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The SWTOR hate.


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except GW2 is another boring contrived...Fantasy MMO. I'd rather have blasters & laser swords any day over another staff, cross bow, and distisy fraking elfy characters. GW2 could runs perfectly smooth and wonderous but if its world doesn't hold you, attract you, or its just ilke 1000 other games which are all mostly fantasy...it doesn't really matter. Substance & Quality are always important. SWTOR atleast for my machine runs pretty damn good the few snags I have with it is the optimization so it just runs your machine hotter than it should. What SWTOR has for content and world setting appeal to what I've been needing for years. A change. Not everyone is going to agree on that but everyoen has their own opinion so I realy could careless what GW2 fan trolls have to say.


Absolutely... and I like that stuff. I really do. I just don't really want to play an MMO with it, because that's just all there are to MMOs with a few exceptions.


I like SWtOR for its mechanics and what it is in general, certainly, but in particular I like the Sci-Fi side of it. It's far more interesting than wizards and warlocks as far as I'm concerned. Heck, STO is fairly lame as far as MMOs go, but it's still tremendously more appealing to me (I have played it briefly) than most other MMOs because of its setting.

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Oh dear.


You know your repeated attempts at stating 'Do you comprehend'? well let me put it this way, read your own statements.


That's just a poor excuse of......actually having nothing to say.


It's not my computer.

It's not my network.

It's not my home.

It's not my country.


Get it? SWTOR is ruined from inside and Bioware refuses to admit their mistakes.


Therefore, the hate and the unsubbing.

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Thank you Jett. A very fair summary.


Don't get me wrong there are things they nailed like the PVP (aside from balance issues), but they have made a lot of enemies promising innovation and aside from the combat nothing is innovative.

Edited by Jett-Rinn
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Just FYI this game is very processor dependent. If you are playing on a laptop you will most likely have to play on low settings to get good FPS. If on a desktop you def need a i52500k/i72600k min just to have a min 40+ fps on high with a GTX480.


with my i7 2700k, gtx 560 ,and dedicated solidstate drive i run 60+

Edited by Kada
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That's just a poor excuse of......actually having nothing to say.


It's not my computer.

It's not my network.

It's not my home.

It's not my country.


Get it? SWTOR is ruined from inside and Bioware refuses to admit their mistakes.


Therefore, the hate and the unsubbing.


You attempted to make me out saying: your internet is at fault.


No, what I am stating is that, certain types of MMOs with greater graphical requirements like SWTOR and AIon, etc... require much larger bandwidth than your typical online game, like WAR, WoW, etc...


Some ISPs simply will not allow you Bandwidth that large.


Turn down your specifications, and I assure you, you will be able to play just fine.


I do, many others do, hell people can even livestream SWTOR on max.


Now I agree there are definite problems with both the engine(Seriously BW what's with the masses of particle effects, etc... everywhere?) and FPS, but they can be circumvented, and don't destroy this game as you claim it does.


EDIT: On another note, if it was the game, we'd all be experiencing those problems wouldn't we? I am not, clearly others in this thread aren't either.

Edited by Rayla_Felana
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How can you even hit the reply button without being called "nonsense".


I can call it nonsense because the majority of people myself included don't have those problems.

And all that "i have state of the art 5k$ PC and horrid fps and other issues" talk is ridiculous to say the least.

I know people with machines that are nowhere near state of the art and few years old, and their game works like a charm.


On the other hand if someone expects everything to run smoothly on his garbage PC and then lays hate on the forum because that isn't happening the joke's on him.


Unsub already and make this forum a better place with your departure, anger and stress are bad for you.

Edited by Vlacke
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Such a dumb vid. Rift didn't fail. The problem with SWTor is that players want a dynamic and alive world. What did we get? A generic themepark mmo without any innovation (Except cutscenes), without any dynamic events, without good pvp content.


The game is okay but it feels like a 2005-MMO.

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We don't have to save it silly 1.7 million and the game has just opened up in 28 more countries. Also I was a huge GW2 fan until I got into beta, there is a forum full of folks who feel the exact same way as I do; no game is all that, GW2 will be a mildly successful title just like SWTOR RIFT and TERA will be. There are no game killers anymore.


Oh there is a game killer on the horizon.


The scrolls fortold of it's coming. Of the time after the Rifts closed and the Guild Wars ended.When the sons of Casual and Hardcore would spill their own Mountain Dew. But no one wanted to believe it even happened. And when the truth dawned, it dawns in awesome. Because there is one they fear. In their tongue, it is MMOkiin. TESOBORN!


The Elder Scrolls Online.


It was fortold.

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Yeah, because the fanboys of this game don't make excuses for every mistake that Bioware has. Don't kid yourself. Oh, and Guild Wars 2 is absolutely going to destroy this game. It's not just hype, sorry to burst all of your bubbles. Guild Wars 2 is better in BETA than this game is 5 months after release.


What are you doing here then?

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Such a dumb vid. Rift didn't fail. The problem with SWTor is that players want a dynamic and alive world. What did we get? A generic themepark mmo without any innovation (Except cutscenes), without any dynamic events, without good pvp content.


The game is okay but it feels like a 2005-MMO.


Speak for yourself. I'm perfectly happy with the world the way it is, and was a little unhappy when it got a bit dynamic with the Rakghoul stuff. To each his own, but it's not the case that, in general, X is what players want. It is rather the case that X is what these players over here want, and Y is what those players over there want, and Z is what some third group of players want.

