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The Pros and Cons of a Marauder


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For your cons.


1. Actually true, but definitely not as bad as you make it out to be. Most classes don't have enough ways to escape from melee range to stretch our ability to gap close, and Force Leap is a low enough CD to be counted twice. Even a Sorc, who i believe has the most ways of escaping, is easy enough to stay in melee range of. I leap, he knocksback, I camo, he speeds, Leap again, he stuns, he may barely escape melee range with Leg Slash on him. If it is more than one class, then yeah it will be a problem but 2 v 1 is a problem for ANY class, same with getting chained CC'd/Mez'd/Stun'd.


2. Almost true. I have a 50 BM sage, and you cannot convince me that anything dies faster than them, the best thing that Sages are at is DYING. Now, without their CDs, yes they aren't as durable as you want them to be, but the problem is it is hard for any CD not to be up. Rebuke is a 1 min CD, lasts 30 seconds in combat, Guarded by the Force is 1.5 min, Saber Ward is 3 mins, and Force Camo is 45 seconds. Rebuke is up every respawn and practically every fight, GbtF and Force Camo same deal, leaving only Saber Ward as the one CD that might not be up when your really need it. That and in Watchman, Zen is practically a defensive CD as you will get healed for a good 18% of your health in a few seconds, more than Adrenaline Rush for Troopers, and is on a relatively short CD considering how fast you can stack Centering with Valor and Defensive Forms. Add that with GbtF and a Medpac and you can go from 1% to 50%.


3. This is funny, because in your pros you say they have one of the best raid buffs, then say they have no utility. And in PvP you and I probably have a different idea of utility. An AoE mez to stop respawners from interrupting a cap is utility. A Force Leap to move rapidly with the ball and intercept the carrier, is utility. A healing debuff to cripple healers, is utility. A stealth, is utility. And honestly, the ability to survive so long with their CDs when defending, ball carrying or delaying a cap, and take about 85% of the classes one on one cleanly is a utility in itself.


4. Snipers are annoying, and are probably a hard counter but it is not as impossible to kill one as you make it out to be in a one on one situation. That and if you have ever seen a actual TEAM of Snipers or Operatives then you may of been asleep and were dreaming it. My server is relatively good Pop(standard through all hours of the day), and there are two notable snipers that actively PvP, if this is a weakness then it is pretty negligible. I agree that tankassins are a problem as they are to everyone, but I or any good Sentinel can kill an Operative healer, they are unquestionably the best healers ATM and borderline OP but, from personal experience, I never had any problems.


5. Everyone takes a while to kill a tank, that is the point. I have played a Assault Vanguard, a Hybrid Sage and a Watchman Sent at 50 and they all take a while to kill a full tank geared tank. Sage obviously takes the least time, but Watchman, with his strong dots that ignore the armor of Tanks, wasn't that far behind. And I have Stasis'd a person in the hazard too many a times to count, and the Immobilize of Force Leap can work as well, but....can kill you too.

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Ok, my 2 cents on it.


First of all I rolled a an Anni mara as my 4th char and I can tell you right away (having still 4-5 recruit pieces) that it´s quite OP. Being able to deal 350+ k dmg in crap gear against fully geared BM´s and some even with some WH pieces is kinda nasty , this without using a single AoE ability.


That said I can do way more dmg on my Pyro PT but the thing is aside from the dmg debuffs the Pyro doesn´t have any utility.


The mara is on top of the food chain utility wise and I find it awkwar that some folks here only talk about the dmg maras can do. The prob is if you play in a premade with at least a good healer you are virtually unkillable for the whole fight while being able to dish hell on most of your opponents. I honestly don´t care if I do or don´t much dmg overall but the healer I have targeted won´t be able to heal anything beside himself (if any heal at all). Combined with the powerful aprty buffs they bring it´s clear they are OP, not in dmg but in utility.


Like mentioned it´s sad that some use Mara´s just to pwn in dmg meters avoiding tree skills like Phantom and such. I´m sorry if you don´t think Phantom is great, I´m going to assume you´re not even an above average marauder. Near death after opponents had to burn through 2 shields you pop UR and in the last second pop Force Camo to somewhere mildly safe, boom back to full health and healers can even heal you when you´re camouflaged so how more OP can it get?


