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>> Arsenal Mercs Are Fine, Stop Complaining (PvP/PvE)


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Thank you for everyones continued feedback and constructive criticism on the Arsenal Merc.


To conclude this thread, an overwhelming majority of players feel that the Arsenal Merc is lacking in both utility and damage mainly in the PvP aspect. Our PvE damage is still very competitive with other classes. The main PvE complaints are about the armorpen not working.


I will no longer be monitoring this thread.



Thanks for all your feedback,






Update(4/26): While the "ARMOR PEN" from the debuff is not applying, PvE Merc DPS is working on par as intended.

Would you rather have them nerf the base damage MORE and have it only increase once you have a 5 stack up and the cylinder? That would be worse. They appear to be leaving it "broken" in order to not reduce the base damage without armorpen, just consider it as armorpen applied into it. If it really is "broken" then "fixing" it will drastically overbuff Arsenal Mercs and we will be way above other classes on damage meters again.


This Advanced Class is NOT Balanced towards the gear you have NOW, it is balanced towards the gear you get in End Game PvP / PvE.

  • If you enter warzones in full columi/rakata, stop complaining until you get full Battlemaster / War Hero .
  • If you are in full champion/recruit, stop complaining untill you get full War Hero.
  • If you are in mix champion/battlemaster/recruit, stop complaining untill you get full War Hero.
  • If you do NOT use relics & adrenals, stop complaining about 3k crit heatseeker missiles and start using your cooldowns.
  • If you are NOT using a 5 stack of tracer missile before shooting a heatseeker missile, and complain about low crit numbers, you need to play smarter.
  • If you are a clicker and or keyboard turner, you will get owned ALL DAY EVERY DAY no matter how much your class is buffed and other classes are nerfed. Please start keybinding your abilities and things will get better and your reaction time will be faster. If you refuse to keybind, stop complaining.
  • If your complaining about other classes being overpowered, then you are playing Team Death Match and NOT objective. You don't need to kill a million enemy players to win at any of the warzones, just CC smartly. Stop complaining.
  • If you are in a PvE Flashpoint or Operation and are NOT top 3 dps with full rakata/campaign gear, you need to pay attention and get some practice on target dummies and you need to get a better computer and better internet.
  • If you are a casual, you must understand that the developers cannot balance this game to increase a bad players DPS without overbuffing a really good players dps who can play the class to its full potential. So stop complaining for buffs, it's not going to happen.
  • While we all personally hate the TM nerf and 1.2c Ninja HSM Nerf, we are currently functioning on par with all classes, and slightly better if played correctly. Yes, HSM crits now suck, but your dps is still normal, you're just not criting 14k in PvE and 8K in PvP anymore.
  • If you are getting spam interrupted in PvP by melee, start learning to fake cast, punt them after they leap to you and go around a pillar/obstacle and heal yourself. You cannot stand there while a melee mashes your face, MOVE-LOS-HEAL. Or....Just play Pyro for PvP it is alot less casting time and more freedom from interrupts. Also keybind powershot to use when TM is interrupted or LOS (Line of sight) behind a pillar and heal.
  • If you are playing TDM (Team Death Match) in PvP, you are playing it wrong. PvP warzones are objective based, play accordingly.
  • If you are solo queing and getting rick rolled, get a good premade and you will do the rolling.
  • If you play 1hr per week, don't expect anything really, stop complaining.
  • If you have never been a hardcore pvper in any arena type game, and really good at it, don't expect to be amazing at pvp.
  • If you are a not a gamer and have never hardcore pvp'd on a competitive game, you will never ever beat a player who have been gaming for years. It just will not happen, no matter what class and gear they have, they will always beat you. Think of it like a tornado coming for a house, if it hits it, the house is gone, it's just something that will happen. Stop complaining.
  • If you get 1-7 medals per pvp match, you are not paying attention, stop complaining.
  • If you are the only person defending a door in voidstar with 6 enemies, and you let them plant the door, you don't pay attention, stop complaining.
  • How to control the bridge w/ Arsenal Merc in Voidstar: Go to 11:45 In This Video
  • Finally, if this is your 1st MMO / you have never played hardcore enough to see a classes full potential, stop complaining.


