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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Sniper Boost? WFT?


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Snipers needed this this buff, most snipers are on the bottom of the dps list for raiding and for pvp generally get destroyed 1v1. Yes lvl 10 snipers are going to be crazy OP but at 50 they will balance back out.


Why do people get so worked up about low level pvp? (10-49)

Constantly see so many lvl 20s just rage at their team for losing.

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All these anecdotes about Xk damage from a sniper in one hit are selective memory (if they are true at all). They have a couple good cooldowns that allow for impressive burst dmg occasionally and the rest of the time they are a sitting duck.


Everyone remembers the time a sniper popped their CDs and hit you hard but no one remembers all the times they were plugging away with normal hits, because they aren't memorable, or even noticeable sometimes.


Snipers needed this buff, and they could use a little more for non-CD assisted sustained dmg.

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Snipers do plenty of damage in PvP but they're literally a sitting duck while doing all that damage so I don't think it's unreasonable to expect a class that basically can't even run away has to be able to do more damage than classes that can move while fighting.
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lol yeah clearly bioware don't know what they doing... I'm merc dps i used to be able to do around 500k+ dps now max 400k if lucky, while snipers still does +700k, and now they are buffed so they do around 1000k now? lol.... No wonder i'm leaving this game!!!!!!!!!!

They keep buffing strong classes, i'm 100% sure they have NO clue whats going on in pvp. What about nerf marauders? noooooo they are "fine", "sure".


Herrrp I'll completely ignore the guy in cover cause I need to kill these other guys that are close to me.

Derrrp my HP is going down so fast, they are OP!

Edited by Vetril
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1) Snipers CANNOT do over 6k damage in a single hit, I've shot players in PvE gear with all my adrenals, relics, etc. popped and fired off my highest damaging shot (which is channeled and on a 15 second cooldown) and despite being in the best gear available (full augmented) I can only expect to get my 5k medal a couple times a day. I have never broken 6k although it is technically possible if someone had 0 expertise.


8k? This is why I stopped coming to the pvp forums, nothing but exaggerated BS


2) Operatives are not a pure DD class, for a handful of credits you can also become the one of the best healing classes in the game right now - Gunslingers have 3 spec choices, DPS - DPS - and DPS.

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lol yeah clearly bioware don't know what they doing... I'm merc dps i used to be able to do around 500k+ dps now max 400k if lucky, while snipers still does +700k, and now they are buffed so they do around 1000k now? lol.... No wonder i'm leaving this game!!!!!!!!!!

They keep buffing strong classes, i'm 100% sure they have NO clue whats going on in pvp. What about nerf marauders? noooooo they are "fine", "sure".


Honestly I'm glad people like you are leaving. This game needs less mindless whiners.

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Honestly I'm glad people like you are leaving. This game needs less mindless whiners.




Seriously, *** is with these people. Do they think they are the only ones that have ever seen the stat screen at the end of a WZ? Do they really expect anyone who has PvP'd more than a handful of times to believe them?


If you want someone to listen to you, you might want to start by not blatantly lying your *** off multiple times while avoiding saying one accurate, or even remotely believable, thing.

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With the same gear, the same skill tree and same buffs, my sniper lost about 700 hps and 4% of overall damage (not pvp damage) with the 1.2 patch release - that was an unannounced ninja-nerf.


Now I gain 5% to 3 abilities. If they give me my 700 hitpoints back someday, my sniper will be about the same as pre-1.2.


Also, Bioware thinks that normalizing damage and hitpoints over a 39 level range makes for good pvp - anyone who pvp's knows that's baloney. 10-49 warzones are a sad joke, please don't compare them to 50 pvp.


Lastly, to the guy who said a sniper one-shotted him with 8K vs. BM armor - unless he was running some hack, that's just not possible in any gear and certainly not against BM armor.

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5% across the board?


Try 5% to four abilities, only two of which are commonly used by builds other than deep MM.


It was a PvE buff that will have next to no impact on PvP play.


Maybe you didn't see this part:


Snipe's damage has been increased by approximately 5%.

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The buff was to fix marks damage relative to other pure DD classes in endgame ops. It's a nice change, but it's only 5% across the board, it's nowhere near gamebreaking, ewspecially considering snipers have none of the massively powerful defensive CD which make maras (the other massive damage class) so dangerous.


Just to add, this buff was apparently supposed to go in for patch 1.2 but for some reason never made it.

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maybe by some weird coincidence he was relic/adrenal/whatever buffed and you had many debuffs on you. Or maybe you had your PvE gear on in WZ.


Fact is that 5% boost is nothing much. it is 5% boost to base (white!) damage which may translate to 7-9% of crit dmg (also white) boost. So in best case scenario I can hit ppl for lil over 4k in WZ (without relic/adrenals popped) and usually I hit for no more than 2,5k (many times much much less).


People act as if Snipers/GS got 50% boost and turned all their attacks into Force ones lol. Also, if I recall correctly, Sniper/GS (MM/SS spec mind you as this boost is mainly for this tree) are THE LEAST played classes so chances are you may pop on one of those 1 out of 30 WZs.


I did imply that buffs etc and a good crit could have been the case,sadly one of the other posters that qouted one little snippet lacks reading comprehension,again for those of you that enjoy little one liners read the whole post before you comment.

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This is what I'm talking about. 3 pieces of war hero gear and skill in the same post. The pvp community in this game is completely overrun by mediocre pvpers pretending they aren't mediocre. Please stay here when other games launch. You are bioeas type of paid sub.


First it was one piece of WH gear,now its three before one is knowledgeable to comment? lol you guys are a joke,skilled PvPer? lol again that whole thing you wrote screams EXTREME GEEK personified.

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Love how all these complaints are, 'A well played player. . . . . .'


Eventually BW is gonna have to go door to door, putting arrows in people's knees.


And telling them they can't go on adventures anymore.

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