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Healers are not the only ones that keep people alive.


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Here is the thing. I don't claim to say that healers needed the nerf in 1.2 or that they did not. I just want to add something that everyone seems to leave out.


Right now most people seem to have the WOW mentality of healers. It seems a popular idea that healers should be able to handle 2-3 DPS. This of course made sense in WOW since there were only healers and DPS in PVP.



Currently in SWTOR ther are 3 factors in PVP. Healers seem to think they should have the same 2-3 dps survivability of WOW without accounting for the fact that there are tanks.


My tank can guard some of my healer friends against 3-4 people still. This leaves our DPS to kill their team. Perhaps healers think they have it hardest because they have to rely on a tank. As a tank I feel the same way. If I guard a non healer I die quickly while he/she takes damage. People also think that dying means losing, while sometimes being the one that dies while your team succeeds is a very valuable role(as a tank I know this very well)


Isn't that the idea? If you are support the other people in your team they succeed, and if they support you back it's extremely strong? Won't you even die for them? (I do all the time)




I'm not saying the mathematics are balanced perfectly or that they do not need some tweaking, but no complex game ever has. But let's be honest, healers are still great additions to teams and often times my powertech+healer combo can turn the tides in an entirely different way than my DPS.

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Tanks are a little under-appreciated in PvP. But how much skill does it take to cast guard on someone? There are no mechanics here, just stay within 15m of your healer and bam, you get 3 medals.


Dont get me wrong, as a healer myself I appreciate tanks a lot, especially since DPS rarely help me kill the guy focusing me, but there is no real skill involved.


EDIT: The best tanks change their guard depending on the situation. But I hardly ever see this. Once I die once, the tanks rarely guard me again unless I ask.

Edited by Khoraji
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Tanks are a little under-appreciated in PvP. But how much skill does it take to cast guard on someone? There are no mechanics here, just stay within 15m of your healer and bam, you get 3 medals.


Dont get me wrong, as a healer myself I appreciate tanks a lot, especially since DPS rarely help me kill the guy focusing me, but there is no real skill involved.


Saying that is like saying how much skill does it take to spam one heal?


There is so much more than that. Peels, debuffs, interrupts, taunts, pressure,



Sure a bad tank can only put guard on some1 and flail around. A bad healer can only spam one heal. If you think that is all there is to tanks you obviously have never plaed as one or have never played with/against a good one.




Unless you mean that the "bam 3 medals" means that medal= actual good skill. If so I feel bad for you.

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On my server, there is one healer who is always guarded. We can never take him down in time. Granted, he has two other healers healing him and the tank and no one on my server knows how to interrupt but still, that Tank guarding him keeps him up long enough that their dps can burn our team down.
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On my server, there is one healer who is always guarded. We can never take him down in time. Granted, he has two other healers healing him and the tank and no one on my server knows how to interrupt but still, that Tank guarding him keeps him up long enough that their dps can burn our team down.


Yeah I have met these groups and been in these groups.


All I'm saying is maybe healers are balanced for this and not for the idea that one healer can be a warzone superhero?

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Here is the thing. I don't claim to say that healers needed the nerf in 1.2 or that they did not. I just want to add something that everyone seems to leave out.


Right now most people seem to have the WOW mentality of healers. It seems a popular idea that healers should be able to handle 2-3 DPS. This of course made sense in WOW since there were only healers and DPS in PVP.



Currently in SWTOR ther are 3 factors in PVP. Healers seem to think they should have the same 2-3 dps survivability of WOW without accounting for the fact that there are tanks.


My tank can guard some of my healer friends against 3-4 people still. This leaves our DPS to kill their team. Perhaps healers think they have it hardest because they have to rely on a tank. As a tank I feel the same way. If I guard a non healer I die quickly while he/she takes damage. People also think that dying means losing, while sometimes being the one that dies while your team succeeds is a very valuable role(as a tank I know this very well)


Isn't that the idea? If you are support the other people in your team they succeed, and if they support you back it's extremely strong? Won't you even die for them? (I do all the time)




I'm not saying the mathematics are balanced perfectly or that they do not need some tweaking, but no complex game ever has. But let's be honest, healers are still great additions to teams and often times my powertech+healer combo can turn the tides in an entirely different way than my DPS.


Can you please mention this to the majority of tanks on my server since 1.2.

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Tanks are a little under-appreciated in PvP. But how much skill does it take to cast guard on someone? There are no mechanics here, just stay within 15m of your healer and bam, you get 3 medals.


Dont get me wrong, as a healer myself I appreciate tanks a lot, especially since DPS rarely help me kill the guy focusing me, but there is no real skill involved.


EDIT: The best tanks change their guard depending on the situation. But I hardly ever see this. Once I die once, the tanks rarely guard me again unless I ask.


Im so suprised no tanks want to help you! Since you know all we do is put guard on someone then follow them around and all... /rollseyes

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Can you please mention this to the majority of tanks on my server since 1.2.


I would if I could. Unfortunately when I happen to play with bad tank pugs they all think they are just super survivable dps who do not need to guard or taunt people(I hate those tanks so much)

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It's true that post-1.2 tanks are absolutely essential for healers to be able to do their job but I've rarely seen a tank with half my heals as protection so while their role is vital... it isn't as vital (without a healer a tank can't keep a time alive, without a tank a healer can it is just much harder.)


Still, I generally give my MVP votes to best protection these days.

