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Jugger 16 12 13 build

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^ that's currently what i'm running for my jugg, i was wondering on anyone opinions of it (i know that the immortal spec the points are distributed correctly, though i cant remember off the top of my head if the other 2 are correct though i know the points allotted are right. i will update later with the correct one if i am indeed off)

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^ that's currently what i'm running for my jugg, i was wondering on anyone opinions of it (i know that the immortal spec the points are distributed correctly, though i cant remember off the top of my head if the other 2 are correct though i know the points allotted are right. i will update later with the correct one if i am indeed off)


I don't know what this build is supposed to accomplish but it's terrible.

If you absolutely must run a build like this, it should look something like this:

http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#101RrGkzzMZfzr0MZGR0Mz.1 Personally i think a tri spec build is awful.

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you need to go further up a tree to get its big benifits

you dont have the smash dmg of rage and you dont have access to shien form in vengence and imo you should have points in sonic barrier in imortal too

try it, if u like it then great but you seem too divided to fill any kind of role

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The problem with the tri-spec is you are wasting a bunch of points on abilities that only benefit you if you are in Shi-Cho or Soresu forms (but not both) and all to get a non-channelled force choke ability. If you want a survivable DPS build, try this one: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#101RMGzuzZcrrorhzzZMM.1


If you want Rage, you need to go all the way to the top and then buff it with Vengeance and a splash of Immortal.

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I'm have to agree with sookie, tri-spec builds are pretty much awful and like him I'm inclined to say that your build makes no sense (1/2 unstoppable and 1/2 draining scream? lolwat)


The build he linked is the one that's closest to being anywhere NEAR useful and even then... it's just not rage or talent efficient.

Edited by Dracosz
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this is the build that i am running currently, had to tab out of the game a couple of times but i know this one is right ( i did mention that my previous post might be off a bit from what i actually had, as it was late night when i made the post )

Edited by Alexia-Moi-Voss
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I really feel like the hybrid specs arent as viable as the straight through specs. Pre 1.2 i ran a veng/rage hybrid that gave my force scream like... HOLY **** mode. However that was the only thing capable and it was just as good, if not worse, than vengeance tree. The thing with the juggernaut trees are that each tree is stance reliant. If you go down the immortal tree you use Soresu. If you go down the Vengeance you use Shien. And the rage tree uses Shii-Cho. You can get away with using Soresu form and going a little furhter into the immortal tree if youre running a vengeance spec, but this is hard to keep up the rage costs. Without grabbing Shatter in the vengeance tree you lose out on a lot of DoT dmg. If you run in soresu form, its hard to keep up with the rage costs of the vengeance moves. Also, without shatter your rotation is really dry and damage wont be significant. Basically! juggernauts hybrids arent as good as the one tree builds. If anything, stick with a 10/31/0 build and run in soresu form if you want a little more survivability at a cut to dmg. or even just run a 4/33/4 build and switch to soresu situtaionally.
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