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Profanity Filter


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Bioware.. WHY do you give people the option to turn off their profanity filter, then allow them to report someone for using profanity? Look, either make the profanity filter something that you can't turn off, or ignore it when people report someone for using profanity! Are you working for the government? Is that why you go both ways?


Thats some bull**** omg, my filter works..

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Ey even with profanity filter on I know when someone is serious scolding at me. Turning it off makes it so I can screencap what he said and report him. Not because he's using profanity but because he's going against ToS. (insulting other players)
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thats a little to far as for me i turn it off so i can read it there only words but words i know well i do swear my self and will swear at others i dont care they can report me if they like they are the ones being childern after all . but thats just what i think if bioware dint want it ingameat all then no one would be able to turn it off
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thats a little to far as for me i turn it off so i can read it there only words but words i know well i do swear my self and will swear at others i dont care they can report me if they like they are the ones being childern after all . but thats just what i think if bioware dint want it ingameat all then no one would be able to turn it off



There is a difference with swearing and telling someone to die at birth/choke/commit suicide/


Hey I swear myself sometimes but it's childish to say someone needs to die/b@ng their parents and stuff like that. Even I say sometimes that someone is an idiot but I wont tell them to go hang themselves.

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The Profanity Filter is there as a means for people to censor out explicit language - it does not however excuse people from reporting the content, filter on or off.


The best policy is just to not swear in the first place, or if you really must, keep it within private channels (e.g. Friends, guildies) - use polite language where possible, and remain constructive - you don't HAVE to swear to get your point across.

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The Profanity Filter is there as a means for people to censor out explicit language - it does not however excuse people from reporting the content, filter on or off.


The best policy is just to not swear in the first place, or if you really must, keep it within private channels (e.g. Friends, guildies) - use polite language where possible, and remain constructive - you don't HAVE to swear to get your point across.


The thing is, most people have the profanity filter off because BioWare even put common used words in it. (and I'm not talking about swearing words)

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The thing is, most people have the profanity filter off because BioWare even put common used words in it. (and I'm not talking about swearing words)


You are missing the point. We're not talking about what is and what isn't censored, or the functionality of the filter in the first place.


If you swear, use explicit language or go against any of the Terms of Service, you are liable to be reported. Some words HAVE been filtered inappropriately, but that's requiring a developer solution to make the filters less sensitive.

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Honestly, the easiest solution to this is to ignore people that you don't want to be bothered with. Some people don't care about swearing, some people do... the point being, we all have the choice and I think BW has given us the option to use the filter as a tool. If you are with friends, and a certain type of language that you decide to use amongst your group, is your business. If you don't like swearing, or if you choose to use the filter, realize it has some limitations and may screen words that you might not consider to be a curse or swear word.


If you don't care about swearing, and choose to turn the filter off, then that is your business. People ... really...!?! This is kind of a useless topic. Harassment and being abusive towards someone, is a lot different than "swearing" or using profanity. Again, people should have the choice to filter or not filter. Use profanity or not use profanity. Once upon a time, things were about making choices, and it seems these days, the majority of people want someone to always make rules and decide everything for them. Choose for yourself and don't worry so much about what other people do, and the world is a much happier place. :)

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I think the real issue is people not being able to be adults in regard to the context of the profanity.


For example, I spent almost 7 years in the Army, in the Mechanized Infantry and Cavalry, and for us, profanity is part of basic communication. It is used to emphasize the point of a statement. However, addressing a person in such a manner was considered extremely disrespectful, as it was usually used as an insult.


The point being, just because a person drops the f-bomb in a sentance isn't a big deal. Be an adult, recognize that they have the right to say it (in America, at least) and get on with your day. Most importantly, recognize that they weren't singling you out with that utterance, and it was nothing personal.


However... If they use that language to insult you directly, as in 'You stupid f---' or 'Die B----', by all means, report, because that is harassment, and a blatant violation of ToS. And it's very personal.


See the difference?

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The point being, just because a person drops the f-bomb in a sentance isn't a big deal. Be an adult, recognize that they have the right to say it (in America, at least) and get on with your day. Most importantly, recognize that they weren't singling you out with that utterance, and it was nothing personal.



They have the right to say it, but on the same token, people have the right to report it.


Why not do the more grown up thing, which is just simply to not use profanity to a member of the public (private chats I have no problem with so long as both parties consent)

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I think the real issue is people not being able to be adults in regard to the context of the profanity.


For example, I spent almost 7 years in the Army, in the Mechanized Infantry and Cavalry, and for us, profanity is part of basic communication. It is used to emphasize the point of a statement. However, addressing a person in such a manner was considered extremely disrespectful, as it was usually used as an insult.