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I've hit a boiling point in frustration.


1. A lot of healers on my friend list have changed to DPS because they're more interested in padding medals. None of them do any good DPS.

2. Lack of healer availability for our premades. We have to run 4 DPS constantly and get in matches against teams with 2-4 healers and 0 on our side.

3. My effectiveness is cut significantly without a healer present. I can't use guard because I'll kill myself.


I can't enjoy matches without healers right now. I'm a tank, but I can't win a war of attrition unless we hardcore zerg down their healers.

Edited by ComeAndSee
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It's true that post-1.2 tanks are absolutely essential for healers to be able to do their job but I've rarely seen a tank with half my heals as protection so while their role is vital... it isn't as vital (without a healer a tank can't keep a time alive, without a tank a healer can it is just much harder.)


Still, I generally give my MVP votes to best protection these days.


this is also another problem with the meter. while healers are focused they continue to gain heal points from healing themselves.



while tanks job is to draw all the attention to themselves through taunts and guards. once the attention is on them there is nothing showing the fact that they actually "tanked" damage. so you must know that absorbing damage as a tank also includes being attacked right? .... right? clearly not. all that mitigation and defense means something when they are taking damage even if the meter doesn't show it.



but yeah judge things based on heals vs protection amount :rolleyes:

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But let's be honest, healers are still great additions to teams and often times my powertech+healer combo can turn the tides in an entirely different way than my DPS.


I currently run two characters in warzones. A healer "main" and a dps "alt" and I can tell you without question that our full group of dps rarely loses a warzone. It is simply too easy to burn down a healer. 1 dps can take apart any healer quickly enough. Stuns, interrupts, burst dps - it is easy.


If I am putting together a warzone premade, it would be all dps, and we would be in good shape to go against any team we face.

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I currently run two characters in warzones. A healer "main" and a dps "alt" and I can tell you without question that our full group of dps rarely loses a warzone. It is simply too easy to burn down a healer. 1 dps can take apart any healer quickly enough. Stuns, interrupts, burst dps - it is easy.


If I am putting together a warzone premade, it would be all dps, and we would be in good shape to go against any team we face.


full group of dps vs dps and healer. that does not involve tanks.



you just admitted it in a round-about way


my premade with a tank, healer, and 2 dps would own your wannabe zergfest dps premade

Edited by VoidSpectre
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It's true that post-1.2 tanks are absolutely essential for healers to be able to do their job but I've rarely seen a tank with half my heals as protection so while their role is vital... it isn't as vital (without a healer a tank can't keep a time alive, without a tank a healer can it is just much harder.)


Still, I generally give my MVP votes to best protection these days.


Unfortunately I am compelled to agree.



At the onset of 1.2 I was very depressed at my lack of survivability as a sorc healer. 3 - 5 second life spans were not what I considered "fun." However, I did change my playstyle AND got a tank to pvp with me for guard protection.


This changed the paradigm of my healing significantly. Prior to 1.2 we had a bug which gave us unparalelled burst healing. We had little use for many of our utility. Post 1.2, though it was a little bit of an over nerf (I stress little), the usage of tanks and extra utility changed the way we play. I use the map more to my advantage and use my utility far more constructively than ever before.


I will get a screen shot when I have the chance, but TBH we had 2 sorc healers guarded by 2 juggernaut tanks in CW last night. We sat on the middle node and stacked our AOE heal. both tanks and healers stood in the pool while dancing around the node using utility and our tanks.


We never died.


That is not to say I havent had WZ where my tank and I were not stalked and farmed, BUT, you tell me what is effective when 2 members of a team can litterally drag 6 of the opposition away from a node while the rest of your team caps.


As a healer, we need to play smart.

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Yesterday both my guilds main tanks were pvping and they dont pvp often. At one point we all ended up in the same pvp group as the guild is large and a few groups always going each night. It was healer heaven. :)


Nothing makes me more happy than a tank in the group.

Edited by LancelotOC
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I've hit a boiling point in frustration.


1. A lot of healers on my friend list have changed to DPS because they're more interested in padding medals. None of them do any good DPS.

2. Lack of healer availability for our premades. We have to run 4 DPS constantly and get in matches against teams with 2-4 healers and 0 on our side.

3. My effectiveness is cut significantly without a healer present. I can't use guard because I'll kill myself.


I can't enjoy matches without healers right now. I'm a tank, but I can't win a war of attrition unless we hardcore zerg down their healers.


As a healer who respecced his Commando from Combat Medic to Gunnery, I can sympathize with the healers on your friends list. In the lead-up to patch 1.2, the Republic PvP players on my server were absolute ****es to healers. I'm not sure what set it off, but healers were ruining PvP and our teammates were eager to tell us all about it. When you're keeping someone alive and they're using the extra time to post things like "Healers are so broken!" "Enjoy it while it lasts," and "I can't wait for the healer nerf" in Ops chat, it's easy to lose your temper.


I've been a lot happier since I walked away from healing with my Commando. I suspect I'm not the only one. Maybe it's just the novelty of trying a new role, but the tools I have in Gunnery are much more interesting than the post 1.2 tools I had as a Combat Medic. Plus I don't get marked. I rarely get focus-fired or stunlocked. And I don't get **** from my teammates. Sure, I'm disappointed when I end up on a team with no healers, but given how much fun I'm having, I'm not going to hold it against them.

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