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Lawrichai's Illustrations - SWtoR Fan Art =^.^=


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I will definitely make another one of Vector that's for sure.

When I made this one, it was a really quick job I did just so I could see "my" Vector with his eyes, since that customization wasn't showing them in the cinematic. (I wonder if that has been fixed yet...)


... maybe I could do that next ^^

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Your work is just stunning. Your Dr. Lokin looks so real - I love the pose, the shadow, the eye...everything. Really captures his personality and mystery. :D Please make more!


I really have to agree. These all look fantastic!! I'm really drawn to your level of technique as well as the mood and tone that you set in each picture. Simply breath-taking!

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... I think I somewhat leave a piece of my own soul inside each of them...


I always have that feeling when looking at certain pieces of art, or even with old hand-made objects.

Some feel different than the others, they feel alive.


When I was younger I read in a book that in our past, ship builders were making sure that their workers would always be in a good mood, so the wooden ships would live long and bring luck.

Same goes with those Stradivarius violins who are said to have a better sound quality than our modern ones.



I do believe that when you put all of your love into something, it'll transpire back and others will be able to feel it too :)

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These are awesome! Especially love Corso and Quinn. I like Vector too, but we need one where he's showing a bit more emotion. >.<


But the picture of Quinn made me squee in fangirl delight as that is exactly the look my fem war saw that got her hooked HARD on him.


As for Corso? OMG! He's never looked sexier. And this is a man who would never be on the cover of GQ. Now I know why my smuggler flirted heavily with him. *sigh*


Now we need Andronikos, Jorgan, Doc (OMG WE NEED DOC!!), Tharan (with or without Holiday because you can have a ftb with him), Torian (my god we need a default Torian looking all hot and sexy and dangerous).


But if you can make Corso look sexy, I'm of the mind you can make default look Andronikos too. (I find him hideous, but my SI girl finds him drop dead gorgeous)


Awesome, awesome, awesome!!

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Oh my! I just stumbled across this thread browsing about, and wow, just wow!! The artwork is stunning. Malavai...omg, my dear Malavai, and Vector...both so amazing and hawt! *fans self* Gorgeous work...I had to really restrain myself from licking my monitor, lol :D
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The sith warrior is the only class I don't currently have, but after reading something about the entire Malavai Quinn storyline, not to mention seeing him around *sigh* I had decided when we get new character slots, some far off day, a SW is first on my list.....but oh, heavens. Your Malavai there has made me consider deleting my second smuggler. If she weren't so firmly entrenched in my Legacy backstory, she'd be a goner! Ehh....still considering it....it's getting a little hot in the office.....


Your art is lovely and I can't wait to see Vector in his original customization.....my IA and I find Vector totally charming in his unique view of the world.

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If you're looking for male companions, one of my favorites is Doc from the Jedi Knight story. From there I'd say jump into females. I think Jaessa from the Sith Warrior could be an interesting piece of art. A lot of flexibility with her. Possibly Ashara as well.
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Did that quoted scene for Quinn today and find your picture beautiful. As a guy who rolled a female alt, you perfectly captured him. Amazing! I love all of them. May I make a request? Are you planning on doing one for Andronikos Revel in his default appearance?
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  • 3 weeks later...

>< Drawing Vector will take a lot more time than I anticipated due to computer problems.

Haven't been able to touch him in two weeks and I miss it !


I'm eager to share him with you :D

Edited by Lawrichai
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Thanks all for your support ^^

It's hard not being able to work on such a pleasant sight, I mean, my current Vector illustration.

Until I get together a brand new computer, I won't be able to touch him again.


=^.^= I only have his handsome face done, all the rest still needs lots of work.


For those interested, since it'll take a while before you can see him, I'll tease you with a description of the scene:



Vector is in his original customization

He's naked, we have a nice view of his face and chest

He's got his black gaze straight on you, his hair untangled

One of his hand is extended towards you

and behind him you see.... the ceiling! <3



I'll let you wonder what quote inspired me.

Edited by Lawrichai
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