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Why you assume stockholders are stupid ?


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According to many posters, the free month is just to pad sub nombers ''for the next stockholders meeting''


Of course, that Bioware is trying to pad the numbers is a strong possibility (everyone pad their numbers, I would say, as numbers are never high enough)


However, unless all stockholders of EA are people in their seventies that think ''Oh, this is one of those Nintendo games that they play on the phone'', it's a fair bet that even in the most controlled stockholder meeting, someone is bound to ask the question ''Are those subs paying ones ?'' If Bioware padded the number that massively, that will backfire bad....

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According to many posters, the free month is just to pad sub nombers ''for the next stockholders meeting''


Of course, that Bioware is trying to pad the numbers is a strong possibility (everyone pad their numbers, I would say, as numbers are never high enough)


However, unless all stockholders of EA are people in their seventies that think ''Oh, this is one of those Nintendo games that they play on the phone'', it's a fair bet that even in the most controlled stockholder meeting, someone is bound to ask the question ''Are those subs paying ones ?'' If Bioware padded the number that massively, that will backfire bad....


As a consumer, why do you even care? Are you a shareholder? If not, then why are you making posts about things that have absolutely nothing to do with you in the first place?


Makes no damn sense to me why people feel that gaming is something more than just entertainment. If you're not happy, why are you still here?

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As a consumer, why do you even care? Are you a shareholder? If not, then why are you making posts about things that have absolutely nothing to do with you in the first place?


Makes no damn sense to me why people feel that gaming is something more than just entertainment. If you're not happy, why are you still here?


Yeah the hate machine will piss and moan about every little thing....yet they never have the intestinal fortitude to vote with their wallet.


IB4 "I have two weeks left on my account" or "I purchased a six month sub!!!!" :rolleyes:

Edited by Jett-Rinn
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Because it isn't just entertainment anymore. It's BIG business.


Not to actual gamers, they are here because of the love of games


All this pissing and moaning is from hispster posers who spend way to much time on Kotaku.

Edited by Jett-Rinn
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Hey, everybody! We already have an existing discussion thread dedicated to talking about the upcoming report. If you'd like to share your thoughts, you'll find the discussion thread here:




We're going to close this thread and ask that this discussion continue in the existing thread, so we can keep the conversation a little better consolidated. Thank you!

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