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4 player heroic quests need to go,


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May be they need a bigger carrot to get people to do them instead of blowing past them.


I haven't completed the game yet or done all group missions, but to date I haven't seen a group mission that actually requires any strategy or group coordination. Just need more humans to blow through mob anfter mob.


Maybe a group mish with a little more sophisticated objective that kill, kill, kill, would get more people interested in these missions.

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Lots of people not seeing the problem...


Actually, some people simply do not agree with your view as it being a problem.


Better incentives for doing heroic 4's would be an improvement, something SWTOR still hasn't implemented is the class item box they promised for the game. If they were rewarded for Heroic 4's I'd see more people at least having some interest in obtaining something different and possibly better for their class for completion each time instead of the same single piece of gear.


Heroic 4s are optional content for when people who play together want to do group content for the change of pace and challenge.


They were never designed to be /randomed, and hence do not need group finders or more incentive to do them. They are optional for people who like to group and do encounters and play regularly together (like a guild or a RL group of friends who play together).


People whining and gnashing about not being able to find random other players on a planet to do herioic 4 content are misusing the mechanics of heroic 4s. Hence they are the cause of their own problem and the reason for their own whining.

Edited by Andryah
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I hope they don't get rid of them or downgrade them to heroic 2 mans. I love doing group content and I wish there was more of it. The problem is that so many of the servers are empty so there is no one to do the group content with.
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i seriously am having a headshaking session here with many people that are actually agreeing with the OP, and also with the people who by their comments about H4's obviously haven't done them, or haven't done the higher lvl ones.


I adressed the OP's concerns in a previous post so i won't rehash those here, going to the lack of the rewards for completing the H4's I have one thing to say. What are you nuts???? Not only are the rewards you get from handing in the quest usually better than anything you get from the planet or class quests, the drops you get from the actual boss' especially when doing the lvl 35+, many of these boss' are dropping multiple purple and orange items, plus schems! So if you don't think that getting purple item(s) plural from boss' that are +/- 3 of the quest range isn't enough of a reward then i'd be interested in knowing what exactly would be an appropriate reward?


Also to the person who said that commendations are worthless, you've never seen the purple lock boxes in the commendation vendor? those are always, always worth getting. Even if the item you get isn't for one of your characters or companions. it's still a purple item and is pretty much guaranteed "Bank" at the GTN.


So in conclusion high end items/ and schems as drops from the boss' in the heroics, Codex entries and tittles from some, lots of commendations, and don't forget about light/dark/social points. Still not enough incentive? or do you want a free month of gameplay everytime you finish one?

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Maybe he wanted to actually, you know, complete all the quests? I know, hard concept to get your arms around for those that routinely skip quests but there it is eh? Not everyone is like you.


Well one would think that he wanted to do the quest hence why he was banging his head against the wall trying, but that is not the point.


If he personally NEEDS to clear every quest on a planet then he needs to do it correctly. If he cannot, then he can chalk it up to actually not being able to personally clear all the quests. He failed at his goal.


Does not mean the quests need to be removed so he can artificially claim success at clearing all quests.


Would be like me wanting to play a round on every golf course in the USA. Well..I just cannot make it to Hawaii so please remove all of their golf courses. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!

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I hope they don't get rid of them or downgrade them to heroic 2 mans. I love doing group content and I wish there was more of it. The problem is that so many of the servers are empty so there is no one to do the group content with.


Yeah, that's probably the biggest issue currently. I've found it important to network early on, and even then its not easy to get 4 people together to do these. Then again, many of them can be taken care of with 2 or three players anyway depending on the classes.

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I think people who say Heroic 4s are fine probably never actaully tried to do them. I went back and did every heroic 4 in the game just to see if there's anything interesting, challenging, or rewarding about them and there isn't. About the best thing they've going for them is that you can grind a lot of strong/elite mobs if you're into that kind of thing, but since leveling is super fast in this game it's not even necessary and you can just grind on the heroic 2 mobs assuming there are any heroic 2s on the planet you're at.


The reward for heroic 4 is subpar in terms of quest XP (though killing mob xp is good, but that's just grinding). The loot is usually something halfway between a green and a blue and is nothing interesting. While virtually every heroic 4 can be 2 manned, you're not going to 2 man some of those without at least say tank + healer companion or DPS + healer player, which you won't always have in some of the earlier heroic 4s depending on what class you are.


In fact, if you did all your heroic 4s, you'd be forced to skip a planet or two at some point because you'd have too much XP and you'd see why they literally have no point to exist since doing it means you have to skip other content later, and not in a positive way. No they don't harm anyone and you certainly don't need to do it, but what's the point of having a quest that just sits in your log never to be completed?

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I haven't completed the game yet or done all group missions, but to date I haven't seen a group mission that actually requires any strategy or group coordination. Just need more humans to blow through mob anfter mob.


Maybe a group mish with a little more sophisticated objective that kill, kill, kill, would get more people interested in these missions.