Don´t get me wrong I think it´s a fun class to play but the imbalances it causes are going to be nerfed sooner or later.


Sorry but annihilation is not better than carnage anymore.


I put out way more damage as carnage and the 80% speed buff is an absolute MUST in rateds.


I´m sorry you don´t know how to play Anni then as Carnage is way too easy to shut down if you´re facing experienced players. Carnage is better for Pve, for PVP Anni hands down even after 1.2.

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4. Have the best group buff in the game between bloodthirst/predation. +15% damage/healing or +50% move speed can often pull out wins in group settings. Even with a 3 minute CD for an "on demand" buff it is still a very powerful ability.



3. Nearly no utility outside of pure damage.


Ok - good to know!

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So to sum up this thread, Marauder's shouldn't be able to DPS even though that's the only thing that they can spec to do.


Quit crying about getting slapped around by a Marauder and learn to fight against them. They are a Melee DPS class, they don't have any ranged abilities like every other DPS class except for their saber throw.


Lets nerf every DPS class then, lets make it so tanks and healers can out DPS them. That's what everybody wants, right? Y'all are a bunch of whinny butthurt children.

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Easily kited is laughable.


That's how i beat more Mara/Sent and Assassin/Shadows than probably everyone on this forum with my Powertech. Ohhhh, the 10M kite.


Also, these sorts of threads are useless. Almost everyone on the PvP forums are just here to QQ about standing in place misusing cooldowns and getting owned. Derp.

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That's how i beat more Mara/Sent and Assassin/Shadows than probably everyone on this forum with my Powertech. Ohhhh, the 10M kite.


Also, these sorts of threads are useless. Almost everyone on the PvP forums are just here to QQ about standing in place misusing cooldowns and getting owned. Derp.


You play one of the most mobile dps classes. I hope to god you can kite.

Edited by Dartagon
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Ok, my 2 cents on it.


First of all I rolled a an Anni mara as my 4th char and I can tell you right away (having still 4-5 recruit pieces) that it´s quite OP. Being able to deal 350+ k dmg in crap gear against fully geared BM´s and some even with some WH pieces is kinda nasty , this without using a single AoE ability.


That said I can do way more dmg on my Pyro PT but the thing is aside from the dmg debuffs the Pyro doesn´t have any utility.


The mara is on top of the food chain utility wise and I find it awkwar that some folks here only talk about the dmg maras can do. The prob is if you play in a premade with at least a good healer you are virtually unkillable for the whole fight while being able to dish hell on most of your opponents. I honestly don´t care if I do or don´t much dmg overall but the healer I have targeted won´t be able to heal anything beside himself (if any heal at all). Combined with the powerful aprty buffs they bring it´s clear they are OP, not in dmg but in utility.


Like mentioned it´s sad that some use Mara´s just to pwn in dmg meters avoiding tree skills like Phantom and such. I´m sorry if you don´t think Phantom is great, I´m going to assume you´re not even an above average marauder. Near death after opponents had to burn through 2 shields you pop UR and in the last second pop Force Camo to somewhere mildly safe, boom back to full health and healers can even heal you when you´re camouflaged so how more OP can it get?


Don´t get me wrong I think it´s a fun class to play but the imbalances it causes are going to be nerfed sooner or later.




I´m sorry you don´t know how to play Anni then as Carnage is way too easy to shut down if you´re facing experienced players. Carnage is better for Pve, for PVP Anni hands down even after 1.2.


The red is where i stopped reading and call BS on everything you've said. I'm going to take the stance of a normal swtor pvp'er and not know crap but i'm going to tell you you're wrong.

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The answer is no. Marauder/Sents are too strong atm. They need to have their damage brought back in line with other classes. Same goes for Pyrotech.


Bringing them back in line =/= nerfing them to the ground. It means the average players will play them averagely and the good ones will still be good, but not unbeatable.


Damage is the same it has always been aside from Master Strike. Which they JUST BUFFED in 1.2.


