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Dark side Luke in RotJ movie?


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The Millenium Falcon bit was explained by Lucas himself in the commentary. As for the choking thing.. I didn't bring it up. The post I quoted referred to it but I simply claimed throughout much of the movie he was on the same path as his father. This is true. He had not yet mastered his emotions and most of his decisions in the end were based off fear.


Truthfully he shouldn't have left his training. His training was more important than what his friends were up to and doing. His friends were a small drop in the bucket on galactic affairs but his attachment to them and his fear of losing him constantly put his life at risk when the entire galaxy was suffering. One could argue, however, in the end he made the right call as his love for his friends also helped end the conflict but that's still an opinion more than anything else. What we do know of is that he hadn't mastered his emotions up until that final moment in ROTJ. In the end, it doesn't matter. Force Choke has been shown even by Lucas to be something "Dark." even if it wasn't originally intended to be.

no the MF idea was answeered by the fans and then GL said "yup that works" when he wrote it he had no idea what a par sec was. In fact in the script Han Solo is actually lying about how fast his ship is but that line became such a memorable moment the MF ended up becoming the fastest ship out there.


As for luke he wasn't on the same part for much of the movie as his father. he only really gets on that path at the end. Thats when he realizes what is happening.


As for the Force choke and all that the OP is talking all about how Luke is at the start of the movie not at the end.

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no the MF idea was answeered by the fans and then GL said "yup that works" when he wrote it he had no idea what a par sec was. In fact in the script Han Solo is actually lying about how fast his ship is but that line became such a memorable moment the MF ended up becoming the fastest ship out there.


As for luke he wasn't on the same part for much of the movie as his father. he only really gets on that path at the end. Thats when he realizes what is happening.


As for the Force choke and all that the OP is talking all about how Luke is at the start of the movie not at the end.


You continue to miss the point. He hadn't mastered his emotions until the end of the movie. The entire time he was in danger of falling to the dark side. He neglected to finish his training. He let his attachments to his friends cloud his judgement. Everything in the movie lead up to that final moment. In that final moment he finally trusted in the will of the force and let go of his fear. Even before he defeated Vader he, once again, feared for the safety of his friends and allies.


He let this go as he should have done a long time ago. That's what made him a Jedi Knight. In the beginning of the movie. Instead of going to Jabba's Palace he should have been training. He put his life at risk as well as the entire galaxy due to his attachment to his friends and allies. Even Yoda told him to let them go in Episode 5. His desire to save his friends wasn't selfless. It was selfish. There was more at stake in the bigger picture than their well being.


He was afraid of losing them.


You also seem extremely stuck in the past and what was originally intended. Even if Lucas didn't know what a parsec was it doesn't change the explanation. The explanation still exists. Regardless of the original connotations of certain force powers we know differently now and this has colored what was done before it. I also believe in imagery and imagery hints to the fact that Luke Skywalker's path isn't exactly good up until the end of ROTJ. It wasn't necessarily bad but he was making some risks and he was at risk of falling to the dark side.

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"The first film starts with the last age of the Republic, which is it's getting tired, it's old, it's getting corrupt.

There's the rise of the Sith, who are becoming a force, and in the backdrop of this we have Anakin Skywalker, a young boy who is destined to be a significant player in bringing balance back to the Force and to the Republic...

Then in the second film we get into more of that turmoil. It's the beginning of the Clone Wars, it's the beginning of the end of democracy in the Republic, sort of the beginning of the end of the Republic. And it's Anakin Skywalker beginning to deal with some of his more intense emotions of anger, hatred, sense of loss, possessiveness, jealousy, and the other things he has to cope with.

And then we will get to the 3rd film where he is seduced to the dark side..

Which brings us up to the films 4, 5, and 6, in which Anakin's offspring redeem him and allow him to fulfill the prophecy where he brings balance to the Force by doing away with the Sith and getting rid of evil in the universe..."


GL on Balance.


Balance = Destruction of the Sith.