There was one Heroic 4 on Tatooine that required a bit of skill and planning to take on - but that was with three DPS guys and a healer, and only one of the DPS guys was not a "pure DPS" class. We did it by planning our strategy out, making use of markers, and making good use of CC and limiting AoEs. It was a bit tough, but we did it.

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Maybe he wanted to actually, you know, complete all the quests? I know, hard concept to get your arms around for those that routinely skip quests but there it is eh? Not everyone is like you.


Sometimes I want to do Flashpoints, but I can't find enough people online at the same time I am to form a group. So...that means all Flashpoints should be removed?


I No they don't harm anyone and you certainly don't need to do it, but what's the point of having a quest that just sits in your log never to be completed?

I wasn't able to do Athiss 'at level' on a character, and I eventually just leveled past it. Same thing for one of the PvP missions. What's the point of having a flashpoint or PvP mission in my log that's never going to be completed? They should just remove Athiss and all Warzones. I will never do them, so the fact that other people are able to do them or enjoy them is irrelevant.


Really, any mission that I can't complete for whatever reason needs to be removed. Bioware should re-design the entire game around my schedule, my preferences, my server population, and what I have time to do.

Edited by amantheil
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One would think a game company with tons of mmo experience would realize the issues with placing group quests in remote areas, without the questgiver nearby, and no way to share it.


One would think.


One would.


I agree with this. They need to do a much better job of making them accessible. All heroic missions should be shareable to anyone who meets the right minimum requirements. None of them should have pre-reqs. It's extremely frustrating to find someone who wants to do heroics, only to have them drop group because they haven't done the missions leading up to it.

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Don't listen to the fanboys here... You're right, there is a problem. 4-mans might be doable by two people IF YOU HAVE THE RIGHT CLASSES. If you and a buddy are both Jedi Sentinels, and don't have Doc, then you're never going to be able to do it, ever.


The majority of servers have about 40% of their population at max level, or 40% below level 15... On my main (now abandoned) server, I'm usually the only person on the planet I'm questing on at peak hours. I don't even bother picking them up anymore. What's the point? I'm never going to find anyone on the deserted planet to play with.


Shame, as they were fun whilst I was able to do them a couple of months back.



People who comment saying, 'The problem is with you', or 'they're easy, just two man them' are in denial that there are problems with the core mechanics of this games setup. Live in denial if you want, but be aware that's exactly where you are. They weren't designed to be two manned or skipped, they were designed to be done and enjoyed by any and all who wish to partake in them. If that can't happen, which evidently, it can't, then it's broken. Plain and simple.


Its like saying you should be able to solo a Flashpoint because there is a quest avalible for it.... If you cant do the quest drop it. Its not required. I swear Ive never seen a community gripe about have more options lol... Nothing makes you people happy

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its to the point you will never get a group...ever. ive recently decided to level a new character atm its level 36. i sat on balmorra for 3 days just to see about a group for 1 of the 8 quests that required 4 players..i didnt get a single person to join finally after convincing 3 players that they wanted to do these they asked me to share...none of the quests were sharable. im asking please nerf these to needing only 2 players or even better make them soloable. but sitting in my quest log until there grey isnt working.



Yes. Get rid of them immediately or, preferably, re-tune them to 2-man heroics. I'm an obsessive completist when it comes to quests and I've been on Nar Shaddaa for TWO FREAKING DAYS trying to do these stupid quests. I'm going to have to skip them and the OCD in me is going to throw a fit.


Seriously, it's impossible to find groups for these. I play a healer. It's just getting ridiculous at this point. I'd love to see an option to re-tune these quests to 2 man when you can't find 4. "Join an active guild" is not a viable solution. I'm IN an active guild with friends, none of them have alts my level, and if I felt like it I could ask for a run through, but I don't. "Come back when you're higher level" is not a viable solution. I should not have to come back to a quest that offers absolutely nothing for me once I've out-leveled it.


As for the crowd spouting such useless nonsense as "flashpoints are hard to group for, should they be removed", get real. Flashpoints offer plenty for the effort--gear, social points, etc. Heroic quests? Oh, cool, I got some gear that offers a marginal improvement over my current gear, or is inferior. Oh, cool, some xp. I could have ground out more than that in the time it took to get a group.


Heroic quests are not the same as flashpoints. The reward is not worht the time invested. They need to be addressed.

Edited by eldefail
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so we should get rid of a large amount of content a lot of people enjoy because a few people like the OP have OCD?


No, but they could add better incentives for people to repeat them such as the ideas I posted earlier.



And don't say, 'but I do them all the time.' What you do is not necessarily what everyone else does.

Edited by Deyjarl
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I haven't completed the game yet or done all group missions, but to date I haven't seen a group mission that actually requires any strategy or group coordination. Just need more humans to blow through mob anfter mob.


Maybe a group mish with a little more sophisticated objective that kill, kill, kill, would get more people interested in these missions.


Way to cherry pick the post, and miss the point.

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