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The Game Crash Contest!


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As most of us know by now the new 1.2 patch brought about a glitch that randomly crashes the game making you reopen relogg and reload the game each time.


But! Since I'm sure Bioware knows this issue I say we make a game of it, The one with the most crashes in one day OR the best disconnect story wins.


Lets vent some anger while we wait guys! :D

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Do I win because I've had 0 issues?


Same here. Got on at 6am to do some dailies while I had my coffee... logged at 8 to meet a client. back at 10 for more, off at 1:30 for a meeting, back at 3, and now it's 4:30 and heading out take a client to dinner.


No problems for me, even with a stretch of AFK while I took a phone call.

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