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Need a way to change advanced classes


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Overall, I am not an advocate of BW allowing AC change either, with one exception.. if -they- merge servers. Currently, I got characters on two different PvP servers (long story), if BW merges those servers together, then I wouldn't mind rep-speccing one of my sorcerers into an assassin.

I suppose I could have one sorc specced as perma-heal and one as perma DPS, but I know I'd never play the healer one.. I'd much rather change one sorc into a sin then putting it in mothballs.

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I'd like the ability to be able to play each AC on the same server. Seeing as they are focusing around "legacy" and your entire account is tied to the server you are on, it feel broken to me that you can only access half of the AC's.


If there was no focus around legacy saying re-roll on another server would have some legitimate points, however, due to how legacy works, only having 8 character slots per server seems counter intuitive to me.

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Knew someone would come out with this argument, as if it was remotely the same.


Think up something more relevant would you?


Your AC isn't that different to your base class, just a new skill tree and extra abilities. I mean you can even level up to 50 without ever choosing one, which just goes to show there's not a huge amount of difference in what you get once you choose one.


AC's are like Red Apples and Green Apples, not Red Apples and Oranges as you put it.


I call BS. When they introduce the skill trees where I can heal as my assassin, tank on my sorcerer, heal on my powertech, tank with my merc, etc etc we can talk. Until then "Advanced Class" in SW:TOR equals your class. Very few MMOs allow complete restructuring of your player abilities once they're chosen. Star Wars Galaxies comes to mind BUT, you also (stupidly so imo) were only allowed one char per account per server. In TOR when you choose your advanced class you are told in no uncertain terms the decision is not reversible.


Hard to believe I know that I choice made might actually have consequences. People should get used to the concept before reality bites them hard in the backside.

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My main character is a Sniper, the alternate is a Operative. Those two classes play NOTHING like each other... not even remotely... Sniper = Hunter and Op = Rogue in WoW terms.


Sorcerer and a Assassin... explain to me how these are the same?


Marauder and Juggernaut? They could not even wear the same armor....


I would point out the BH AC but I have not played them, so I won't... but for 6 Classes in the game (Knight, Warrior, Smuggler, Agent, Inquisitor, Counselor) their AC are completely different in every way.


And I am sure trooper and bounty hunters are as well, but I will leave that for someone who actually have played them.


And a Feral Druid plays nothing like a Resto Druid, what's your point?

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Dear Bioware, If you want to keep players here and playing this game you need to add a a way, a tool, a device, that will allow players a chance at changing their advanced class. I know most the people who come to these boards and post will have 100 bad things to say about it, but they should not have any voice in my game EXP, only I should. Just as I should have no say in theirs.


Please add this and save me from deleting a toon I already that I already have so much done on.


You already can do this. Reroll and learn the lesson this time.

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I call BS. When they introduce the skill trees where I can heal as my assassin, tank on my sorcerer, heal on my powertech, tank with my merc, etc etc we can talk. Until then "Advanced Class" in SW:TOR equals your class. Very few MMOs allow complete restructuring of your player abilities once they're chosen. Star Wars Galaxies comes to mind BUT, you also (stupidly so imo) were only allowed one char per account per server. In TOR when you choose your advanced class you are told in no uncertain terms the decision is not reversible.


Hard to believe I know that I choice made might actually have consequences. People should get used to the concept before reality bites them hard in the backside.


So really they shouldn't allow Skill Tree respecs, because after all choices should have consequences right?

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I disagree with the OP (especially if he is talking about lvl 50's changing AC's). However...The first planet tutorials become mind-numbingly boring after a few run throughs. I wouldn't mind if they implemented a level cap for changing your AC....say like level 15-20. Pay a hefty fee (roughly the cost of a speeder), or do a quest to have this implemented. Make it a one time deal. After you do it there is no turning back.

I feel this is pretty fair. I have a level 15 Marauder. I wish he was a level 15 Juggernaut. I simply do NOT want to reroll ANOTHER Warrior, and grind out the first 10 levels again.

If I were to reroll, I would keep my characters looks, and name, and simply be deleting my Marauder, only to start all over again on a tutorial planet that I have been through too many times. For a game that focuses so strongly on alts, I feel this an extremely fair request, especially if you have leveled a character up to 50.

Just my 2 credits...

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I disagree with the OP (especially if he is talking about lvl 50's changing AC's). However...The first planet tutorials become mind-numbingly boring after a few run throughs. I wouldn't mind if they implemented a level cap for changing your AC....say like level 15-20. Pay a hefty fee (roughly the cost of a speeder), or do a quest to have this implemented. Make it a one time deal. After you do it there is no turning back.

I feel this is pretty fair. I have a level 15 Marauder. I wish he was a level 15 Juggernaut. I simply do NOT want to reroll ANOTHER Warrior, and grind out the first 10 levels again.

If I were to reroll, I would keep my characters looks, and name, and simply be deleting my Marauder, only to start all over again on a tutorial planet that I have been through too many times. For a game that focuses so strongly on alts, I feel this an extremely fair request, especially if you have leveled a character up to 50.

Just my 2 credits...


See I can agree with that. I think either add some variety to levelling an Alt of the same class story, or allow a one time only change.