The point being, just because a person drops the f-bomb in a sentance isn't a big deal. Be an adult, recognize that they have the right to say it (in America, at least) and get on with your day. Most importantly, recognize that they weren't singling you out with that utterance, and it was nothing personal.


However... If they use that language to insult you directly, as in 'You stupid f---' or 'Die B----', by all means, report, because that is harassment, and a blatant violation of ToS. And it's very personal.


See the difference?


Perfectly put.

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I think the real issue is people not being able to be adults in regard to the context of the profanity.


For example, I spent almost 7 years in the Army, in the Mechanized Infantry and Cavalry, and for us, profanity is part of basic communication. It is used to emphasize the point of a statement. However, addressing a person in such a manner was considered extremely disrespectful, as it was usually used as an insult.


The point being, just because a person drops the f-bomb in a sentance isn't a big deal. Be an adult, recognize that they have the right to say it (in America, at least) and get on with your day. Most importantly, recognize that they weren't singling you out with that utterance, and it was nothing personal.


However... If they use that language to insult you directly, as in 'You stupid f---' or 'Die B----', by all means, report, because that is harassment, and a blatant violation of ToS. And it's very personal.


See the difference?


Agreed on this one as well.

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They have the right to say it, but on the same token, people have the right to report it.


Why not do the more grown up thing, which is just simply to not use profanity to a member of the public (private chats I have no problem with so long as both parties consent)


That's completely contradictory. If they have the right to say it, someone shouldn't be reporting it, as it would be frivolous. The point the op is making is that we apparently DON'T have the right to say what we want and the hypocrisy is that you can turn off the profanity filter.


Why have that ability at all if you don't allow it? (rhetorical) If Bioware doesn't want people communicating like that in their game, that's fine, it's a private venue and they can do that. (Even though, i find it absolutely disgusting assault on free speech.)


The Rules of Conduct state:

Profanity is not acceptable in communications on the forums or anywhere on the Service.


After a user reported being banned for using profanity in a private chat:

We have a profanity filter to help with public chats, but in private messages (AKA whispers/tells), party chat or guild chat, if a person is swearing and are reported, they’ll be investigated. No-one has had action taken on their account without a report being filed and there is no active monitoring of ‘private channels’ within the game.


Screenshot from Reddit: http://img4.pixhost.org/images/1052/12041065_stupid-policy.png


This, in my opinion, is a stupid policy. It's only "offensive" if someone finds it offensive? That's not a clear guideline of acceptable conduct especially for a legal contract. Something like "Don't say it if you wouldn't say it in front of your mother." isn't acceptable, as you don't know my mother. I find people killing me in pvp offensive, can i report them for that?


1 of 2 things could have resolved this if they are confined by legal reasons.

The game should have come with an M rating.

The most basic statement every MMO has: "Online Interactions Not Rated By The ESRB."

Edited by Verraton
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Bioware.. WHY do you give people the option to turn off their profanity filter, then allow them to report someone for using profanity? Look, either make the profanity filter something that you can't turn off, or ignore it when people report someone for using profanity! Are you working for the government? Is that why you go both ways?


Thats some bull**** omg, my filter works..


haha yeah I find this to be hilarious .. I like profanity and I also enjoy the /ignore function.


It is a bit silly ..

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I think the real issue is people not being able to be adults in regard to the context of the profanity.


For example, I spent almost 7 years in the Army, in the Mechanized Infantry and Cavalry, and for us, profanity is part of basic communication. It is used to emphasize the point of a statement. However, addressing a person in such a manner was considered extremely disrespectful, as it was usually used as an insult.


The point being, just because a person drops the f-bomb in a sentance isn't a big deal. Be an adult, recognize that they have the right to say it (in America, at least) and get on with your day. Most importantly, recognize that they weren't singling you out with that utterance, and it was nothing personal.


However... If they use that language to insult you directly, as in 'You stupid f---' or 'Die B----', by all means, report, because that is harassment, and a blatant violation of ToS. And it's very personal.


See the difference?


Well said. Also, you can insult someone perfectly without using profanity at all. Basically profanity ≠ insult


If you're extremely happy something worked out against all odds and you shout "HELL F*CKIN' YEAH!!!", then I see no insult/harassment there. It's almost on a whole different plane of existence compared to when you use the same F-words directed to one or more persons after something failed against all odds :p


Taking offense at someone using profane words is a whole different (and personal) thing though. But I think it's safe to say most people don't take offense at it.


