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Why not move forward? Why not play to the strengths of the game? I'm not an avid poster, but i read the forums all the time. Every day i log in its always the same thing "PVP PVP PVP". One would think to play to one's strengths. If you didn't know, money runs the world. We think to ourselves, "who has money?" consumers have money. Consumers needs are not too hard to meet, especially when it comes to a video game. We understand that not everyone will be satisfied, but at some point the general needs must stick out. Low pop servers with 74 players on it.... are they not consumers? Do they deserve to re-roll just because their servers died? Should they not be given the opportunity to experience this MMO like everyone else? Instead of showing flare with the new website, or the flaw of a legacy system with no rewards for those that are 30+ legacy. How about we look at the difficult problems of holding a consumer base in this MMO. It has to be apparent to anyone who pays attention. I challenge everyone who reads this. Please scroll through the general forums and look at the topics of discussion. This is more of a plea than a complaint. It's like raising a son and you want to do whats best for him, but turning your back and letting destruction commence. Stand up and do something about it. We all have jobs, stand up and take pride in your work. So one day you may look back and say "yeah, that was me."


-server merges.

-resolve system




-open world pvp (galactic domination, objectives, dailies)

-pride in player achievements

-acknowledgement for those achievements



12:39 a.m. redbull......


So lets condense and focus in on what we, the consumers, want. Additions are welcome, but lets try to keep in mind the big picture.



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Uh, the red bull has caused you to spew out a stream of consciousness post that after reading twice I still couldn't understand what you want.


Do us both a favor... switch the red bull with some alcohol.

Edited by OmegaMayhem
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Hear! Hear! seeing as the game to me at least seems mostly pvp based as i see less lfg posts daily. they should work on the things that are starting to make pvp unbearable. the resolve bar isnt working. so why not work around it? find a different approach to it where you cant be cc'd 10 times in a row, dead before you are unstunned. they said they didnt like the open world pvp. then make it objective based. if they said the average player only has 1 mil credits. why make the legacy unlocks more than that. when the legacy is something you earned. why add things on when things are already broken in the game.
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Uh, the red bull has caused you to spew out a stream of consciousness post that after reading twice I still couldn't understand what you want.


Do us both a favor... switch the red bull with some alcohol.



What i want is for those who actually want to play the game and not just troll, to post the problems that seem to be wide spread through-out the forums and tell BW what they want. How about we stop with the criticism and come together as a community to help the game instead of hurt it. What ever happened to the community?


More specifically, i was trying to point out the simple fact that the problems are there, but i feel that we as a "community" are going about it the wrong way. Simply post what we need to keep this MMO strong.

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What i want is for those who actually want to play the game and not just troll, to post the problems that seem to be wide spread through-out the forums and tell BW what they want. How about we stop with the criticism and come together as a community to help the game instead of hurt it. What ever happened to the community?


More specifically, i was trying to point out the simple fact that the problems are there, but i feel that we as a "community" are going about it the wrong way. Simply post what we need to keep this MMO strong.


All well and good, but far too vague.




Too much? Not enough? Not enough counters? Too high cooldown on CC breakers?


Your post lacks the info to say what you think the problem is and what you think the solution is.

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Hear! Hear! seeing as the game to me at least seems mostly pvp based as i see less lfg posts daily. they should work on the things that are starting to make pvp unbearable. the resolve bar isnt working. so why not work around it? find a different approach to it where you cant be cc'd 10 times in a row, dead before you are unstunned. they said they didnt like the open world pvp. then make it objective based. if they said the average player only has 1 mil credits. why make the legacy unlocks more than that. when the legacy is something you earned. why add things on when things are already broken in the game.


Trust me, this is not a PvP based game. You're seeing less LFG posts because people are slowly giving up on the game or they have found guilds to raid with so they aren't looking for people to join them. Also, you have a lot of people who have literally done everything at level 50 and are now waiting for new content. Much of the recent class balance tweaks are PvP based because PvP places a lot more demands on how finely tuned class balance is in the game.

As for the idea of fixing what's broken, I whole-heartedly agree but I no longer believe it's really going to happen. It needs to happen, and the sooner the better, but I don't think BW and EA see this the same way the players do.