Here is a screenshot of what Arsenal can do in PvP as of today, after all the TM & HSM Nerfs (1.2c). This was a solo que into a pug group, I play the objective NOT TDM. The gear is full Battlemaster with War Hero Mainhand/Offhand Weapons [Augmented]: http://i.imgur.com/p1LeF.jpg While the damage is low, I played purely objective, and the armorpen is not applying due to the current bug. Regardless if the overall damage number is low, I was able to effectively kill every target, whether tank, healer, or dps, on my own. For reference purposes, I average 500k-800k damage per warzone as Merc Pyro PvP, so I would recommend Pyro for PvP, Arsenal for PvE.

[*]If you are not doing close to this number every match, you are playing it wrong, practice on some training dummies. I do realize that my arsenal damage for pvp as of 1.2c has been nerfed by approximately 100k-300k per warzone, depending on the map.




This was a pug match, solo que.

My damage while my is team getting "Stomped" remains high(This was pyro spec, but it's to prove a point):



Winning or loosing, my play is always on top. Marauders are nothing to me and same with juggs and tanks.

This was effective damage as I was always guarding my door, the other door however....you know how pugs are.

I frequently moved back and forth between the doors, but its an 8 vs 8, I cannot do everything by myself all the time.


Yes, I had 3 healers on my team, they weren't that great. None of them were pocket healing me, and I am the only person on my team with 0 deaths. The enemy team had 2 healers. I run matches with 0 deaths daily, with or without healers on my team, it's all about positioning.


Something had to be said, I can't bother reading these forums anymore. I feel that SWTOR may need to implement some sort of training simulation program to help new people. I know most people reading this thread will be casuals/average players, but please take this thread as a reality check and not an insult.


For reference purposes, these screenshots were taken this week (5/4):


PvE Arsenal Screenshots:

1. http://i.imgur.com/K2dnb.png

2. http://i.imgur.com/wCiuN.png


PvP Arsenal Screenshot:



**If you have questions or need some tips, I will do the best I can to help, although I may not get to everyone.

Edited by DkSharktooth
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It is not. Would you mind uploading a video of your gameplay so we can give constructive feedback?


I'll give feedback on your useless screenshot.


There were 4 players on the oppposing team with under 25k damage. What you posted is a typical premade vs pug leaver game where you were doing your best to make it seem like your dps is superior.


Merc isn't good, relatively speaking, for what you are giving up. I can take screenshots all day showing my brother, who is an equally skilled player to me, in Recruit gear on his dps sorc matching my dps on my full BM arsenal merc. The only issue is tracer debuff not working currently. It's a significant amount of lost dps. The point of merc is to be a glass cannon that can melt people, and yet, the dps is currently only on par with other dps classes, or lacking. A few heavily bias screenshots don't change that, and especially not the one you just posted.

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I'll give feedback on your useless screenshot.


There were 4 players on the oppposing team with under 25k damage. What you posted is a typical premade vs pug leaver game where you were doing your best to make it seem like your dps is superior.


Merc isn't good, relatively speaking, for what you are giving up. I can take screenshots all day showing my brother, who is an equally skilled player to me, in Recruit gear on his dps sorc matching my dps on my full BM arsenal merc. The only issue is tracer debuff not working currently. It's a significant amount of lost dps. The point of merc is to be a glass cannon that can melt people, and yet, the dps is currently only on par with other dps classes, or lacking. A few heavily bias screenshots don't change that, and especially not the one you just posted.


I accept your criticism for the screenshot. I just want to note that I solo qued this match and we did not have a premade on our side that is even close to an average group, I know all the PvPers on my server.


Regardless if I am on the winning team, the losing team, or the team getting completly stomped, I always remain around the 300-400k mark as of patch 1.2c with an average of 9-12 medals upon a loss and 14-17 upon a win. I do not have any problems with killing enemy healers, enemy tanks, enemy dps; slight problems arise against people who interrupt frequently, only for arsenal, not pyro, but I still prevail.

