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To the biased Sents/Maras defending their OP class


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I see what you mean now. But a powetech has a 45 second grapple, you have a leap every 15 seconds?


Not to mention grapple is affected by Resolve. The tears would be amazing if leaps/charges/friendly pulls had an effect on Resolve also....

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Powertechs can pull you to exactly where they want to fight you. They're at a disadvantage if you fight them on a ramp. They can remove you from the ramp to fix this.


Operatives have stealth. They can choose who to fight and where, in addition to significantly more powerful and effective CC than what is given to the Marauder.


Rage Juggs have push that resets leap. They can leap/push/leap and fight you where they want to, provided lag doesn't cause the push to go a random direction.


Marauders? We have to fight you exactly where you stand, and you get to see us coming. If you don't understand how much that requires a different toolset, you've never played a marauder or sentinel.


Agree w/ all of this. Sent / Marauder is the class of tradeoffs. We get very high melee DPS, but we trade it for no consistent ranged attacks. Vanguards and Scoundrels both have ranged attacks that can be used at 30m, and can both kite a Sent / Mara. I don't know about Shadows b/c I haven't played one, so I don't know what their range capability is, but I'm pretty sure they can at least 10m kite no problem.


We get a stun, but the tradeoff is it's channeled. Everyone else can pop their stun on you and proceed to unload their biggest attacks, or to use that time to close distance or increase distance. Sents have to channel it the whole time so it can't be used as a gap closer, and you can't proceed to unload with high dmg attacks while they're stunned.


We get a paladin bubble, but the tradeoff is 50% health. This pretty much relegates its usefulness to when you're at < 20% health. Still a nice skill, but once again there is always a tradeoff.


We get a stealth, but the tradeoff is it's only a couple of seconds and if you do just about anything you pop out of stealth. If you pop your medpack, you get taken out of stealth.


We have nice burst dmg, but the tradeoff is we have to ramp up to it. I'm pretty sure every other class (except Jugg) can unload their best attacks from the moment they see you. Sents have to build focus in order to use their best attacks.


I think people look at our tool set and think, "They get high dmg, a stun, a bubble, burst, and stealth! OP!" But the reality isn't nearly as good as it sounds. Well that, and a lot of people I run into have no idea how to kite, so they just sit there and try to face tank me. Sent / Mara are definitely OP if you just stand still and mash buttons.

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come out of dream land . wow you spent 1/2 health so you say that at 15% health that you going to die you spent 7% health and effectively mitigate 20-30% HP damage (conservative estimation) and you either gain 35% health from stim and do dps that will kill your target or just dps your target with your heavy hitters till its dead and you cry about 1/2 current health lost? are you that kind of an idiot that you pop that at 100% health? then go a lobotomise yourself. if not just use your lethargic brain and dont compose that kind of BS.


in general your def skills were not much of a problem coze fight were longer 5 secs in a 30 sec fight was ok but 5 secs in an 15 sec fight currently is god mode.

and all that courtesy of lowering expertise def... expertise might work as intented but the blanket cover it offered for many problems is now lifted.

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