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Dear Bioware, If you want to keep players here and playing this game you need to add a a way, a tool, a device, that will allow players a chance at changing their advanced class. I know most the people who come to these boards and post will have 100 bad things to say about it, but they should not have any voice in my game EXP, only I should. Just as I should have no say in theirs.


Please add this and save me from deleting a toon I already that I already have so much done on.


Sweet - then we can have an influx of very poorly played 50s.

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My main character is a Sniper, the alternate is a Operative. Those two classes play NOTHING like each other... not even remotely... Sniper = Hunter and Op = Rogue in WoW terms.


Sorcerer and a Assassin... explain to me how these are the same?


Marauder and Juggernaut? They could not even wear the same armor....


I would point out the BH AC but I have not played them, so I won't... but for 6 Classes in the game (Knight, Warrior, Smuggler, Agent, Inquisitor, Counselor) their AC are completely different in every way.


And I am sure trooper and bounty hunters are as well, but I will leave that for someone who actually have played them.


Just to play devil's advocate. I could make the argument that a concealment spec'd Operative plays NOTHING like a Medicine Operative, which in turn plays NOTHING like a Lethality Operative.


The problem w/ the current advanced class system is that there's so much bleed over between both branches, that anything deeper than a superficial analysis can have you questioning exactly why the ACs are permanently defined. You can make a very strong case for switching, and a reasonable argument against it.


I'm a person who likes options, so long as they do not cause imbalances...Which is why I would support AC switching. "Precedent" as a foundational argument holds no weight for me as it's a very regressive position that never allows for a genre to grow or adapt.

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I would give ANYthing, ANYTHING to be able to change my Mercenary to a Powertech at this point.


Seriously Bioware, $15 bucks for it right now MAKE IT HAPPEN.


Actually I don't really care. I have 4 days left on my sub and that's when head start for Tera starts anyway.


What a coincidence.

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Knew someone would come out with this argument, as if it was remotely the same.


Think up something more relevant would you?


Your AC isn't that different to your base class, just a new skill tree and extra abilities. I mean you can even level up to 50 without ever choosing one, which just goes to show there's not a huge amount of difference in what you get once you choose one.


AC's are like Red Apples and Green Apples, not Red Apples and Oranges as you put it.


Dude you're really stretching things right around the world twice over on this one . Yes a ranged dps heal class and a melee dps tank class really are very very similar totally. I'm not averse to the idea of a single AC respec before like level20 or level15 but your argument is plainly silly to anyone not desperate for AC respec.

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Dude you're really stretching things right around the world twice over on this one . Yes a ranged dps heal class and a melee dps tank class really are very very similar totally. I'm not averse to the idea of a single AC respec before like level20 or level15 but your argument is plainly silly to anyone not desperate for AC respec.


Not really. Besides I wouldn't use it myself, quite happy with my AC.

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I would give ANYthing, ANYTHING to be able to change my Mercenary to a Powertech at this point.


Seriously Bioware, $15 bucks for it right now MAKE IT HAPPEN.


Actually I don't really care. I have 4 days left on my sub and that's when head start for Tera starts anyway.


What a coincidence.


You'd apparently give anything except the week or two it would take to level up a Powertech.

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Dear Bioware, If you want to keep players here and playing this game you need to add a a way, a tool, a device, that will allow players a chance at changing their advanced class. I know most the people who come to these boards and post will have 100 bad things to say about it, but they should not have any voice in my game EXP, only I should. Just as I should have no say in theirs.


Please add this and save me from deleting a toon I already that I already have so much done on.



I vote no. I like having 8 classes. What you suggest would cut that in half.

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Starts off the same doesn't it? Shares a lot of the same core attributes.



But in the end, the classes are completely different. A Vanguard is a melee tank/DPS and a Commando is a ranged healer/DPS. The play style is nothing a like.


Do like I'm doing. Make two of each class (one of each AC) and make one good and one evil. That way the story isn't as repetitive.

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When you pick a class you pick the STORY you wish to play, at level 10 you get the choice of actually playing a class.

Pick consular then getting to lvl 34 and saying I don't like to be a sage anymore is like picking up any MMO version of it like a mage getting to lvl 34 and then saying "NO!, I want to be a rogue so make it so I can switch!" there is 8 stories and 8 class's with its copy on the opposite faction. Giving the ability to switch advanced CLASS would be like allowing players to switch between 6 talent tree's. It's an advanced class not spec.

Edited by nevetss
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I would point out the BH AC but I have not played them, so I won't... but for 6 Classes in the game (Knight, Warrior, Smuggler, Agent, Inquisitor, Counselor) their AC are completely different in every way.


And I am sure trooper and bounty hunters are as well, but I will leave that for someone who actually have played them.


Mechanically they are identical. Obviously there are differing roles and abilities based on skill tree, but if you look at the just Pyro tree there is little difference in how they are played.


Would I like to see an AC respec NPC? Yes, as long as it is within your core class. But only because it was promised during beta.

Can I live without an AC respec NPC? Yes.


All not having it does is make it a little harder for people to be FotM. But having it would keep me from having to reroll start to finish as a PT or Assassin. I was under the impression BW wanted us to experience the story across all eight perspectives. Not allowing for 1-time AC respec, coupled with a finite number of character slots per server does not bode well for this grand design.

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