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Bioware, why are you forcing me into content I already did or content I don't enjoy?


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I'm a pvp-player only and I really would like to play Heal-Mercenary at lvl 50 with my Friends. I already have a Marauder. However, i'm forced to play trough the same boring content I already did with my Marauder (And other lvl 20 alts..). I enjoy the class quests. However, I don't enjoy boring side quests.

Yes, I could level trough PvP.However, the Warzones don't award enough EP to be able to keep up with pure questing-EP, especially after lvl 2x. Also I miss a lot of talents and abilities, which puts me really in a disadvantage against higher levels.


So could someone please tell me why i'm forced to play content I don't enjoy at all? Why is the content I enjoy (PvP, Class Quests (( and flash points)) ) not awarding the same EP as questing?


EDIT: .. The answers. I enjoy the endgame but I don't enjoy the leveling. I enjoy the class quests but I don't enjoy boring side quests. I love pvp. So why can't I level fast trough PvP? It would make the game much more enjoyable for PvP-players. Leveling trough Class Quest and PvP only in a reasonable amount of time would be amazing!

Edited by Teabaker
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I'm a pvp-player only and I really would like to play Heal-Mercenary at lvl 50 with my Friends. I already have a Marauder. However, i'm forced to play trough the same boring content I already did with my Marauder (And other lvl 20 alts..). I enjoy the class quests. However, I don't enjoy boring side quests.

Yes, I could level trough PvP.However, the Warzones don't award enough EP to be able to keep up with pure questing-EP, especially after lvl 2x. Also I miss a lot of talents and abilities, which puts me really in a disadvantage against higher levels.


So could someone please tell me why i'm forced to play content I don't enjoy at all? Why is the content I enjoy (PvP, Class Quests (( and flash points)) ) not awarding the same EP as questing?


..... Not even 1000 Capt. Picard /facepalm's would equally represent the magnitude of /facepalm id like to do right now ...

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i don't have a link, but if you check the legacy window under the coming soon panel, you'll find alternate advancement options such as more exp from warzones or space combat missions etc.


I hope that's not to expensive >.>

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Whole new revamped open-world PvP coming, too. As well as ranked WZ's.


What the hell is "soon"?


I see you on some personal crusade to defend BW at every turn, yet no one knows ANYTHING about even a ballpark figure of when this will be.


It's going to take a loooooong time for them to release open world PvP and ranked WZs won't be anytime soon. With all of the mmos coming out very, very soon, I believe it'll be too little too late.


So in short: "They are releasing content they were supposed to release before, sometime in the future."

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What the hell is "soon"?


I see you on some personal crusade to defend BW at every turn, yet no one knows ANYTHING about even a ballpark figure of when this will be.


It's going to take a loooooong time for them to release open world PvP and ranked WZs won't be anytime soon. With all of the mmos coming out very, very soon, I believe it'll be too little too late.


So in short: "They are releasing content they were supposed to release before, sometime in the future."


What can I say? I'm a patient guy. Maybe it's due to fatherhood. *shrugs* "It's coming" is a helluva lot better than "No", wouldn't you say? Especially when there is so much to do in the game right now for those that wish to. And those that don't... well, like me an WoW, we've parted ways long ago.


I never even posted on their forum I was leaving.

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I take issue with the word "forced". No one is "forced" to play a game...


But they did, I am being held captive by Bioware employees that invaded my house, have my credit cards, I am strapped to a chair while they whip me with a cat o nine tails if I don’t play!.


( chuckle )

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There is no upper level fun....


there is no exploration


there is no random rare item finds


there is no crafting community


the credit sink is too large for non daily runners.


the pvp system is sooooo boring.


I am going to Diablo 3 until that bores me too.


then I'm going to Guild Wars 2 until that bores me also.


So, come May 14th... this MMO ends for me.

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Log on to the game ... go to any character with a legacy. Type "y" or click on the little shield in the center of the bar at the top of your screen (assuming you use default layout). Click future options or what ever its called. Notice the options for leveling? Yeah in 1.3 there will be the ability to weight what style of play you would like to get the most exp out of.


I KNOW .. it was right there all the time .. the information was in your hands. Imagine that! :p;)


Why they have to wait till 1.3 I don't know .. I will prolly have a full server of levl 50 alts by then and not need it! lol ;)

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I really don't understand. Are they really forcing you to quest? Is someone threathening you or something?! If I wouldn't like to quest, I... don't quest. Sure, it'd take more time to level though pvping, space missions but I wouldn't mind at all. Maybe I'm just used to insane xp grinding (asian mmos).
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There is no upper level fun....


there is no exploration


there is no random rare item finds


there is no crafting community


the credit sink is too large for non daily runners.


the pvp system is sooooo boring.


I am going to Diablo 3 until that bores me too.


then I'm going to Guild Wars 2 until that bores me also.


So, come May 14th... this MMO ends for me.


There is however a constant stream of a minority of people ( or the same people over and over and over ) that don’t like the game, but constantly come to these boards and post.

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There is no upper level fun....


there is no exploration


there is no random rare item finds


there is no crafting community


the credit sink is too large for non daily runners.


the pvp system is sooooo boring.


I am going to Diablo 3 until that bores me too.


then I'm going to Guild Wars 2 until that bores me also.


So, come May 14th... this MMO ends for me.


p. much this.

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So the OP enjoys the class quests, but finds the side quests boring....and the problem is? Simply don't do the side quests, they are not required to move along the story. The obvious bonus of side quests is the xp and loot and well it will take you a bit longer to level without them. You do have a choice and are not forced in anyway to do the side quests.
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I'm a pvp-player only and I really would like to play Heal-Mercenary at lvl 50 with my Friends. I already have a Marauder. However, i'm forced to play trough the same boring content I already did with my Marauder (And other lvl 20 alts..). I enjoy the class quests. However, I don't enjoy boring side quests.

Yes, I could level trough PvP.However, the Warzones don't award enough EP to be able to keep up with pure questing-EP, especially after lvl 2x. Also I miss a lot of talents and abilities, which puts me really in a disadvantage against higher levels.


So could someone please tell me why i'm forced to play content I don't enjoy at all? Why is the content I enjoy (PvP, Class Quests (( and flash points)) ) not awarding the same EP as questing?


Wait for 1.3 and you can get bonuses for leveling with your favorite playstyle ie pvp, pve, and flashpoints. Start a republic alt and wait for 1.3. Don't spam the forums but do research instead of posting on the forums, but don't assert theres not enough content just because you refuse to do anything else like flashpoints or pvp.

Edited by -Sev
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I'm a pvp-player only and I really would like to play Heal-Mercenary at lvl 50 with my Friends. I already have a Marauder. However, i'm forced to play trough the same boring content I already did with my Marauder (And other lvl 20 alts..). I enjoy the class quests. However, I don't enjoy boring side quests.

Yes, I could level trough PvP.However, the Warzones don't award enough EP to be able to keep up with pure questing-EP, especially after lvl 2x. Also I miss a lot of talents and abilities, which puts me really in a disadvantage against higher levels.


So could someone please tell me why i'm forced to play content I don't enjoy at all? Why is the content I enjoy (PvP, Class Quests (( and flash points)) ) not awarding the same EP as questing?



I remember my first MMO too ...

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