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My name is "Darth/Jedi Master Andreyo", or as some would call me, "maV##"


After many buckets of drool and anger while sw:TOR was on my mind I finally bought it. I was a part of the beta testing so I guess I know the basics somewhat. I'm also a huge Star wars fan ( played every game, watched every Movie, series, fanfilms and whatnot. Readings and so on, so I guess that should help me out some in-game. But I still would like any form of help. I would be more specific but I got no specific questions to give.


SO...HELLO, I'm a Norwegian Mizfit, I actually live really close to the place where Hoth was filmed on The Empire Strikes Back ;D

And I would like to make a few friends around here/in-game, so if there are any nice and mature life form that wants to make friends with a crazy Norwegian, that would be cool. Race doesn't matter, but I would LOVE me some of that female Zabrak:p I don't mean to be r00d, but if you are one of those Mon Calamari fish...err, I mean people then please equip a paper bag before you approach me :eek:


- Got coments on the game? please share them


- What makes this game so great compared to others? besides from the fact that Star Wars+Bioware=no more ****.

edit : Ey, I got beeped. Does swtor got a Oxhorn? seems like we need another round of inventing swear words, which eventually leads to them going to the HQ and change the filter *-*


- What classes do you find enjoyable to play ? Imperial or Republic. Dps, tank or Healing and why.


- Does The old republic give you the "Star Wars feeling" ?


- Where do you see Sw:Tor in, lets say 1 year ?


Just share whatever you want to, you don't even need to stay on topic! :D




- I was born with a computer in my hands, so I was around at the dawn of mmo. And I have always been a paladin guy. And I think I have made up my mind on what class to choose as my main character. The Sith Inquisitor. Would the class suite me? got any form of feedback about it ?


- How is The fatman server? I enjoy a lot of people while playing, unless I need to wait 30 mins for an npc re spawn. Is this server so populated that it just gets to the point where you suddenly got no more keyboard due to rage? Does it lag or have a log-in queue?


:wea_01: Bada*S Star Wars fan and bada*s typo monster(this is where I apologize for the poor English) BAAAAIII;)

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Oh I forgot to ask.


- I would like to have 1 or 2 conversations on Skype with a bunch of people about swtor. Is there any public skype or other chat software ( name those if that's the chase ) conversations that I would be able to join ?


Im on Skype all the time, and I enjoy talking to new people so add me if you want my Skype name is on my profile.

But make sure you ad something like : Ey, swtor player here. So I know if I should accept or not. Also I do not care for stupid and immature people ( Im champ at being Childish myself, but in a mature way if that makes sense )

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Ikr, are they not beautiful? :p

Yeah, noticed that I may have used a few of those, no idea why.


Edit : I have no Idea what you are talking about, or what I am rabeling on about up there ^


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-Decent stories for classes

-Datacron hunting was fun (for me)

-Easy to play



-Pvp at the moment is a little touch and go. If you are republic, get used to losing

-End game is a little repetitive, but what MMO's is not?

-You are probably playing on a Euro server. Servers there are a lot more full that my US servers (pro for you, con for me)


if you have more specific questions id be happy to answer those.


ps. I don't know about skype but a lot of guilds TS and Vent servers that I know on my server are open to whoever just wants to hang out and chat.

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-Decent stories for classes

-Datacron hunting was fun (for me)

-Easy to play



-Pvp at the moment is a little touch and go. If you are republic, get used to losing

-End game is a little repetitive, but what MMO's is not?

-You are probably playing on a Euro server. Servers there are a lot more full that my US servers (pro for you, con for me)


I see. Well, all the "cons" are basically something that every major mmo have, more or less. So that was to be expected, I read that people said and Bioware aswell did not hold back on the bragging about how good and how deep they went on stories, so if what they say and if your oppinion is true, thats a good start for me. Story > Anything else. Story is the main root for me in any game basically.


Thanks for your time, and when a question comes to mind, I will be sure to ask :D

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Your typical MMO, with a great big heaping of Story on it.

So... yeah, it's great fun! :D


You underestimate the power of this game :o got to play it some hours now, and I am not ashamed to say and thought it would never happen, but when I got to create my first lightsaber I got goose bombs bigger than ******s, every hair stood up and I got a tear in both eyes. It was such an epic moment, so I do not regret buying it :p

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