Things the game desperately needs:


Optimization to work with GPUs, both Nvidia and AMD

Fix whatever the issue is that requires the RAM disk work around

An LFG tool, preferably cross server

Server merges or transfers, either will work

Cross-server warzone ques

Fixes for bugs that have been around since beta such as ability delay issues

Some form of viable open world PvP, preferably involving player controlled bases or cities and real sieges

Radical improvement in communication between the players and the developers


That's it off the top of my head.

Edited by RobNightfall
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What i want is for those who actually want to play the game and not just troll, to post the problems that seem to be wide spread through-out the forums and tell BW what they want. How about we stop with the criticism and come together as a community to help the game instead of hurt it. What ever happened to the community?


Those who like the game are playing. Those who dont, are fed up, log out from game and come to forum to QQ.


Im writing this while sipping my morning coffee so I don't count.

Edited by Karkais
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Hear! Hear! seeing as the game to me at least seems mostly pvp based as i see less lfg posts daily. they should work on the things that are starting to make pvp unbearable. the resolve bar isnt working. so why not work around it? find a different approach to it where you cant be cc'd 10 times in a row, dead before you are unstunned. they said they didnt like the open world pvp. then make it objective based. if they said the average player only has 1 mil credits. why make the legacy unlocks more than that. when the legacy is something you earned. why add things on when things are already broken in the game.


One question please: how do you think the resolve bar is working (meaning what do you think the mechanics are)? Can you describe what you understand from the resolve bar and how you use is to your advantage?

Edited by Shibata
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Hear! Hear! seeing as the game to me at least seems mostly pvp based as i see less lfg posts daily. they should work on the things that are starting to make pvp unbearable. the resolve bar isnt working. so why not work around it? find a different approach to it where you cant be cc'd 10 times in a row, dead before you are unstunned. they said they didnt like the open world pvp. then make it objective based. if they said the average player only has 1 mil credits. why make the legacy unlocks more than that. when the legacy is something you earned. why add things on when things are already broken in the game.


The resovle system is overly complex and basically doesn't work.


Strangely Bioware worked with WARs CC system for 20 months before SWTOR went Live yet didn't see the benifits from there.




RvR needs to be in, an MMORPG and more a Star Wars one without it in 2012 is baffling.

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One question please: how do you think the resolve bar is working (meaning what do you think the mechanics are)? Can you describe what you understand from the resolve bar and how you use is to your advantage?


The major problem with the resolve bar is that by the time you're un-CCable you're probably already dead and have been CC'd multiple times by sensible players.


It also drops off too fast.


That wouldn't be such an issue in a rated Group v Group situation, but it doesn't work very well for anything else.


Conversly a simple immunity system works all the time, in every situation.

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Resolve bar is a total joke on this game. You can start being CCed full life and die without having a free moment out of CCs.

Server merge is the NUMBER 1 PRIORITY, they said, and where is it? I love this game and play it a lot, but I'm not going to reroll on other servers cause I don't want to leave all my toons on a ghost town.

Legacy System: I'm lvl 28 legacy, why should I pay for unlocks? Make unlocks payable by people who did not spend the time I spent levelling alts!

LFG tool: what the hell you need to put it in the game?

Companions implants and earpiece not working: HEY WHY IS IT NOT FIXED YET????!!!!


Remember that I love this game and playing all BW games, but I'm tired of being in a ghost town with bugs rolling and rolling and never getting fixed.

Edited by NinjaApacHe
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The major problem with the resolve bar is that by the time you're un-CCable you're probably already dead and have been CC'd multiple times by sensible players.


It also drops off too fast.


That wouldn't be such an issue in a rated Group v Group situation, but it doesn't work very well for anything else.


Conversly a simple immunity system works all the time, in every situation.


Ok, so you know how to use it i take it. Then we are talking about a different aspect here: the resolve system works as intended, but is not a very good system. People may want a system similar or the same with diminishing returns. What the problem on forums and in discussions is: a lot of people think and post that resolve is broken (yet they do not know hot to properly use it) and keep saying it over and over and confuse even more people. The discussion should be: change the system or improve the times you are actually immune after properly using your CC breaker after resolve bar fills up.

Edited by Shibata
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All well and good, but far too vague.




Too much? Not enough? Not enough counters? Too high cooldown on CC breakers?


Your post lacks the info to say what you think the problem is and what you think the solution is.


Don't play like we are all ignorant about this game when it comes to PVP and CC's. We all know that good players and bad players alike exploit the crap out of CC's as a get out a jail free card every 2 minutes. I'm not a DEV, I'm a guy who is pointing out the simple fact of there are problem.

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