I wonder why all the sudden this forum has blown up into this Marauder/Sentinel hatefest? Could it be because Mercs don't just hit 1 button anymore and Sorcs have been nerfed? Sorcs and Mercs are generally played by bad players, because ranged is king in all MMOs but this one. Hrmmmmm. I think I'm onto something here...

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Damage is the same it has always been aside from Master Strike. Which they JUST BUFFED in 1.2.


I wonder why all the sudden this forum has blown up into this Marauder/Sentinel hatefest? Could it be because Mercs don't just hit 1 button anymore and Sorcs have been nerfed? Sorcs and Mercs are generally played by bad players, because ranged is king in all MMOs but this one. Hrmmmmm. I think I'm onto something here...


Everyone else got nerfed, so if you didn't get nerfed, its like getting a buff.

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Damage is the same it has always been aside from Master Strike. Which they JUST BUFFED in 1.2.


I wonder why all the sudden this forum has blown up into this Marauder/Sentinel hatefest? Could it be because Mercs don't just hit 1 button anymore and Sorcs have been nerfed? Sorcs and Mercs are generally played by bad players, because ranged is king in all MMOs but this one. Hrmmmmm. I think I'm onto something here...


Sig says it all FOTM player. lol

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Pyrotech is not a mobile spec. Please explain.


Did you not just say that you play a PT Pyro. If I need to explain it to you....


I play an alt PT Pyro and they dominate everything...it has something to do with I dunno, everything being instant cast.


Hence mobility, snare/stun removals, constant snare.


I think you know what I'm talking about and you're a bit scared that letting your bag a tricks in to the open, people would realize how OP Pyros are. Don't worry, from playin in low level wz, there will be a huge influx of PT Pyros to hit the PVP scene so its only a matter of time before PT Pyro has a few adjustments.

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Now here come the Cons to the marauder class with some details added for people that don't play Marauders.


1. Very susceptible to being kited. Marauders(and Juggernauts) are the only class that requires to be in melee combat to generate their "energy" as well as to do any kind of damage. With only 2 gap closers on a 12s CD and 45s CD it is very possible to kept out of melee range for extended periods of times against classes such as Sorcerers and Snipers. It is also a nightmare for a marauder to attack groups of ranged classes with knockback+roots. It is not unheard of to spend 30+ seconds being chain KB+rooted+mezzed as a marauder vs groups of ranged. No other class can be shutdown as completely as maras with coordinated soft and hard CC due to being a pure melee class with 0 energy regen outside of melee. Roots not being affected by resolve is also a huge issue maras have to deal with as it is effectively a hard CC for maras.


-Gap closers have nothing to do with being out of rage- if anything, marauders have the best ability to never run out since they can always just gain more. If you are truly having such a problem, you can go carnage for extra CC and rage regen, or get an extra leap- all in all, they have the best gap closers, and can do the most damage while moving. Carnage ravages are their big hitter and do require you to be still- but that also roots and can't be interrupted... compare that to pretty much everyone else who has multiple long cast abilities that are easy to interrupt and shut down. Roots not being affected by resolve helps marauders- seeing as they have the best roots in the game- as a marauder, if you know when to use saber ward you can use that to deflect sniper roots.


2. Very low survivability outside of defensive CDs. Marauders without defensive CDs up drop faster than just about any other class especially since they are in the middle of the enemy team. It is very possible to be hit with a stun at 100% hp with no defenses up and die in under 4 seconds to 2 burst dps. If your CC breaker is up you can avoid this, but then you run the risk of being stunned at <20% and not being able to pop Undying Rage. Much like the current Ravage/Undying Rage complaints on the forums against marauders you can't avoid both.


No, they don't drop faster than any other class outside of defensive CDs- not to mention you can keep defensive CDs going for over half the time you're fighting- even if you were to fight for half an hour straight. They drop faster than heavy armoured classes perhaps outside of defensive CDs- but why even bring it up... marauders have multiple defensive CDs, saying 'well, what if I don't know how to use them properly' doesn't work. You have the CDs, they're better than all other classes- and add to that short gap closer, very low CD stealth escape, speed boost- you have more than enough to be the most survivable class. Also- every single other class will die in a couple seconds with two burst on them- so you've failed to make a point. If you're going to make a list of CONS, they need to be cons compared to other classes.


