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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

What would you like to see most in TOR expansion or update?


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Just a post to see what people want to see in the near future of this game.


For me this game has a lot of potential to be something really great (not that it isn't already), it still needs a lot of refining but here's a few things I believe that would make this game a hundred times better and a lot more fun.


Starwars ToR developers had most of the pillars needed for an MMO like the story , exp mobs , leveling , gear rewards, end game, and pvp but unfortunately missed the one i think that is most important "The freedom pillar". The game currently feels to restricted. Almost everywhere you go is a zone in itself instead of a big world or universe where you can go or do whatever you want whenever.


- the current system they have from "world to world zoning (loading screens)" is a nightmare. they need to get rid of all of that and somehow make everything one big universe. so we can travel to the planets ourselves and have options to fast travel instead of everything being so linear.


- I would also like to see them add space exploration with pvp outbreaks and ships you can personalize so it feels like "your" ship.Theres nothing better than wars breaking out naturally rather than just zones for them like warzones or ilum. Those functions are great but they need both warzones and world battles anywhere.


- they need to also get rid of the world pvp daily so people aren't forced to pvp just for the points. they should give world pvp achievements for things done like cities conquered etc, and special items from these achievements. That's a lot more motivating that just 150 kills for weekly world pvp and you only get points for armor.


- I would also like to be able to travel to rebel planets as an empire player or vise versa and start pvp battles in there home cities instead of not even being able to travel to them or in other words "limited".


- Flying mounts would be nice as well (maybe with laser cannons to shoot people off opposite faction after certain amount of damage?)


- Other than that just more endgame content and more things to do at 50 because that's where the game is at really.

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Being able to travel from planet to planet, without first having to go onto my ship and wander up to the bridge and. Booze my destination. Why do I need to waste time with load screens onto the ship and off of the ship.
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My biggest issue and problem is the feeling of being locked into a theme park ride.. I want TOR to allow me the option to skip ALL "general" quest without penalty.. This is a huge game breaker for me when doing alts.. Instead, allow me to camp various areas of the world, solo or as a group, and collect "turn in" items similar to commendations, that can be used at a new NPC vendor that rewards the lost exp, credits and gear from skipping the general quest missions.. I would also like this option be available for group content with "elite" mobs as well.. If I and others that are playing alts wish to bypass the general quest line.. allow us to repeat 2 and 4-man's as often as we wish.. while collecting the same new currency as the solo play..


This would not change much of the game.. All you need to do is invent a new "turn in" items similar to commendations.. a new vendor with all the same gear as the quest rewards.. while adding in the lost credits/exp for turn in.....


Example: I enter Tatooine soloing my 3rd alt.. I'm obviously not in the mood to repeat all the same quest I did before.. So I find a nice little area of sand people and start to thin out their ranks.. In the process I collect "new item" that is used for turn in.. After about an hour of doing this, I run into another player doing the same thing on their alt.. So we decided to team up.. HAVING this option we no longer have to worry about grouping and having the same "quest line".... It no longer is in play.. So grouping is EASIER.. We have the option to keep camping the sand people location or maybe move to the harder elite locations where the 2 man heroics are located..


At the end of the day, I have collected lets say 17 "turn ins".. I go back to the vendor at the spaceport and turn in those items for credits - experience and gear.. If anything, as I mentioned previously, it would allow "GROUPING" to be alot easier since people do not have to worry about being on different parts of the current quest line.. Currently people are reluctant to group because it PENALIZES you if you have already done the quest that others are on.. OR.. people are unable to do quest they have not unlocked.. GRRRRRR.. There needs to be an alternative reward system to the current game play..

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Weeelll, since BW has apparently already caught on the the fact that this is STAR Wars, and stated that 3D SPACE Combat is coming, there isn't really a whole lot this game needs. But since you're asking, appearance and performance mods for Ships and Speeders would be sweet...
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I have a couple of suggestions for future updates:


1. Change the colour of daily quest icons on the npc's so that players can clearly identify daily quests/ heroics from general quests.


2. Yes we really do need a queue system for normal and heroic flashpoints and operations. Finding groups is painfully slow.


3. Increase the limit on quests you can obtain. At level 50, I'm finding it difficult to manage the limit of 25 quests only. Is it just me or are others finding this a problem too?

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Guild Headquaters, I know the guild flagship is on the table and really hoping this ties in with 3D space and pvp of some kind.


But we also need a place for a guildies to hang out together and something for the guild to aim for. I'd like a ground based guild base that we can add structures to but would settle for a large guild flagship that we can customise and also attack/defend in 3D space combat :)

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• bug fixes (especially fixing the memory leaks)

• massive game engine overhaul to make the game run more efficiently and smoother

• further customisation options for characters (especially at the end game)

• further customisation for companions (head slot toggle, hood toggle, unify colours)

• hood toggle

• same gender relationship arcs (using existing characters in addition to new ones and same gender flirt options all over please)

• LFG tool / "dungeon finder"

• more character slots (up to at least 16)

• server merges / character transfers

• more legacy options (including removing the restrictions on how your characters connect to each other within your legacy)

Edited by llesna
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