Edited by DkSharktooth
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Here is a screenshot of what Arsenal can do in PvP as of today, after all the TM & HSM Nerfs. This was a solo que into a pug group, I play the objective NOT TDM. The gear is full Battlemaster with War Hero Mainhand/Offhand Weapons [Augmented]: http://i.imgur.com/p1LeF.jpg

I'm not sure what this is supposed to prove. My Darkness/Madness tankassin in BM/Champion tank gear pulled 295k damage, 20 kills, 1 death, 50k protection, 47k healing and 8200 Objective points. Does that mean I'm fine as a dps class?

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I accept your criticism for the screenshot. I just want to note that I solo qued this match and we did not have a premade on our side that is even close to an average group, I know all the PvPers on my server.


Regardless if I am on the winning team, the losing team, or the team getting completly stomped, I always remain around the 300-400k mark as of patch 1.2c with an average of 9-12 medals upon a loss and 14-17 upon a win. I do not have any problems with killing enemy healers, enemy tanks, enemy dps; slight problems arise against people who interrupt frequently, only for arsenal, not pyro, but I still prevail.


Well, do you think a 20% armor debuff missing would prevent any of that? It doesn't, it just makes it much more difficult.


Tracer debuff is currently not working on self. I don't know about the rest of a party/operation, but tested and confirmed you don't gain your own benefit, which should stack with high velocity AND heatseeker.


Your dps is meant to be even higher than you're seeing. That's the only point I'm bringing up. Merc SHOULD be top DPS, every game. It's the class with no interrupt and the least mobility in the game, with the least defensive abilities. That's what the class gives up to melt people.


If you're really good and play a lot on your merc you will have noticed this obvious bug when the dps was basically cut in half on the main skills from 1.2 to 1.2.0c.

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I'm not sure what this is supposed to prove. My Darkness/Madness tankassin in BM/Champion tank gear pulled 295k damage, 20 kills, 1 death, 50k protection, 47k healing and 8200 Objective points. Does that mean I'm fine as a dps class?


  • These numbers will obviously change in rated WZs, however the point of the screenshot, which was not the best match ever, was to show that Arsenal Mercs are still performing fine, regardless if the debuffs are not registering properly or not. I can pull much higher numbers as a Pyro in PvP simply because it's more mobile, but the Arsenal class is still capable of doing what a dps class needs to be able to do, kill people effectively, get alot of medals, and play objective.
  • This thread is not for discussing tankassins, but I will answer your question. Yes, your class is fine. WZs should not be fully on an equal playing field, if they were then everytime I hit you for 5k, you would hit me for 5k, and that wouldn't be interesting, it would just be the same thing with a different outfit / name for every class. If BW truly wants to have PVP class balance then they would allow just 1 of each advanced class per team per warzone, even though this will never happen. Doing so would allow skill to rule over gear, which it already does but to a fairer extent. 1 Tankassin will not cause a disturbance, 6 of them, or any class for the fact, will be very very annoying, but still workable.

Edited by DkSharktooth
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I don't believe Arsenal is really a pvp spec. But the nerfs shouldn't have been a huge hit to your damage in PvE. I'm not going to run the exact numbers, but it can't have been a huge damage drop considering the buffs to Unload procs and HSM.
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Well, do you think a 20% armor debuff missing would prevent any of that? It doesn't, it just makes it much more difficult.


Tracer debuff is currently not working on self. I don't know about the rest of a party/operation, but tested and confirmed you don't gain your own benefit, which should stack with high velocity AND heatseeker.


Your dps is meant to be even higher than you're seeing. That's the only point I'm bringing up. Merc SHOULD be top DPS, every game. It's the class with no interrupt and the least mobility in the game, with the least defensive abilities. That's what the class gives up to melt people.


If you're really good and play a lot on your merc you will have noticed this obvious bug when the dps was basically cut in half on the main skills from 1.2 to 1.2.0c.

Thank you for your comment.

I am and was well aware of this bug the day it happened. However, bug or not, whether they leave it as is or buff it, the arsenal merc is still performing at a high output level for both PvE and PvP. Every MMO out there frequently goes through major buff and nerf cycles, regardless of what the original intent or design was for Arsenal with or without an interrupt. We may even be getting an interrupt soon to compensate for our damage nerfs now, but that is from pure speculation.