3. Nearly no utility outside of pure damage. In an objective based game this is a huge weakness, and a reason you will never see 4+ marauders on any rated WZ team. This weakness affects Huttball the worst, but also carries over to general group PVP. they have no Pull to kill enemy ball carriers. they have no Knock back to knock them off ledges. They aren't tanky enough to carry the ball. They again are VERY susceptible to any kind of soft CC such as roots and knock backs. Its not uncommon to be unable to stop a node from being captured simply due to being rooted/slowed for 10+ seconds >4m away from the node(they have to chase down ranged targets). They have to deal with the full extent of tanking stats of tanks, and do miserably low damage as a result to most ball carriers. They have no guard/taunt like other melee to protect healers, and in a game so centered around guarded healers that's a big one. So in general they are among the worst classes to have when you need something other then pure damage.


No utility? They are the best ball carrier killers, they can kill guarded healers, they have a trauma debuff, they have an instant aoe mez- the only one other than the one snipers/ops get, they have short CD root and can add more roots- they can choose to have two leaps. Your 'cons' list seems to be more of an admittance that you are not able to do what good players can do with a marauder- which is fine, not everyone can be good at every class. Also- you will win nothing other than VS tie breakers with a heavy healing team- a heavy dps team on the other hand can win any match. Also, they are more than capable of solo taking nodes that have two defenders, if you don't wander far from the nodes you can keep your leap up- or keep stealth for doing that. Sure, you can keep one rooted and stunned with a few players to cap a node- but in that same time, as a marauder, I could kill any other class trying to defend the node, regardless of where they're standing. The game revolves around heavy damage dealing- huttball can be an exception, but it relies on team work and if you think marauder is the useless class in huttball, then you are not playing a marauder correctly.


4. Are hard countered by Snipers in Group PVP to an almost impossible degree. I could list the many reasons why, but suffice to say snipers + healers absolutely destroy teams of marauders with almost no effort. Marauders also lack the means to kill an Operative healer. Between their HoTs, and their dispel removing the maras dots/slows, and their plethora of CC, and evasion, and vanish it is impossible for a mara to even pressure an Op healer that understands both classes. Maras also lose 1v1 to Snipers/Operatives/Tankassins. Say what you will about 1v1 not mattering, but it is an important factor in PVP. So effectively maras have a counter in Group PVP, and are beaten by 3/7 of the other classes 1v1.


-Try not tunnel visioning. Operative healers can indeed be pressured- sure, they can keep healing themselves weakly, but as a mara I can keep hitting them, and they will run out of energy, while I will only continue to gain rage- every time they cleanse they waste a GCD, every hot pushes their energy down and down to lower regeneration levels. It will take longer than it would to kill a merc healer yes, and much longer than joke sorc healers- but they'll either die or leave the area they should be healing in. Having combat centered on an objective really helps a marauder- their enemy can't go to far. Snipers are a challenge- if you can get them to move though you can leap right to them and they're toast. The biggest problem with facing snipers is that marauders are used to tunnel vision, charge and smash away- can't do that against a sniper. However, every objective gives ample cover around it- use that. You may indeed not be doing damage to them- but they can't hurt you either. Be patient, wait for them to chase you- then strike. Or, stealth to them- I know, crazy, using the stealth as something other than an escape.


Snipers are indeed a hard counter in the open or where you can't get cover- but, if you can learn to use the environment- as snipers absolutely must learn to do or be worthless- you can even the field. In group pvp marauders are still king- if you get focused by half the team, you are dead as every class, so that's not a CON, because if it were it'd be a con for every class.


5. Very weak at killing tanks in PVP. This might not seem like a huge deal, but marauders have to deal with the full extent of of a tanks defenses. Marauders take forever to kill any kind of tank in PVP. This is very important as to take a node or door you have to generally kill the tanks guarding it quickly before reinforcements come. Marauders are simply not a class that is capably of doing this. Marauders are also very weak at killing enemy ball carriers in huttball due to their weak damage against tanky targets as well as their very limited ability to use the Hazards to kill the carrier. Its almost laughable watching 5+ marauders try to kill a tank with 2 healers behind him. This makes marauders one of the worst classes when it comes to achieve WZ objectives that are being guarded by tanks.


