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Dust Storm, Lunge or Guard Stance?


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I'm going PvP Hybrid 11/28/2 I hang in Soresu most of the time but I can't figure out what to do in the bottom of the Def tree to get me to 11.


I've never considered Dust Storm seriously but since I now have to put one point in it I keep wondering if it might not be worth making it 100% chance to apply.


Lunge seems like the best value but I'm afraid I won't hit Riposte enough for it to matter.


Guard stance makes the most sense to me but there are so many complaints about Defense being worthless in PvP that I hesitate to take it.


11 - http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#500RrR0z.1

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For the most part, they are pretty useless in PVP. It wouldn't be so bad if crits didn't totally ignore it even if they are white hits.


Personally if I had to pick one out of the three you listed, I'd take guard stance based on it always being there, the others require you to do something to get the buff/debuff.

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Imo Riposte is quite good. It ignores global cooldown, hits almost as hard as Slash, cannot miss or be parried/dodged and costs 1 focus if talented.

There is no reason not to use it everytime you can,


Even as a DPS, I use it when I can spare the Rage.

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this post made me wonder, is duststorm still usefull in pvp?

i think im gonna remove it to see how it goes


Never have. The only thing about duststorm now is that you have to take a point to get the 5 points required to advance to tier 2.

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