No, I know what GL meant when said bringing balance to the force was destroying the Sith, I just don't agree with the logic. I think, for me at least, saying balance in the context of wiping out one side doesn't make sense. Balance is both sides being equal, in harmony with each other. More than likely I am just getting hung up on semantics, lol!

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You continue to miss the point. He hadn't mastered his emotions until the end of the movie. The entire time he was in danger of falling to the dark side. He neglected to finish his training. He let his attachments to his friends cloud his judgement. Everything in the movie lead up to that final moment. In that final moment he finally trusted in the will of the force and let go of his fear. Even before he defeated Vader he, once again, feared for the safety of his friends and allies.


He let this go as he should have done a long time ago. That's what made him a Jedi Knight. In the beginning of the movie. Instead of going to Jabba's Palace he should have been training. He put his life at risk as well as the entire galaxy due to his attachment to his friends and allies. Even Yoda told him to let them go in Episode 5. His desire to save his friends wasn't selfless. It was selfish. There was more at stake in the bigger picture than their well being.


He was afraid of losing them.


You also seem extremely stuck in the past and what was originally intended. Even if Lucas didn't know what a parsec was it doesn't change the explanation. The explanation still exists. Regardless of the original connotations of certain force powers we know differently now and this has colored what was done before it. I also believe in imagery and imagery hints to the fact that Luke Skywalker's path isn't exactly good up until the end of ROTJ. It wasn't necessarily bad but he was making some risks and he was at risk of falling to the dark side.


Agreed, which is why it was entitled Return of the Jedi. Luke, in finally accepting his fear and not letting it control and consume him stepped fully into the light as a Jedi. That movie in particular was all about redemption, a return to the original spirit of the Jedi Code, that being acknowledging and accepting ones emotions, but letting them control you leads to peace.

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No, I know what GL meant when said bringing balance to the force was destroying the Sith, I just don't agree with the logic. I think, for me at least, saying balance in the context of wiping out one side doesn't make sense. Balance is both sides being equal, in harmony with each other. More than likely I am just getting hung up on semantics, lol!


Depends. If you look into the EU the Sith aren't the only dark side religion. There's other Dark Side religions as well as cultures that don't upset the balance. The Jedi don't care to mess with these religions unless they start causing problems among the galactic scale. The Jedi are servants of the force but strictly practice the light side. However, they do accept certain dark side concepts. They don't try to upset the natural order of things. Death, in a sense, is a dark concept but the jedi accept it as a reality. They accept that certain people are meant to die and that certain things are meant to happen.


This is something that Anakin couldn't understand. The Sith, on the other hand, try to upset the natural balance. The Sith also constantly seek to destroy the "Light Side" of the force. Which.. isn't natural by any sense of the word. They seek to spread the dark side of the force throughout the galaxy which also isn't natural either. They use it as a tool to empower themselves and to achieve what they want. The Jedi, by very definition, seek balance. The dark and light side isn't something that only exists in Jedi. Without the Sith there will still be pain, suffering, loss, war, death, disease, and etc. These things won't vanish.


Without the Sith there will still be Dark Jedi. There will still be dark side practitioners. What upsets the balance is what the Sith do on a massive scale. The Jedi also don't involve themselves with everything. Sometimes the will of the force is that they wait and do nothing. This is also something that causes resentment of the Jedi among certain people as they don't fully understand that the Jedi puts the need of the galaxy over the need of the few. It's also why the Jedi aren't keen to end slavery on Tattooine or declare war with the Hutts.


If this makes sense. So I think George is spot on with his comment because if you look at the whole "Darkness" will always exist. It's also debateable if post trilogy the Sith have truly made a return. The Sith quickly get stamped down whenever they re-appear and many argue that every Sith that has popped up post ROTJ aren't truly Sith.

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...Is this just an act he is playing to free Solo?


OP, ask yourself this; who would Jabba be more likely to turn his favorite wall-hanging over to, a wussie Jedi-wanna-be, or a black-clad Sith-like guy? It's an act, pure and simple.

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the key is you have to remember this was LONG before they ever made the video games or the table top RPG so there was no such thing as Dark side and Light side force powers.


