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Open World PVP ideas


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PvP servers only


Reduce the effectiveness of expertise outside of warzones (to compensate for players in PvE gear)


You gain valor/commendations when killing a player up to 3 levels below you


You gain additional valor/commendations for killing a player above your level


You gain no valor/commendations when killing a player 3-5 levels lower than you


You lose valor/ commendations when killing a player more the 5 levels lower than you (and you were the aggressor)

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I love open world pvp. If there was any sort of reward for it I would do it every second I was logged in. Except if this was in place. I think there should be rewards for killing players near ur level and circumstances for killing lower lvls but 3-5? That's the majority of the people I see. And people above your level? What if your 50. Plus I shouldn't lose valor for killing a low lvl. I kill everything I see. It's the point. It's a lot of fun to destroy a lvl 15. That being said maybe a 20 min debuff or something. So maybe max valor for killing ppl withing 10 lvls. 80% for killing ppl 10 lvls below. 50% for lvls 10-15 lvls lower . 20% for ppl 15-20 and a debuff for anyone 20-xx lvls. You also have to put in a system to stop griefing. Ganking a griefing are different. I will melt a lvl 10 if I see him running around. But i won't keep killing him. That's the difference. Ganking = fun , griefing = not so much and boring. Have a timer on valor. The more u kill one person the less u get until that timer resets.


Example: I know it's not that game. It star wars galaxies had a great open world pvp system foundation. U killed someone u got points toward ur ranking. That was pretty much it. Except for the war on talus. It was a city under siege. Same rules applied but if ur faction owned the city it spawned ur faction high lvl mobs. Bring back illum with an ONGOING story but also add anytime anywhere, real open world pvp.


Me getting ganked at a low lvl was fun. It motivated me to pvp more and get my weight up when I reached higher lvls. It's part of the experience.

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I love open world pvp. If there was any sort of reward for it I would do it every second I was logged in. Except if this was in place. I think there should be rewards for killing players near ur level and circumstances for killing lower lvls but 3-5? That's the majority of the people I see. And people above your level? What if your 50. Plus I shouldn't lose valor for killing a low lvl. I kill everything I see. It's the point. It's a lot of fun to destroy a lvl 15. That being said maybe a 20 min debuff or something. So maybe max valor for killing ppl withing 10 lvls. 80% for killing ppl 10 lvls below. 50% for lvls 10-15 lvls lower . 20% for ppl 15-20 and a debuff for anyone 20-xx lvls. You also have to put in a system to stop griefing. Ganking a griefing are different. I will melt a lvl 10 if I see him running around. But i won't keep killing him. That's the difference. Ganking = fun , griefing = not so much and boring. Have a timer on valor. The more u kill one person the less u get until that timer resets.


Me getting ganked at a low lvl was fun. It motivated me to pvp more and get my weight up when I reached higher lvls. It's part of the experience.


This guy is right.

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PvP servers only


Reduce the effectiveness of expertise outside of warzones (to compensate for players in PvE gear)


You gain valor/commendations when killing a player up to 3 levels below you


You gain additional valor/commendations for killing a player above your level


You gain no valor/commendations when killing a player 3-5 levels lower than you


You lose valor/ commendations when killing a player more the 5 levels lower than you (and you were the aggressor)


1:Expertise was introduced precisely to counter pve gear in pvp. Not compensate wearing it.


2: you can not force world pvp, world pvp does not exist outside idea form.


World pvp might be attractive to someone, on paper, but if he had the chance to do it, he will always whine about being outnumbered.

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Open world pvp is attractive not just on paper, especially on a pvp server. Take out all the PVE and replace it with open world pvp and I'm a happy man.


I don't understand the people that whine. If you are outnumbered then you call for help. The other side does the same until you don't have anymore reinforcements. Then you call it a lose and a good battle and live to fight another day. There is nothing that makes me mad more then when I kill an enemy and either I hear them complain or someone on my side as why did I kill them. And my response is "I rolled a pvp server for this reason if they don't like it then both of you can go play on a PVE server and not worry about it"

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