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All new games will suffer the Hate, to many people expect way to much and every new game coming down the pike is the be all end all of games, when to many people sit around and day dream about how the game will play and when it is different than thier day dreams omg let the hate, the qq, the e-rage begin. I have read allot about gw2 not intrested, same ole stuff rehashed, I seen one new feature that sounds kinda cool, but it requires you to group and we know how people love to group theses days :eek: plus I am just bunred out on sword and board games, it will do well it will not fail even though there will be 100's of fail posts, these games are driven by thiers fans, if it was not for fans there would be no products, everyone on here is a fan of something, pizza, beer, cars, sports, games, really why not just play what you want enjoy what you want, if this is not for you then move along, there is always a game out there somewhere,
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I can call it nonsense because the majority of people myself included don't have those problems.

And all that "i have state of the art 5k$ PC and horrid fps and other issues" talk is ridiculous to say the least.

I know people with machines that are nowhere near state of the art and few years old, and their game works like a charm.


On the other hand if someone expects everything to run smoothly on his garbage PC and then lays hate on the forum because that isn't happening the joke's on him.


Unsub already and make this forum a better place with your departure, anger and stress are bad for you.


Concur. If one hates a game, why on earth waste valuable time whining about it like a little girl?

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You can't measure FPS in this game, only measure MS, I was getting 72-78 MS and I have no idea how many people their were simply because it was so laggy.


Huh? You can't measure FPS in SWTOR?


What does




And WAR worked because it was designed to work in that situation.


No was optimised in the end for that many, but it did run more than 20 v 20 intially, and that is WITH collision detection which adds a serious headache.

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Yeah, because the fanboys of this game don't make excuses for every mistake that Bioware has. Don't kid yourself. Oh, and Guild Wars 2 is absolutely going to destroy this game. It's not just hype, sorry to burst all of your bubbles. Guild Wars 2 is better in BETA than this game is 5 months after release.


Newsflash: GW2 is a generic fantasy garbage compared to SWTOR.

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Oh there is a game killer on the horizon.


The scrolls fortold of it's coming. Of the time after the Rifts closed and the Guild Wars ended.When the sons of Casual and Hardcore would spill their own Mountain Dew. But no one wanted to believe it even happened. And when the truth dawned, it dawns in awesome. Because there is one they fear. In their tongue, it is MMOkiin. TESOBORN!


The Elder Scrolls Online.


It was fortold.



This has much more effect if you

while reading your post. :p
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Such a dumb vid. Rift didn't fail. The problem with SWTor is that players want a dynamic and alive world. What did we get? A generic themepark mmo without any innovation (Except cutscenes), without any dynamic events, without good pvp content.


The game is okay but it feels like a 2005-MMO.

This! All of it, including the RIFT thing.

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Huh? You can't measure FPS in SWTOR?


What does



AH I didn't know that, thank you for the information.



No was optimised in the end for that many, but it did run more than 20 v 20 intially, and that is WITH collision detection which adds a serious headache.


Without the design template, there would be nothing to optimize.

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MMO's get hyped up by the Fans and the Dev's when it comes out and is not what they think it was they get flamed. Every MMO I played (it is a long list UO, EQ, EQ2, SWG, AOC, LOTRO and so on.......) has people flame it after it. This well happen in GW2 and every MMO after it. I plane on getting GW2 and play it but I am also going to keep playing TOR. With GW2 being free to play I can do it.
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You attempted to make me out saying: your internet is at fault.


No, what I am stating is that, certain types of MMOs with greater graphical requirements like SWTOR and AIon, etc... require much larger bandwidth than your typical online game, like WAR, WoW, etc...


Some ISPs simply will not allow you Bandwidth that large.


Turn down your specifications, and I assure you, you will be able to play just fine.


I do, many others do, hell people can even livestream SWTOR on max.


Now I agree there are definite problems with both the engine(Seriously BW what's with the masses of particle effects, etc... everywhere?) and FPS, but they can be circumvented, and don't destroy this game as you claim it does.


Again, there are no problems with my ISP, I can assure you that. Because again, I would have had the same performance issues in TERA and Rift as examples. I doubt SWTOR is a huge exception, and if it is, I strongly wonder why.


I'm not saying the game is unplayable.


I'm saying that with the components I have in my computer, I expect more performance in a MMORPG "GPU/CPU-intensed" game like SWTOR. There are still no issues with other MMORPGs, only SWTOR.


And like I said in my huge quote, it's how Bioware treats the issue that disgusts me and makes me hate them. I LOVE THE GAME. I hate the company's behaviour behind it with good reasons.



I can call it nonsense because the majority of people myself included don't have those problems..


Where is this majority you speak of?


There are thousands of posts in the Horrid FPS thread. That's statistics.


But there is no proof that "the majority of people" don't have issues.


Either they don't know about it or they just can't be arsed to report it in. The last statement is an assumption

Edited by Samvan
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I enjoy the game. I enjoy it tremendously. That being said, I don't care how this game does financially. That isn't my job. I also know it isn't going anywhere. Warhammer Online has way less people playing it and it isn't shut down. Less people online in this game means that it runs more smoothly for my guild. We have fun together. It's BioWare's job to make sure people keep playing this game, not mine.
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AH I didn't know that, thank you for the information.

Without the design template, there would be nothing to optimize.


Right, but anyway, you got good FPS or a least playablity in Ilum with at least 20 v 20 going on?

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