They only had THE FORCE and how you used it.


This. I agree.

Luke was just using the Force to get past the guards and into the palace. There was no Light/Dark side only powers in the films. Just the Force.

Edited by billyboyjennings
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You continue to miss the point. He hadn't mastered his emotions until the end of the movie. The entire time he was in danger of falling to the dark side. He neglected to finish his training. He let his attachments to his friends cloud his judgement. Everything in the movie lead up to that final moment. In that final moment he finally trusted in the will of the force and let go of his fear. Even before he defeated Vader he, once again, feared for the safety of his friends and allies.


He let this go as he should have done a long time ago. That's what made him a Jedi Knight. In the beginning of the movie. Instead of going to Jabba's Palace he should have been training. He put his life at risk as well as the entire galaxy due to his attachment to his friends and allies. Even Yoda told him to let them go in Episode 5. His desire to save his friends wasn't selfless. It was selfish. There was more at stake in the bigger picture than their well being.


He was afraid of losing them.


You also seem extremely stuck in the past and what was originally intended. Even if Lucas didn't know what a parsec was it doesn't change the explanation. The explanation still exists. Regardless of the original connotations of certain force powers we know differently now and this has colored what was done before it. I also believe in imagery and imagery hints to the fact that Luke Skywalker's path isn't exactly good up until the end of ROTJ. It wasn't necessarily bad but he was making some risks and he was at risk of falling to the dark side.


see if you start retroactively explaining things you run into problems.


For example


Why does Han Solo move the way that he does when Greedo shoots first?????

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Throughout the movie Luke is definitely going down a darker path. Watch the original first scene which got deleted, where Luke is in a cave making modifications to his light saber, if that doesn't give off a sith impression, I don't know what will.


you mean this????



yeah...... no not so much. Look how evil he uses that Alan wrench. Everyone knows that Alan wrenches are the tools of the sith.

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see if you start retroactively explaining things you run into problems.


For example


Why does Han Solo move the way that he does when Greedo shoots first?????


You're seriously reaching now. Using things that were explained later to explain things that didn't have an explanation before =/= The same as arguing that Han Solo doesn't move realistically due to how the film was edited. That's like someone going "Why do the aliens look like CGI/People in costumes and the humans look like they're real?!?"

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You're seriously reaching now. Using things that were explained later to explain things that didn't have an explanation before =/= The same as arguing that Han Solo doesn't move realistically due to how the film was edited. That's like someone going "Why do the aliens look like CGI/People in costumes and the humans look like they're real?!?"


Not at all this whole disscusion is about if Lukes actions in Jabas Palace indicate that he is on the dark side. The answer is no because force choke and force persuade arent exclusivly dark side abilties.


This is where the games and rpgs come in. They made them darkside abilities for the purpose of their games. However according to the rules of canon that is non canon. Anything pertaining to weapon stats, abilities is non canon for obvious reasons.


As for the force we,know that it is not what ability you use but how. Vader uses force choke out of anger, when we see luke use it and force persuade he is as calm as Obi Wan.

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also, the entire thing about return of the jedi was about luke sorta almost turning darkside.


i find it really odd you're bringing up a pretty minor bit in jabbas palace. but not the part where luke FREAKS OUT and rage attacks vader at the end. beating him into submission out of pure anger, hatred and rage. then you get that powerful moment where luke looks at his robotic hand and realizes he's turning into his father, so he stops himself.


did you miss that scene or something? pay attention next time....


Indeed, it's the most obvious thing in the movie. It's also one of the best Star Wars moments.


Luke was trying his hardest to turn Darth Vader back to the light, to the point of refusing to fight him. But with Vader probing Luke's thoughts and finally learning about Leia, and suggesting that if Luke doesn't turn, then maybe she would?



A nice little moment was when Luke says that he'll never turn and that he is a Jedi, like his father before him. The look on the Emperor's face? PISSED :p

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Not at all this whole disscusion is about if Lukes actions in Jabas Palace indicate that he is on the dark side. The answer is no because force choke and force persuade arent exclusivly dark side abilties.


