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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Different map icons for Heroic and Flashpoint quest givers


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Have separate designators for the different quest types on the main and mini maps, either through shapes or colors. There may be various occasions where players aren't interested in Heroic or Flashpoint quests or who only want to pick up the Heroics and are looking specifically for them.
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Agree with this completely.


I'd also ask that heroic quests be given a different colour icon triangle above the NPC giver's head to distinguish them from non-repeatable quests.

Edited by llesna
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This is a good idea. It would certainly help save me from wasting time getting interested in the dialogue, only to see [HEROIC 4] show up on the quest tracker, followed immediately by me abandoning the quest, since there's virtually no chance I'll find a group, even leveling as a healer.


Honestly though, I'm curious as to how soon they just go ahead and nerf all the [HEROIC 4] missions into [HEROIC 2+] missions, or even nerf all [HEROIC] missions into normals. I hate to bring up that other game, but it had a lot of group oriented leveling quests that were nerfed into normals because everyone just ignored them.

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