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Weeeeesaaa Gonnnaa Die?!?!?!


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You had appetizers--they seem too classy for potatoes, so I'm going to say they each pitched in a penny and bought you some fried mozzarella sticks, instead.


Next, they complimented you on your clothes. Or your hair. They could tell the care you put into getting ready for this, and they wanted you to smile inside at knowing that they appreciated the gesture.


They ordered the steak, and didn't bat an eye as you ordered the lobster. Except that there was no lobster on the menu, so you got crab cakes instead. You both snickered about how you liked the smell of fish, then thought about it for a moment, and blushed.


Anyway, one thing led to another, and here you are, five years later, sobbing over the crib of a child that none of you wanted, with realization that you will soon no longer want any of the life the lot of you put together gnawing at the edges of your collective psyche.


I don't envy you, dead inside after that orgy that you thought would bring new light to your existence. I can only hope that you cease going through the motions and can bring yourself to tell them all that you want out. You want to live for you again. You want to live in a dome under the sea with the rest of your miserable amphibious people.

Edited by Rhudian
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Well, my guess is either you outran them back to Thorazan Outpost, OR they caught up with you and ganked you back to the stoneages. :p

Yeah back to the stoneages... They pulled me into that group and I didn't even get off the floor from falling off my speeder... In the end there wasn't even a body just a crater where my body was supposed to be.





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