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Hypothetically; If Lucas dies, will we see more films?


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If you like star wars you are part of the fanbase, you must know you are grouped collectively with these so called terrible people.


Yes Lucas brought it to life and everyone is glad he did, but the way he carries out handling the universe he has created is quite..uninspiring.




i like to see you make your own universe and try handling it better then him and see you won't get bashed if you just made 1 bad movie or game.

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It's a shame more films won't likely be made.


Can you imagine a Peter Jackson directed Star Wars film?


  • All those landscapes (Tatooine!)
  • 8 damn hours in each film
  • Actual films with actual protagonists


Peter Jackson, please please please please please.

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i like to see you make your own universe and try handling it better then him and see you won't get bashed if you just made 1 bad movie or game.


In case you haven't noticed, this isn't a 'Bash Lucas' thread that you are making it out to be. George Lucas has made his point very clear and he has some solid points on not wanting to make future movies.


This thread is a hypothetical discussion thread on, depending on the future of LucasArts, would there be room for more movies if leadership changed.


And I'm a writer, I get bashed for making my own universes all the time. At the same time, people who like my universes keep me going with their positive comments, fan arts, and even their own fanon set within my story.

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In case you haven't noticed, this isn't a 'Bash Lucas' thread that you are making it out to be. George Lucas has made his point very clear and he has some solid points on not wanting to make future movies.


This thread is a hypothetical discussion thread on, depending on the future of LucasArts, would there be room for more movies if leadership changed.


And I'm a writer, I get bashed for making my own universes all the time. At the same time, people who like my universes keep me going with their positive comments, fan arts, and even their own fanon set within my story.


ok so your writer if someome made a hypothetical discussion thread about your death and replace you with someone else and many posters agree with him.


i would like see how you feel about it and don't tell me that you really enjoy your own death wishing threads.:rolleyes:

Edited by undeadsithdread
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In case you haven't noticed, this isn't a 'Bash Lucas' thread that you are making it out to be. George Lucas has made his point very clear and he has some solid points on not wanting to make future movies.


This thread is a hypothetical discussion thread on, depending on the future of LucasArts, would there be room for more movies if leadership changed.


And I'm a writer, I get bashed for making my own universes all the time. At the same time, people who like my universes keep me going with their positive comments, fan arts, and even their own fanon set within my story.

Whether you're a writer or not is insignificant, unless you've achieved what George Lucas has, because if you haven't, then it's a poor comparison. You may only have what, a hand full of people talking about your "universe", whereas GL has to deal with millions of people.


Also, there's a difference between disliking things and saying they're wrong. Many, many many so called Star Wars fans have outright claimed that George Lucas ruined Star Wars. They didn't just say that they don't like the Prequels, they went as far to claim that they are horrible, they've taken out the whole part about "To Each Their Own".


Some fans even wish his death would happen quicker so that they can take over the reign of Star Wars, which is utterly appalling. This man created Star Wars in it's entirety, he can do whatever the **** he wants with it.


Infact, I'm glad that if he dies he'll take Star Wars with him. A truly brilliant man deserves to take his masterpiece with him, whether you like it or not.

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I'd ask that unless you are making a comment on the actual topic of the thread, you don't post here to flame or provoke. I never compared myself to him, I'm saying that I'm in a position to know what he is going through with fans; on a different scale of course, but its still the same idea.
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I would be fine for some off shots, but none numbered sequels, those can only be done by Lucas (Whether you like it or not).


Actually, the way I understood what has been said, everything Star Wars will grind to a halt after he dies. Ultimate FINGER to every fan who loves Star Wars in spite of George's tampering with stuff we all knew back in the day.


In fact, I just had an argument with a coworker earlier about who shot first. Luckily, I have the original scene on my phone in an app. Enlightened him, and now he wishes to borrow my old CBS/Fox VHS tapes to watch the OT as Originally Intended. :D


And yes, he actually believed Vader was yelling "NOOOOOOOOOooooooooooOOOOOOOOOooooooo!!!" at the end of Episode VI as he tossed Pally over the railing, and believed Hayden Christensen had always been in the final scene on Endor. :p

Edited by Captain_Zone
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Actually, the way I understood what has been said, everything Star Wars will grind to a halt after he dies. Ultimate FINGER to every fan who loves Star Wars in spite of George's tampering with stuff we all knew back in the day.


In fact, I just had an argument with a coworker earlier about who shot first. Luckily, I have the original scene on my phone in an app. Enlightened him, and now he wishes to borrow my old CBS/Fox VHS tapes to watch the OT as Originally Intended. :D


And yes, he actually believed Vader was yelling "NOOOOOOOOOooooooooooOOOOOOOOOooooooo!!!" at the end of Episode VI as he tossed Pally over the railing, and believed Hayden Christensen had always been in the final scene on Endor. :p


Not everything, there just won't be movies. He never stated, that games/books and the like couldn't be done. So Star Wars won't grind to a halt.

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The real question is what do they make a movie out of?


Do they fill in the time between E3 and E4? They better do it fast because James Earl Jones (voice of Darth Vader) is getting up there and it would be strange to have someone else do that iconic voice.


Do they make something post E6? Really can't do that because the actors would have to be different for the major roles and that's just not right.


That basically leaves TOR era or LotF Era, but is that "Star Wars enough" for the masses (who are not as "knowledgeable" of the universe)? Probably not. The masses want to see the universe with recognizable characters.

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I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that he has it in his will that no Star wars films are to be made after he passes.


i don't know what it is like in the USA, but in the UK, i'm pretty sure copy right only lasts for a certain amount of time. who knows maybe my grandkids will get to see a new movie :p

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The problem with Star Wars is that the creator (Lucas) has very specific ideas about how the universe works, and that worked perfectly fine while it was just the movies. And then the EU was formed, and all of a sudden all these different authors, artists and game designers are going "This would be freaking AWESOME!" and now there's millions of different voices wanting to pull Star Wars in their favorite direction to make it more "awesome" in their eyes. The G-Canon system is, to me, the only way possible to keep the Star Wars universe in check, and making sure everything conforms to the movies (and their novelizations) is a fantastic way of keeping it from going into absolutely ridiculous areas (not that different EU authors haven't tried *Cough*Palpatineclones*cough*). If his daughter does take it over that would be a really good move, keep it in the family, as it were. She has a vested interest in keeping the Star Wars universe coherent, and not letting it dissolve into the babble of voices that Star Trek became.
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i like to see you make your own universe and try handling it better then him and see you won't get bashed if you just made 3 bad movies.


There, I fixed that for you...


Seriously, I respect, admire, and thank George Lucas for making the original trilogy. I just wish he hadn't ruined it with the three terrible prequels. There's a reason that Empire was the best of the originals--he didn't write or direct it.

Edited by Krelios
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There, I fixed that for you...


Seriously, I respect, admire, and thank George Lucas for making the original trilogy. I just wish he hadn't ruined it with the three terrible prequels. There's a reason that Empire was the best of the originals--he didn't write or direct it.


He did write Empire. (The Story not the screenplay, but the screenplay is based off of it.)

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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Not wishing ill on the man, just asking a hypothetical question. It's a shame that there will be no new films, so I suppose the fans will have to take it into their own hands.


Well, I do think there well be books but, the same rules well go for them as the books do now.

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