This is where the games and rpgs come in. They made them darkside abilities for the purpose of their games. However according to the rules of canon that is non canon. Anything pertaining to weapon stats, abilities is non canon for obvious reasons.


As for the force we,know that it is not what ability you use but how. Vader uses force choke out of anger, when we see luke use it and force persuade he is as calm as Obi Wan.


No one said he was on the dark side. Just that he was in danger to falling to it. We've already discussed this. Now you went back to an earlier point that was already refuted. You're going in circles at this point so I'm going to re-direct you back to my post detailing how he was letting his attachments get the best of him and putting the entire galaxy at risk as a result.


Oh, and that bit in Hand of Thrawn is canon. It's C Canon.

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Depends. If you look into the EU the Sith aren't the only dark side religion. There's other Dark Side religions as well as cultures that don't upset the balance. The Jedi don't care to mess with these religions unless they start causing problems among the galactic scale. The Jedi are servants of the force but strictly practice the light side. However, they do accept certain dark side concepts. They don't try to upset the natural order of things. Death, in a sense, is a dark concept but the jedi accept it as a reality. They accept that certain people are meant to die and that certain things are meant to happen.


This is something that Anakin couldn't understand. The Sith, on the other hand, try to upset the natural balance. The Sith also constantly seek to destroy the "Light Side" of the force. Which.. isn't natural by any sense of the word. They seek to spread the dark side of the force throughout the galaxy which also isn't natural either. They use it as a tool to empower themselves and to achieve what they want. The Jedi, by very definition, seek balance. The dark and light side isn't something that only exists in Jedi. Without the Sith there will still be pain, suffering, loss, war, death, disease, and etc. These things won't vanish.


Without the Sith there will still be Dark Jedi. There will still be dark side practitioners. What upsets the balance is what the Sith do on a massive scale. The Jedi also don't involve themselves with everything. Sometimes the will of the force is that they wait and do nothing. This is also something that causes resentment of the Jedi among certain people as they don't fully understand that the Jedi puts the need of the galaxy over the need of the few. It's also why the Jedi aren't keen to end slavery on Tattooine or declare war with the Hutts.


If this makes sense. So I think George is spot on with his comment because if you look at the whole "Darkness" will always exist. It's also debateable if post trilogy the Sith have truly made a return. The Sith quickly get stamped down whenever they re-appear and many argue that every Sith that has popped up post ROTJ aren't truly Sith.


That makes sense. I haven't read many of the EU books, so I guess I'm slightly behind the times. To me, just taking the movies into account, it didn't make sense, but taking the EU in with it in which there are many Sith cults, Dark Side worshipers, etc, and thinking about the Sith attempting to eradicate the Jedi and claim power over the galaxy, I can see how destroying them would bring balance.


Back to the topic, Luke hadn't fallen to the Dark Side, but he was close, and that really started in TESB when he abandoned his training for fear of losing his friends. He learns the truth about Vader, and he HAD to feel betrayed by Yoda and Obi Wan. The thing was he didn't go through the full Jedi training, and considering there's only a few years in between ANH and RotJ, certainly didn't have enough time to build the discipline required to wield the Force "correctly". It wasn't until the end of RotJ when he finally mastered his emotions did he step truly into the Light. Until then, he was in danger of falling, and that was what the movie was about.

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No one said he was on the dark side. Just that he was in danger to falling to it. We've already discussed this. Now you went back to an earlier point that was already refuted. You're going in circles at this point so I'm going to re-direct you back to my post detailing how he was letting his attachments get the best of him and putting the entire galaxy at risk as a result.


Oh, and that bit in Hand of Thrawn is canon. It's C Canon.

not even close to going back in a ciircle. Listen the topic is very clear here its' about Luke going dark side and using darkside powers IN JABAS PALACE.


We are not talking about the end of ROTJ when he uses his anger to beat his dad NO one is aruging that.


The point I have been making FROM THE START is that force choke is NOT a darkside power. It is just USING THE FORCE. You can use your hatred to use it or you can use it with out emotion as Luke does.



