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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Let's talk about Blizzard's Desperation for a Minute...


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So I have this email that says I have a 'scroll of resurrection' about to expire.


This is how hard up Blizzard is for resubs. If I resub, I'll get the following:


- any one character BOOSTED to level 80.

- I'll get Cataclysm for free (if I don't already own it)

- I'll get a FREE transfer to the server of the person who sent me the invite/scroll (for the character I choose to have boosted to 80).


this is all above and beyond the standard offer where they gave away Diablo 3 for a year sub of WoW.


So yeah, it's not just Bioware with subscription challenges.

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Doubt this will last long, but there's a very real reason for this. There are a glut of AAA titles hitting the market, MMO and Small-multi. Add in the very real allure of the F2P model that many games are cashing in on and it creates a situation where people will go try something else. With no initial investment for F2P games, I know my interest is piqued for games like Firefall and Planetside 2.
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I laugh at the wow banner advertisements that seem to be on nearly every mmo-information website- especially SWTOR info websites.


Blizzard ruined their own game, and the kiddies they catered to drove millions of players away from the game.

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What does this have to do with star wars?


its a comparison to what is said on here about bioware must be loosing subsciptions hands over fist due to what they are doing with trials.


Have to remember that bliz has nearly 85% of its subscriptions in the euro and china zones and that due to currency changes that bliz are loosing alot of money now compared to before even if they kept 10 mil subs.


Not to mention all the money they have lost by giving d3 away and pinning all there hopes on real money market.

Edited by Shingara
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Doubt this will last long, but there's a very real reason for this. There are a glut of AAA titles hitting the market, MMO and Small-multi. Add in the very real allure of the F2P model that many games are cashing in on and it creates a situation where people will go try something else. With no initial investment for F2P games, I know my interest is piqued for games like Firefall and Planetside 2.


This offer actually has been available for a couple of months. I think blizzards complacency has caught up to them. Games like TOR, RIFT, F2P MMO's, and other big titles are really pulling players away from the old giant that has really done little to keep players interested. The problem with blizzard is that they put out AAA titles for a very long time. Now they feel safe and untouchable since wow was literally unbeatable for so long and with that false sense of security development suffered. Because they stopped really being as innovative and developing top notch games since they were complacent they are being bypassed left and right by both big developers and newer upstarts.

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It is a very competitive market right now. Now and the coming months left in this year will be a great time for MMO players and any MMO company cannot afford to be smug about thier paying subs base. They ether step up to the plate and offer something better or lose subs.
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Like Lastargument said. Lots of games coming out. I got several invites from former guildies trying to lure me back. Of course it wouldn't have anything to do with their getting a free mount, too. :rolleyes:


In the end I think it's a good business decision to capture as much membership as you can now before the storm hits.

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What does this have to do with star wars?


The point I desired to make was that you have trolls on here saying EA is 'desperate' and Bioware is pulling out all the stops to fix their 'dying game' (not my words).


I'm just suggesting the game is fine save for a couple big things, and even Warcraft has been in a struggle and ramping up the freebies to get their old subscribers to come back.


I'm here until they figure out how to NGE the game (which hopefully never happens).

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I would rather discuss the OP's desperation


I love how people like to discuss the misfortune of other MMOs, while ignoring this stagnating game. Scroll of Ressurection is always brought up, but what's never discussed is the stuff EA/Bioware is pulling, e.g. a TON of free trial weekends to boost population numbers.

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I love how people like to discuss the misfortune of other MMOs, while ignoring this stagnating game. Scroll of Ressurection is always brought up, but what's never discussed is the stuff EA/Bioware is pulling, e.g. a TON of free trial weekends to boost population numbers.


well actualy trial weekends doesnt even come close to wows F2P upto lvl 20 or giving away free lvl 80's. Also you will find trials are discussed quite alot and how someone can see a trial as a bad thing i do not know, more people that try it more people that will buy it and play it without giving a nearly top lvl class free.

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well actualy trial weekends doesnt even come close to wows F2P upto lvl 20 or giving away free lvl 80's


SWTOR is in serious trouble my friend, a lot of unbelievers will start to believe this weekend and in the next few weeks.

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well actualy trial weekends doesnt even come close to wows F2P upto lvl 20 or giving away free lvl 80's

WoW is over 7 years old. This MMO is a few months old. To have to artificially raise population numbers for an AAA $300 million game is simply embarrassing.

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Op you are severely misinformed, Wow has over 11 million Subs and this is not the first time they use scrolls to bring back players that left for to try failed "WoW-Killerws" like SWTOR.


Are you sure its 11million? I was pretty sure it had dropped to like 9 million as it lost its 12 million it had two years ago.. I could be wrong though.

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WoW is over 7 years old. This MMO is a few months old. To have to artificially raise population numbers for an AAA $300 million game is simply embarrassing.


first of all trials dont inflate subscription numbers, if people buy the game after the trial they are subscribers and will be added. Second you must be sniffing something funny if you think a company is going to spend that type of cash on something and then not advertise it, give out trials and flood the market with demos to try it and get more people into it.


SWTOR is in serious trouble my friend, a lot of unbelievers will start to believe this weekend and in the next few weeks.


SWTOR is in no trouble at all, and what you have just stated has been stated since the beta weekends and as of yet has not materialised, a lot of miss beleivers will start to see this in the next few weeks or months.

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Are you sure its 11million? I was pretty sure it had dropped to like 9 million as it lost its 12 million it had two years ago.. I could be wrong though.


You are right. It dipped down under 10 million with the last statistics that came out. They have been bleeding subscriptions for awhile now. Pandaria is going to be make or break for them. My money is on break.

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TOR is not in trouble, but honestly, in the videogames business, boasting to be better than a seven years old game is kinda akin boasting to be able to beat in boxing a sixty years old lady when you claim to be Mike Tyson.


Not to mention that the said lady, in fact, is beating you.

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You are right. It dipped down under 10 million with the last statistics that came out. They have been bleeding subscriptions for awhile now. Pandaria is going to be make or break for them. My money is on break.


10.2 millions.

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