-... ok then, what class is the best at killing tanks? Perhaps snipers are better, but that's it- and snipers have so many other problems, not to mention complete immobility and LoS that they are pretty much utterly situational. Even so- you can spec into being more of a tank killer with abilities that bypass armour.


You're right though, it is laughable seeing 5 marauders trying to kill a tank with two healers behind him- when 2 marauders could shut down the 2 healers, and a third marauder- not to mention 4th and 5th- could then rip the tank to shreds. Is it really a CON that if marauders play incompetently they can't achieve things? Please tell me what class can easily kill tanks when they ignore the healers keeping the tank up?


I believe a large issue behind why marauders are seeming to do so well right now is partly due to the current focus on non organized players playing WZs like a deathmatch, and not as an objective based WZ.


Oh the irony of that statement after the things you've said.


And not a single CON you've mentioned is a con unique to marauders... in many cases your information is simply wrong, or applies only to pvp with disorganized pugs.

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But most of the time its on auto pilot and ez mode. If **** goes down, you now have to actually do something to save your skin, which is why you have all those CDs.


I think your analogy expresses exactly what a marauder is. :p


If **** isn't going down in your warzone, you're probably doing it wrong and should just leave.

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The red is where i stopped reading and call BS on everything you've said. I'm going to take the stance of a normal swtor pvp'er and not know crap but i'm going to tell you you're wrong.


If you stopped reading at that sentence then you didn´t read as to why I think it´s the class with moust utility overall in this game. And no, high dps isn´t utility.

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If **** isn't going down in your warzone, you're probably doing it wrong and should just leave.


I'll wave next time you're sitting their training me, then blowing all your CDs to train me some more. We play on the same server and your premade that you queue with for obvious reasons, stack melee.

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Good post OP.


Weakness #1 is the primary reason I give to QQers who cry about marauders. Want us to stop damaging you? Keep us away. It's not that hard.


Weakness #4 is completely true as well. Some opponent groups have 3 snipers, and I'm just wrecked. I can't walk anywhere without being ganked by one.

In a one on one situation I can manage OK IF I have force camo available to close the distance prefight. It's still no guarantee though, as they have that knockback out of cover. A good sniper will handle a similarly skilled marauder most of the time (assuming both are full health, and the sniper has the early start from cover).

We can't fire off obfuscate until we're effectively in melee range (ok, 10meters, thats barely what I'd call 'ranged').


I honestly find harassing healers (strenght #3) the most fun in PvP. Not killing them, mind you. Just interrupting 3 out of every 4 heal spells they try to get off. I can keep one occupied for minutes but eventually someone on his team figures out what's happening and the fun's over then :)

Edited by islander
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Did you not just say that you play a PT Pyro. If I need to explain it to you....


I play an alt PT Pyro and they dominate everything...it has something to do with I dunno, everything being instant cast.


Hence mobility, snare/stun removals, constant snare.


I think you know what I'm talking about and you're a bit scared that letting your bag a tricks in to the open, people would realize how OP Pyros are. Don't worry, from playin in low level wz, there will be a huge influx of PT Pyros to hit the PVP scene so its only a matter of time before PT Pyro has a few adjustments.


Uh, you do know that the only a PT pyro gets is a snare removal off of energy shield on a 2 min CD- and it's not even the most popular one to take, mostly because it's limited in what it does. It doesn't remove stuns.


Their gap closer is on a 45 second CD, and doesn't work against resolve and several movement buffs. Other than that- you have a snare (not unlike marauders), no roots (unlike marauders), no mez (unlike marauders), no escape (unlike marauders), no speed buff in all specs (unlike marauders), no group wide buffs, no trauma debuff- ironic you mention instant cast when PTs have two cast abilities- like marauders- but unlike marauders both can be interrupted by the person you're casting it on.


Add to that marauders do more damage, have far superior defensive CDs, and rather than running high in heat when bursting- only grow stronger- it's pretty clear marauders are far superior.



Superior to a class that is indeed fine where it is- PT is a pretty good, balanced class- there's just too many classes that are very weak- and then marauders which are godlike in power.