Also sorry but according to lucas and the Star wars canon system Everything after ROTJ is NON CANON.


LUCAS: "I've left pretty explicit instructions for there not to be any more features. There will definitely be no Episodes VII-IX. That's because there isn't any story. I mean, I never thought of anything. And now there have been novels about the events after Episode VI, which isn't at all what I would have done with it. The Star Wars story is really the tragedy of Darth Vader. That is the story. Once Vader dies, he doesn't come back to life, the Emperor doesn't get cloned and Luke doesn't get married..


What George says is canon.

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That makes sense. I haven't read many of the EU books, so I guess I'm slightly behind the times. To me, just taking the movies into account, it didn't make sense, but taking the EU in with it in which there are many Sith cults, Dark Side worshipers, etc, and thinking about the Sith attempting to eradicate the Jedi and claim power over the galaxy, I can see how destroying them would bring balance.


Back to the topic, Luke hadn't fallen to the Dark Side, but he was close, and that really started in TESB when he abandoned his training for fear of losing his friends. He learns the truth about Vader, and he HAD to feel betrayed by Yoda and Obi Wan. The thing was he didn't go through the full Jedi training, and considering there's only a few years in between ANH and RotJ, certainly didn't have enough time to build the discipline required to wield the Force "correctly". It wasn't until the end of RotJ when he finally mastered his emotions did he step truly into the Light. Until then, he was in danger of falling, and that was what the movie was about.


He does feel betrayed but he doesn't fall to the darkside at the end of TESB. Remember Vader gives him a choice to join him on the darkside but Luke refuses and instead of turning to the darkside he would rather die so he thinks he is commuting suicide.


At the end of Emprie luke would rather die then fall to the Darkside.

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not even close to going back in a ciircle. Listen the topic is very clear here its' about Luke going dark side and using darkside powers IN JABAS PALACE.


We are not talking about the end of ROTJ when he uses his anger to beat his dad NO one is aruging that.


The point I have been making FROM THE START is that force choke is NOT a darkside power. It is just USING THE FORCE. You can use your hatred to use it or you can use it with out emotion as Luke does.



Also sorry but according to lucas and the Star wars canon system Everything after ROTJ is NON CANON.




What George says is canon.


Except I am talking about before the end of Return of the Jedi. Go back and read my post. You have once again failed to do so. So yes you are going in circles as you have ignored it for the third time. He was close to falling to the dark side. He was on the path to it. It wasn't until the end of ROTJ that he truly became a Jedi and realized what he was doing wrong. You seem incapable of reading between the lines, noticing imagery, and the rest of it. From the clothes he wore, his actions, it all has meaning and is part of the story. The first time you watch the trilogy you're supposed to be wondering if he was going to save the galaxy or end up like his father. It's part of the drama.


Once again Lucas also has stated that he feels the EU is a separate universe. In that sense it's Canon. Not to mention it IS what he'd have done with it. It was his idea for them to bring back the Emperor. His opinion changed after people bashed him for what he's done to the series. He started screaming "Mine mine mine!" and retracted many of his statements in order to spite the fans. He was the one who hired Leland Chee to make sure the EU meshes with his established Canon.


In the end it doesn't matter. You also admitted that going back to "explain things" is folly. It's not. The prequels, TCW series, etc always has force choke as a power that's dark. It's not simply the EU that has made this a fact. George himself has made it clear that it isn't a good power. Name one other incident where it was used "calmly" and the other Jedi weren't worried about the use at all.


Next you're going to tell me that Dooku is Lightside because he looked calm when he blasted Anakin with force Lightning :rolleyes:

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He does feel betrayed but he doesn't fall to the darkside at the end of TESB. Remember Vader gives him a choice to join him on the darkside but Luke refuses and instead of turning to the darkside he would rather die so he thinks he is commuting suicide.


At the end of Emprie luke would rather die then fall to the Darkside.


I didn't say he fell to the Dark Side in TESB. I said his path to the Dark Side started there, with the threat of his friends and revelation about his father. In the movies he doesn't fall, but he is on the path and only fully renounces it at the end of Jedi.

