't happen. Probably will in 1.3 but I don't think that alone will keep me.
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I call BS, as if you reaaly were playing in the beta event you would be violating the NDA you agreed to. so if its true, have fun getting sued


Its an open beta, its all over twitch tv and hundreds of game web tv feeds. i doubt they could even if they wanted to sue everyone who is streaming and thats even if there is an nda up.

Edited by Shingara
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Its an open beta, its all over twitch tv and hundreds of game web tv feeds. i doubt they could even if they wanted to sue everyone who is streaming and thats even if there is an nda up.


no its not an open beta, you still have to apply to get into it and that's not a guarantee. the only way to have sure fire access to the beta is to pre-purchase (prepay in full) the game. hence it is still a closed beta as it is not open to all, IE the NDA is still in effect.

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no its not an open beta, you still have to apply to get into it and that's not a guarantee. the only way to have sure fire access to the beta is to pre-purchase (prepay in full) the game. hence it is still a closed beta as it is not open to all, IE the NDA is still in effect.


Nope it's an open beta. Anyone who pre-purchased the game can get into this beta. And no NDA. Your information is outdated.

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And after 1.3 comes out in may? Would you then demand 1.4 come out in June? 1.5 in July?




Seriously, lower your expectations or just unsub now. You're expecting something that simply won't happen.

I like how he calls 1.2 just fluff when the giant does not release content like raids or battlegrounds in a free patch.


WoW does not release major content in thier patch.. they release them with thier expansion which the players have to buy.

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This goes F2P in less than a year.


Wow this little prophecy is still going around? First it was 3 months. Then 6 months. Now 'less than a year'. What's next? This game will go F2P in 2 years, 5 years, or 10 years? Your name wouldn't happen to be Harold Camping would it?

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