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Easy fix to afking out of WZ


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This is my idea, if you join a fresh wz (meaning from the start) if you leave it you get a ridiculous penalty for quitting. Now in order to be fair to those that join a wz to fill the spot of a wz jumper and lets say their team is getting stomped they can leave without penalty. In fairness to them they didn't make the mess and shouldn't have to help clean it up either.


Lets say the average wz last 10-15mins, then the ridiculous penalty would be like 30mins. Now if you disconnect make it 10mins. It would punish those with bad connections true, but those people with bad connections are disrupting the game as well, and its the only way to keep some kid from pulling the plug on his system.


Basically just make the penalty so severe that no matter how bad it got you would never think of leaving. Now it might lead to people standing around refusing to play but that would be a different matter.


I would even go a step further with it if you join as a group then quit, you are blocked for like two hours. Nothing worst than having 4 people leave all at once.

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I get placed in warzones which I dont want to play (again).

I get placed in a team where I have people on ignore.


In those situations I will leave during the initial setup time. I never leave (except RL emergencies) after the match has started. I play most of the backfiller games (again if I have people on ignore I leave immediately).


I dont think there should be any punishment if you leave during prep time.


How about this:

If you leave a (running) warzone you get placed in the backfiller queue. You get priority for joining an already running match.

Or get queued together with other people from the backfiller queue. Takes you a few (1-3?) completions to get out of the backfiller queue.

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While I agree with the general idea.


But what happens when for example I had this happen to me yesterday, you die and get stuck in the starter zone /stuck doesn't fix your issue so you have no option left but to wait for the desertion removal or leave the war-zone yourself. I don't see how it would be fair to punish people who got into situations like this because its simply out of there control its the game.

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While I agree with the general idea.


But what happens when for example I had this happen to me yesterday, you die and get stuck in the starter zone /stuck doesn't fix your issue so you have no option left but to wait for the desertion removal or leave the war-zone yourself. I don't see how it would be fair to punish people who got into situations like this because its simply out of there control its the game.


why do people bring up situations like these? It might happen to an individual player once a month or so probably less. I've been playing since launch and nothing like this has ever happened before. I don't understand the purpose of your post

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why do people bring up situations like these? It might happen to an individual player once a month or so probably less. I've been playing since launch and nothing like this has ever happened before. I don't understand the purpose of your post


Lucky you haven't had it happen to you. I have had it twice in the last few days. Why play down a perfect example of why certain afk features may not work? I don't understand the purpose or reasoning of your post.

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why do people bring up situations like these? It might happen to an individual player once a month or so probably less. I've been playing since launch and nothing like this has ever happened before. I don't understand the purpose of your post


There brought up because there relevant, just because you haven't experienced it doesn't mean its not a issue.

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how about if when someone leaves a WZ everyone else on the team gains free medals or the quitter owes medals, or both. Like let's say you leave a WZ and now owe 5 medals and that decays over time, so joining another match soon after means starting in a bit of A hole. It's not severe but still punishing. Number of medal can be adjusted for severity.


Oh btw i got that stunned rez bug twice on the same day, but only once before that so it's rare but does suck when it happens and getting a deserter debuff on top of that would really suck.

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