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I don't believe Arsenal is really a pvp spec. But the nerfs shouldn't have been a huge hit to your damage in PvE. I'm not going to run the exact numbers, but it can't have been a huge damage drop considering the buffs to Unload procs and HSM.


From my best parses, PRE 1.2c where HSM was critting like 14k with 4 Arsenal Mercs in the PvE Operation, I would SOAR 10% above all other dps on every encounter. After 1.2c launched, I can now safely say Arsenal Mercs in PvE are still majorly in the top 3 dps, and personally I am only able to maintain a 1-2% lead now above other classes with my HSM critting in the 5k ranges. We are not having boss enrage issues in HM EC even though our damage has been nerfed.


My Guild Runs: "Mox Desktop Parser" for the record.

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  • These numbers will obviously change in rated WZs, however the point of the screenshot, which was not the best match ever, was to show that Arsenal Mercs are still performing fine, regardless if the debuffs are not registering properly or not. I can pull much higher numbers as a Pyro in PvP simply because it's more mobile, but the Arsenal class is still capable of doing what a dps class needs to be able to do, kill people effectively, get alot of medals, and play objective.
  • This thread is not for discussing tankassins, but I will answer your question. Yes, your class is fine. WZs should not be fully on an equal playing field, if they were then everytime I hit you for 5k, you would hit me for 5k, and that wouldn't be interesting, it would just be the same thing with a different outfit / name for every class. If BW truly wants to have PVP class balance then they would allow just 1 of each advanced class per team per warzone, even though this will never happen. Doing so would allow skill to rule over gear, which it already does but to a fairer extent. 1 Tankassin will not cause a disturbance, 6 of them, or any class for the fact, will be very very annoying, but still workable.

My point was that your "I'm fine" dps numbers were no better than a tank in tank gear numbers. That should not be "fine" for the dps. What would be the point in taking a dps class over a tank in anything?

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My point was that your "I'm fine" dps numbers were no better than a tank in tank gear numbers. That should not be "fine" for the dps. What would be the point in taking a dps class over a tank in anything?


Can you post at least 3 screenshots of a decent match where you can pull 300k damage per match? I honestly only see around 200k-220k on my server for tankassins at most.

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Thank you for your comment.

I am and was well aware of this bug the day it happened. However, bug or not, whether they leave it as is or buff it, the arsenal merc is still performing at a high output level for both PvE and PvP. Every MMO out there frequently goes through major buff and nerf cycles, regardless of what the original intent or design was for Arsenal with or without an interrupt. We may even be getting an interrupt soon to compensate for our damage nerfs now, but that is from pure speculation.


Let me explain to you with simple words why people whine about this bug.When you are the underdog of the classes(the class that is always mocked on pvp for using(OMG SPAMMING LOLOLOLOL) tracer missile,an ability that enables us to use 3 other abilities EMPOWERED(rail shot,unload,heatseeker missiles),when u are the class that has only one defensive cooldown,when u are the ONLY class without interrupt,when u are the class pretty much a spec with low cd on interrupt destroys it,when you actually got nerfed after 1.2(yes the nerf was justified and im 100% cool with it even though it isnt 10% on tracer its much more nor it is 10% on heatseeker,its much less,explain to me how after 1.2.c and the hotfix in exactly same gear i crit the same with 1.1 hsm but anyway).Its like,you were presented as the most overpowered class in the whole freaking world,even more fuzz than operatives did even though u werent the most OP spec in game currently,you received a justified(?) nerf,bioware acts like their racists on u about the interrupt issue.


To sum it up,yes it is playable and it will always be for the good players.But dont u feel scammed?Its not like we were the most overpowered plague in all mmos to be treated like it..Dunno about you,the only reason i stopped playing after 1.2.c was not that we were useless,its the feeling that you just have been scammed.A feeling which grew stronger after today's patch,where bioware litteraly ignored our testing and complaints.