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The answer is no. Marauder/Sents are too strong atm. They need to have their damage brought back in line with other classes. Same goes for Pyrotech.


Bringing them back in line =/= nerfing them to the ground. It means the average players will play them averagely and the good ones will still be good, but not unbeatable.


Why should they be brought back in line with ranged DPS, again?


Ranged DPS = easy mode.

Sentinel/Marauder = harder mode.


In fact, I've become a much better healer through my marauder 'training'. Because I use about 40% more keybinds on my marauder then I ever did on my sorc healer.

Edited by islander
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Uh, you do know that the only a PT pyro gets is a snare removal off of energy shield on a 2 min CD- and it's not even the most popular one to take, mostly because it's limited in what it does. It doesn't remove stuns.


Their gap closer is on a 45 second CD, and doesn't work against resolve and several movement buffs. Other than that- you have a snare (not unlike marauders), no roots (unlike marauders), no mez (unlike marauders), no escape (unlike marauders), no speed buff in all specs (unlike marauders), no group wide buffs, no trauma debuff- ironic you mention instant cast when PTs have two cast abilities- like marauders- but unlike marauders both can be interrupted by the person you're casting it on.


Add to that marauders do more damage, have far superior defensive CDs, and rather than running high in heat when bursting- only grow stronger- it's pretty clear marauders are far superior.



Superior to a class that is indeed fine where it is- PT is a pretty good, balanced class- there's just too many classes that are very weak- and then marauders which are godlike in power.


I don't disagree that Marauders are far superior because of their survivability and CDs. I do disagree that someone thinks PT Pyro is not a mobile spec.


You can choose to spec however you want as a Pyro PT. I prefer to spec for sustainability and survivability. Depends what role you are filling in your premade I guess.

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I find marauders challenging, but not unbeatable. Luckily there's only 1 or 2 marauders on our server that will constantly hand me my lunch, but really that's only in certain circumstances. Usually i'm worrying about objectives and will just be as annoying as hell to get within range of.


As someone who played all the AC classes at this point, I can tell you I've never felt that I lost to a class that was OP. Sure I may get frustrated when I get hit by a ravage and have none of my cooldowns up, but that's really the luck of the draw when it comes to the game, and kind of my fault for blowing them with marauders out on the loose.


My approach to marauder/sent is knockback/stun/force stealth/kite/run(as a shadow removes -movement effects), if they case rebuke/cloak of pain, just stun/avoid hitting them for 6 seconds. If they cast undying rage/guarded by force, just vanish/stun/run/kite/knockback/snare, etc... they will be dying soon after. And for the love of god, purge your dots, especially if they cast zen.


Really there are so many options for neutralizing DPS melee in this game it's insane. Against a good player, it becomes more of a toss-up, and sure you may die if they manage their cooldowns and interrupts correctly, but isn't that why we pvp? To evolve the chessgame?


Sure they're one of the strongest 1v1 class, but they really have no utility. In premade groups, it's really easy to neutralize them through coordinated cc and snares. It's always fun to knock one into the pit, and run away so they can't leap. Everyone should target the flimsy DPS characters first. In pugs, yeah, they can be a challenge since everyone's out to save their own skin. They're meant to be a good solo class since they don't have guard or dependable heals, so this is expected.


To be clear, I won't cry if they get nerfed, but I don't feel like they need one. To me, all melee deserve some sort of advantage over ranged because a.) you get focused down really fast when you leap in, b.) you lose some of the environmental awareness when the action is all happening 2 feet away from you, c.) melee are way harder to play effectively than most of the ranged classes(operatives/gunslingers being an exception).


Not a complete list obviously, but here's how I view melee and their strengths:

Shadows(stealth, guard, self heals)

Scoundrels(stealth, spam heals, lots of cc)

Guardians(3 leaps, guard, good mitigation)

Marauder(3x defensive cooldowns, self heals, DPS)

Edited by therouterninja
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Sig says it all FOTM player. lol


And what do you play? Do tell.


I've been playing Marauders/Powertechs since last July. Neither of those were FOTM in beta. Sorc was. And now that it sucks, there is 10x the amount of crying on the forums. I WONDER WHY??????