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Except I am talking about before the end of Return of the Jedi. Go back and read my post. You have once again failed to do so. So yes you are going in circles as you have ignored it for the third time. He was close to falling to the dark side. He was on the path to it. It wasn't until the end of ROTJ that he truly became a Jedi and realized what he was doing wrong. You seem incapable of reading between the lines, noticing imagery, and the rest of it. From the clothes he wore, his actions, it all has meaning and is part of the story. The first time you watch the trilogy you're supposed to be wondering if he was going to save the galaxy or end up like his father. It's part of the drama.


Once again Lucas also has stated that he feels the EU is a separate universe. In that sense it's Canon. Not to mention it IS what he'd have done with it. It was his idea for them to bring back the Emperor. His opinion changed after people bashed him for what he's done to the series. He started screaming "Mine mine mine!" and retracted many of his statements in order to spite the fans. He was the one who hired Leland Chee to make sure the EU meshes with his established Canon.


In the end it doesn't matter. You also admitted that going back to "explain things" is folly. It's not. The prequels, TCW series, etc always has force choke as a power that's dark. It's not simply the EU that has made this a fact. George himself has made it clear that it isn't a good power. Name one other incident where it was used "calmly" and the other Jedi weren't worried about the use at all.


Next you're going to tell me that Dooku is Lightside because he looked calm when he blasted Anakin with force Lightning :rolleyes:


perhaps we are just not on the same wavelength here.


This entire thread is about Luke and his actions during Jaba's Palace


Do you agree???


Here is what the OP said


When watching the scene from SW6, when Luke enter Jabbas throneroom to negotiate for cpt Solo; is Luke under dark side influences?


Youtube link to the scene:


*He use forcechoke on the guards.

*He use forcepersuade on Fortuna. While being used by the jedi, I thought this was only as a last resort, not in a situation like this.

*He tell Jabba to (not accurate quote) "Hand him solo or be destroyed"

*He wear black (sure, it's just a color, but it seems to be attributed to people in the SW movies who follow the dark path or are about to cross the line)

*When threatened, he levitate a pistol to his hand, about to aim at Jabba. Not sure if he mean to shoot or just threaten.


So the OP wants to know if those things that he does DURING THAT SCENE are signs he is falling to the dark side.


Do you agree this is what was asked?




edit: Oh and that qutoe from George Lucas was in 2008 Long AFTER he set up the new canon system and highered Leeland Chee. So yes again nothing after ROTJ is considered canon. All those books "Heir to the Empire", "Dark EMpire" and the whole Vong stuff was published BEFORE he said that so no none of that is what he would have done or is it canon. For something to be considered even C-canon it can't contradict anythign that is G-canon and what George Says is G-canon. Also show me a source to George saying force choke is a dark side power.

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perhaps we are just not on the same wavelength here.


This entire thread is about Luke and his actions during Jaba's Palace


Do you agree???


Here is what the OP said




So the OP wants to know if those things that he does DURING THAT SCENE are signs he is falling to the dark side.


Do you agree this is what was asked?




edit: Oh and that qutoe from George Lucas was in 2008 Long AFTER he set up the new canon system and highered Leeland Chee. So yes again nothing after ROTJ is considered canon. All those books "Heir to the Empire", "Dark EMpire" and the whole Vong stuff was published BEFORE he said that so no none of that is what he would have done or is it canon. For something to be considered even C-canon it can't contradict anythign that is G-canon and what George Says is G-canon.


Your last statement only proves that you're skimming my posts and not reading them fully. I acknowledged that. I stated as much. It was after his prequels were released and he was being blasted for them years on end. This is when he became bitter and started retracting his statements in order to spite the fans. If you fully read my post you would have clearly read that I had stated this.


Yes I am on the same page as you. Unfortunately you're not on the same page as me as you're only skimming my posts and not reading them in their entirety. Until you do so I'm going to refrain from arguing with you because I've already addressed the question you asked when quoting the original poster.


Read my third "Paragraph."

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