Edited by Afraid
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Let me explain to you with simple words why people whine about this bug.When you are the underdog of the classes(the class that is always mocked on pvp for using(OMG SPAMMING LOLOLOLOL) tracer missile,an ability that enables us to use 3 other abilities EMPOWERED(rail shot,unload,heatseeker missiles),when u are the class that has only one defensive cooldown,when u are the ONLY class without interrupt,when u are the class pretty much a spec with low cd on interrupt destroys it,when you actually got nerfed after 1.2(yes the nerf was justified and im 100% cool with it even though it isnt 10% on tracer its much more nor it is 10% on heatseeker,its much less,explain to me how after 1.2.c and the hotfix in exactly same gear i crit the same with 1.1 hsm but anyway).Its like,you were presented as the most overpowered class in the whole freaking world,even more fuzz than operatives did even though u werent the most OP spec in game currently,you received a justified(?) nerf,bioware acts like their racists on u about the interrupt issue.


To sum it up,yes it is playable and it will always be for the good players.But dont u feel scammed?Its not like we were the most overpowered plague in all mmos to be treated like it..Dunno about you,the only reason i stopped playing after 1.2.c was not that we were useless,its the feeling that you just have been scammed.A feeling which grew stronger after today's patch,where bioware litteraly ignored our testing and complaints.


I think this guy's point is, everything is relative. You can't just look at big numbers and go "see we still can do top dps, therefore we're fine." That is not a logical argument. Only Bioware has all the numbers to make the best possible design changes. Unfortuntately it seems like they have brain dead people doing that based on the huge overadjustments made in the 1.2 patch.

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I don't believe Arsenal is really a pvp spec. .

Funny joke man thx.

Bout screen after 1.2c did 500+k on void star. This doesnt prove anything. BW broke our abilities and didnt fix them today. Rly hope they will fix it. Coz i do enjoy playing my merc and want to play, but atm if we talk bout ranked WZ there are much more useful classes then merc with same dmg+ alot more utility and it makes me a sad panda :(

Edited by Mrazable
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I may quote the thing that the overall dps in fine, the problem experienced in wz in my opinion is the boost dps, in 1v1 you get easily powned agaist class like marauders or snipers, and i mean whithout using terrain obstacles or ramps as a cover, that's the point, if you're focused, by one that chases you you can run but you have lot's of difficoultyes to get him down.
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Damage at the end really doesn't mean anything. I can spend all my time dotting and AOEing and put up ridiculous numbers without being a threat. No one is scared of me, despite the warhero gear. That marauder next to me, though? He takes longer to engage, has less on-demand AoE and spends less time on target than I do, resulting in lower over-all damage. He also gets targeted and dies more often thanks to being up in the targets face and swinging his light sabers around. But when the enemy sees him, they are scared. When he force leaps to you, you need to pop defensive cooldowns or you'll be running back from the graveyard in a few seconds. Yet his damage is going to consistently be less than mine.


Putting up screen shots like this only hurt the class, and I hope you realize that. We are sub-par single-target DPS that can deal big end-game numbers thanks to on-demand aoe and being low on the enemy kill list thanks to our damage being healed through/mitigated quite easily.


Try doing an organized 4v4 against another group, or even an 8v8 if you want to get crazy. We have no objective utility that a Sniper or Sorcerer can't do better, we have lower single-target DPS than virtually every other class barring an already out of stealth Operative, we have the lowest survivability next to a Sniper (who at least gets some group utility and serves as a hard counter to tanks/maras) and are the single easiest class in the game to shut down via the interrupts that every class besides us have.


To give you a little background, I have a Warhero Operative who I semi-retired ages ago after going full rakata/BM early, and spent most of my time on my Trooper. My Trooper felt powerful compared to my neutered Op but, in much the same way, had a role (ranged burst built for assisting the take-down of targets). With our debuff seemingly nerfed and our sustained/burst down from what it was only a few weeks ago, we are forced to do what you did: spam AOEs to inflate our end of warzone damage numbers while making our team wish we had picked Powertech.

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Damage at the end really doesn't mean anything. I can spend all my time dotting and AOEing and put up ridiculous numbers without being a threat. No one is scared of me, despite the warhero gear. That marauder next to me, though? He takes longer to engage, has less on-demand AoE and spends less time on target than I do, resulting in lower over-all damage. He also gets targeted and dies more often thanks to being up in the targets face and swinging his light sabers around. But when the enemy sees him, they are scared. When he force leaps to you, you need to pop defensive cooldowns or you'll be running back from the graveyard in a few seconds. Yet his damage is going to consistently be less than mine.