TL;DR profanity ≠ insult

Edited by Y-Yorle
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Speaking as an Australian, swearing is a large part in our culture ( Except for those stick up the bum 9-5 office working pretty boys ) We swear all the time, we swear at eachother, we swear alot, but down here we do not really view swearing as being that bad, i mean who decided the word pineapple is worse then "A S S" ? even when we swear at eachother, it means nothing they are just words, i have had an account warning for swearing, was i insulting somebody? No, i mentioned the word (Activity in which you use your hand alone).


Having a profanity filter and then punishing those for swearing, because people with it turned off and are offended is redundant and idiotic at the very least, especially for a game rated for teens and up, this is not hello kityy adventures.

Edited by CapWinterz
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Speaking as an Australian, swearing is a large part in our culture ( Except for those stick up the bum 9-5 office working pretty boys ) We swear all the time, we swear at eachother, we swear alot, but down here we do not really view swearing as being that bad, i mean who decided the word pineapple is worse then "A S S" ? even when we swear at eachother, it means nothing they are just words, i have had an account warning for swearing, was i insulting somebody? No, i mentioned the word (Activity in which you use your hand alone).


Having a profanity filter and then punishing those for swearing, because people with it turned off and are offended is redundant and idiotic at the very least, especially for a game rated for teens and up, this is not hello kityy adventures.

You must live in a different Australia to me.


It is never okay to swear or use filthy language, and it's even worse when done so in front of children.


But thank you for making Australia look bad.

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Tell that to devs. I got a warning for saying "tard". (im collecting screens of silly warnings please link them @mewmewnopewpew (twitter) :cool:) (note the hello kitty reference in my twitter name ? :p)




The funny part is, I was not even saying it to someone but saying that ks-ers act like a tard. /facepalm


I meant account warning, as in my in-game account not forums account, ive had 3 or 4 forum warnings, 1 of them was for calling somebody who was being racist "Ignorant" and then my comment was deleted, and yet the racist comment stayed there.

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You must live in a different Australia to me.


It is never okay to swear or use filthy language, and it's even worse when done so in front of children.


But thank you for making Australia look bad.


Saying that we don't take offense by swear words because we have moved past the stupidity of being offended by 1 word but not another word makes us look bad, hmm.


There are many parts to Australia, we are very diverse so i thought it would be self explanatory that not every town in Australia is a mirror image.

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I meant account warning, as in my in-game account not forums account, ive had 3 or 4 forum warnings, 1 of them was for calling somebody who was being racist "Ignorant" and then my comment was deleted, and yet the racist comment stayed there.


Ingame is the same.


Got a friend that has a char name named "Anyone". He was one of those guys that replied with "No thank you" when people said in general "Anyone for heroic ?" "Anyone can help me ?"


He got a warning for it.


Too bad you can't put images or I would have linked the Joker to the devteam with "Why so serious ?".

Edited by Kirameki
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Everyone of you ***************************************************************************************************************************************************** and ***************************************************************************************************************************because the******************************************************************************************. Now do you understand?
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They have the right to say it, but on the same token, people have the right to report it.


Why not do the more grown up thing, which is just simply to not use profanity to a member of the public (private chats I have no problem with so long as both parties consent)


I think the issue was best explained by Stephen Fry, a wonderfully intelligent, and well spoken man:


"It's now very common to hear people say 'I'm rather offended by that.' As if that gives them certain rights; It's actually nothing more... it's simply a whine. It's no more than a whine. 'I find that offensive,' it has no meaning, it has no purpose, it has no reason to be respected as a phrase. 'I am offended by that,' well so f------ what?"


Not to mention his choice words on, well, choice words:


Swearing is a really important part of one's life. It would be impossible to imagine going through life without swearing and without enjoying swearing... There used to be mad, silly, prissy people who used to say swearing was a sign of a poor vocabulary -such utter nonsense. The people I know who swear the most tend to have the widest vocabularies and the kind of person who says swearing is a sign of a poor vocabulary usually have a pretty poor vocabulary themselves... The sort of twee person who thinks swearing is in any way a sign of a lack of education or a lack of verbal interest or -is just a f------ lunatic... I haven't met anybody who's truly shocked at swearing, really, they're only shocked on behalf of other people. Well, you know, that's preposterous... or they say 'it's not necessary'. As if that should stop one doing it! It's not necessary to have coloured socks, it's not necessary for this cushion to be here, but is anyone going to write in and say 'I was shocked to see that cushion there, it really wasn't necessary'? No, things not being necessary is what makes life interesting -the little extras in life.


I couldn't have said it better myself.

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