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And what do you play? Do tell.


I've been playing Marauders/Powertechs since last July. Neither of those were FOTM in beta. Sorc was. And now that it sucks, there is 10x the amount of crying on the forums. I WONDER WHY??????


Nah they all rolled Marauders :p


Nobody is blaming you for playing a Marauder or a PT. But, to disagree that they need to be tweaked slighty is just...


Crazy talk. Look at it from an open perspective and tell us honestly. Should there not be some tweaking??

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Did you not just say that you play a PT Pyro. If I need to explain it to you....


I play an alt PT Pyro and they dominate everything...it has something to do with I dunno, everything being instant cast.


Hence mobility, snare/stun removals, constant snare.


I think you know what I'm talking about and you're a bit scared that letting your bag a tricks in to the open, people would realize how OP Pyros are. Don't worry, from playin in low level wz, there will be a huge influx of PT Pyros to hit the PVP scene so its only a matter of time before PT Pyro has a few adjustments.


Don't confuse control with mobility and act all uppity about it like you know what you're talking about. Advanced Prototype is a mobility spec, not Pyrotech.

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Uh, you do know that the only a PT pyro gets is a snare removal off of energy shield on a 2 min CD- and it's not even the most popular one to take, mostly because it's limited in what it does. It doesn't remove stuns.


Their gap closer is on a 45 second CD, and doesn't work against resolve and several movement buffs. Other than that- you have a snare (not unlike marauders) Powertechs have a ranged snare that they can keep on indefinitely. Would prefer to be able to permanently snare someone from 30 meters away tbh.


, no roots (unlike marauders), Only one spec gets actual roots outside of force-charge. An untalented force-charge needs a short root duration to actually work though, what would be the point of a gap closer if people just kept running out of range regardless?


no mez (unlike marauders), It's called carbonize. Yes it's shorter duration, but you can still DPS during it. I'd rather have an AOE 1.5 second mezz during which I could still attack people than a 6 second mezz where I can't poke anyone without waking them up.


no escape (unlike marauders), Hydraulic overriders, 8 seconds of no-CC and 30% speed boost.


no speed buff in all specs (unlike marauders), Hydraulic over-rides to the rescue once more.


no group wide buffs, Ok? Marauders get one 15% damage/heals boost that has a 5 minute cooldown. It can be used a maximum of twice during a match.


no trauma debuff- Not sure what the point of this is. Sure other classes could get a healing debuff ability too, but I don't think PTs need it.


ironic you mention instant cast when PTs have two cast abilities- like marauders- but unlike marauders both can be interrupted by the person you're casting it on. -- Which two marauder abilities are you referring to? Only ravage can not be interrupted, and flamethrower, if I recall correctly, can be talented to not be able to be interrupted.


Add to that marauders do more damage, -- Objective. Tell that to my guild powertech that does 600k on a bad day.

have far superior defensive CDs, -- You have a 25% flat reduction shield on a 2 min cooldown. We have a 20% reduction shield on a 1min cooldown. Saber ward can be used a maximum of 3-4 times in an entire warzone, and undying rage is easily countered.

and rather than running high in heat when bursting- only grow stronger- it's pretty clear marauders are far superior. -- The burst of a powertech far outmatches that of any of the marauder specs, sorry to 'burst' (hurr) your bubble. If you disagree, you probably just haven't tapped the full potential of the pyro/AP specs yet. Just because powertechs lack the longevity of a marauder doesn't mean they're inherently worse - how many fights last longer than thirty seconds with 1.2? I'd rather be able to kill someone in 10 seconds and not be able to do so again for 5 then take 15 seconds to kill the same person.


Superior to a class that is indeed fine where it is- PT is a pretty good, balanced class- there's just too many classes that are very weak- and then marauders which are godlike in power.


Small rant here, can we please stop with the word GODLIKE? I'm seriously confused as to when marauder translated to god-mode, considering I still get killed in warzones on mine. Contrary to the stupid belief on this forums, being a marauder does not mean you have 666k hp and 99% damage reduction at all times. They can be countered. They can be killed. Just like everyone else.


Just my thoughts.

Edited by Serrowherrow
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