Putting up screen shots like this only hurt the class, and I hope you realize that. We are sub-par single-target DPS that can deal big end-game numbers thanks to on-demand aoe and being low on the enemy kill list thanks to our damage being healed through/mitigated quite easily.


Try doing an organized 4v4 against another group, or even an 8v8 if you want to get crazy. We have no objective utility that a Sniper or Sorcerer can't do better, we have lower single-target DPS than virtually every other class barring an already out of stealth Operative, we have the lowest survivability next to a Sniper (who at least gets some group utility and serves as a hard counter to tanks/maras) and are the single easiest class in the game to shut down via the interrupts that every class besides us have.


To give you a little background, I have a Warhero Operative who I semi-retired ages ago after going full rakata/BM early, and spent most of my time on my Trooper. My Trooper felt powerful compared to my neutered Op but, in much the same way, had a role (ranged burst built for assisting the take-down of targets). With our debuff seemingly nerfed and our sustained/burst down from what it was only a few weeks ago, we are forced to do what you did: spam AOEs to inflate our end of warzone damage numbers while making our team wish we had picked Powertech.


Let me put it like this.

PvE = Arsenal >> Reason: Everyone gets 20% arpen from you

PvP = Pyro >> Reason: In an "ideal" PvP 8v8 Warzone, with all players at top skill level, nobody would let an arsenal merc live to cast, therefore it is better to be pyro where half your effective abilities are instant.


However, if you wish to PvP as Arsenal Merc, you can still do so, while maintaining kills, medals, and survivability. Your damage just wont be as high at the end of the match as a Pyro PvP Merc.


There is nothing wrong with having 1 viable PvE spec and 1 viable PvP spec. I hope this satisfy's your curiosity.

Edited by DkSharktooth
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Let me put it like this.

PvE = Arsenal >> Reason: Everyone gets 20% arpen from you

PvP = Pyro >> Reason: In an "ideal" PvP 8v8 Warzone, with all players at top skill level, nobody would let an arsenal merc live to cast, therefore it is better to be pyro where half your effective abilities are instant.


However, if you wish to PvP as Arsenal Merc, you can still do so, while maintaining kills, medals, and survivability. Your damage just wont be as high at the end of the match as a Pyro PvP Merc.


There is nothing wrong with having 1 viable PvE spec and 1 viable PvP spec. I hope this satisfy's your curiosity.


Pyro for Mercs is like Lethality for Operatives; it's a broken spec for the class. Pyro makes PT's burst machines thanks to the lower cooldowns on their Rail Shot procs and their ability to stay mobile (along with their abundance of utility skills compared to ours, including a jump, pull, and interrupt). They inherently get out more railshots quicker than we do while being more mobile and useful. Essentially, if you're playing a Pyro Merc you're just a gimped Pyro PT.


The problems with the latest patch are the decrease to Arsenal burst, since numbers at the end of a match mean nothing when you're ignored by the enemy team thanks to subpar burst. BW was on record saying our overall was fine, but they wanted to shift some damage away from Tracer Missile while making up the difference elsewhere. It was completed somewhat successfully, although losing TM damage to get more Unload procs (which are more likely to be resisted), was a bad trade off but the HSM buff made up for it. Now, HSM is doing 25% less than it was pre-1.2, and even less by most accounts. Saying it's "fine" isn't the issue. A heal spec Merc can do "fine" damage if they try. It doesn't make it acceptable.

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That's the crux of it. Arsenal is strong enough against lower skill players and unorganised teams. We can still do good single target damage when left to freecast and we have good aoe. However, against good players and good teams we are far too easy to shut down and have no utility or escape. In rated this spec will not get taken ever as is.


Pyro has less of the inherent weaknesses and is a better pvp spec. However, this spec will also never get taken as it is just a poor man's pyro pt.


I didn't pick the class with the BFG (Im a commando) so I could heal people.

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