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Future 3D Space Combat


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Having a TIE FiGHTER type of space combat would be awsome. Space Battlegrounds 10 v 10? Players can choose between 3 or 4 different types of fighters.


Exactly, and could do the same with flahpoints. Could even add in rounds to pvp. Space round leads to ground battle round. Then switch over like VS.


Would rather take my own upgraded ship in tho. Makes it more interesting. And make it 8v8

Edited by FaceShindu
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I can see a lot of QQing about the learning curve if things get too complicated. And i can see how extra ships could be a mountain of work. Just let me hijack a some smuggler or jedi's ship, shouldnt be too hard to replace in cut scenes, or at least let me paint my D-Mantis florescent pink and yellow!


Yeah, now this is something I'd approve of. Being able to steal or otherwise acquire ships from other classes.


Exactly, and could do the same with flahpoints. Could even add in rounds to pvp. Space round leads to ground battle round. Then switch over like VS.


Would rather take my own upgraded ship in tho. Makes it more interesting. And make it 8v8


Or even, twin battlegrounds. Alderaan for example... it already has a ground PvP zone where you have to capture ion cannons or something like that (or so I understand, not a pvp'er so I could be wrong). This ground warzone could have a direct effect on a space warzone going on at the same time. The Republic take control of the ion cannons, and they open up on the Imperial capital ships in orbit. Because of the paralysing effects of an ion cannon, this could in turn affect, for example, the Imperial respawn time in the space battle (Their 'base' ship has been ion'ed and is therefore running slower than it should be).


Not too sure how a space pvp battle could effect the ground battle though, short of having an occasional fighter crash down onto thee map, or a bombing run. Yeah, there's an idea. Part of the space battle is to protect your NPC bombers while they head down into the atmosphere.

Edited by dazednconfuzed
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Whilst i can see the draw to linking space and ground as such it inherits to many problems being tied as such, its best to keep them totally seperate. For the ships i cant see any problems to getting new ships or putting ships craftable within cybertech due to all space crafting is already tied to that. I would hang back from giving other class's ships to other class's and just have a system in the game to give new ships based on space exploration and quests.
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I agree with you about the extra ships, although I have heard reasons relating to story cutscenes as to why they don't want to bring more in.


Not too sure about things like weapons ranges, shield rotations, etc. That may be getting a little too advanced for an MMO that combines both ground and space. I wouldn't complain personally, but I imagine some people would.


I would imagine they could have it so you choose your ship via a terminal, then launch into the space game. Wouldn't need a cut scene. When you land, you just go back to your normal ship. That way they would have to do no work changing cutscenes, which means they could even add in ship customisation.

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Whilst i can see the draw to linking space and ground as such it inherits to many problems being tied as such, its best to keep them totally seperate. For the ships i cant see any problems to getting new ships or putting ships craftable within cybertech due to all space crafting is already tied to that. I would hang back from giving other class's ships to other class's and just have a system in the game to give new ships based on space exploration and quests.


Yeah, I understand that, but hey, we can dream, right? :)


Opening up the other class ships would be an easy first step. All of the work for the ships (apart from that needed to make them fit with other class cutscenes) is already done, so it would be a lot easier to say 'Here you go, have access to an extra 5 ships immediately while we work on others'.

Edited by dazednconfuzed
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Yeah, I understand that, but hey, we can dream, right? :)


Suppose we can yes but i would prefer to have fresh ships not tied to class and unique to space players then 1 of the 3 ships you dont have tied to you given as some legacy or gimmick. Possibly short range fighters, frigits or mining vessels.

Edited by Shingara
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Sounds cool. As long as I'm not getting camped like the EVE warpgates or whatever they were lol, and as long as it's optional as well. If it turns out I hate it, I don't want to be forced to complete 50 1st person space missions as part of my class story. I'm sure these things will be taken care of (honestly!).
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Suppose we can yes but i would prefer to have fresh ships not tied to class and unique to space players then 1 of the 3 ships you dont have tied to you given as some legacy or gimmick. Possibly short range fighters, frigits or mining vessels.


Fighters, I'd definitely like to see put in. Something small like the R-41 Starchaser that could fit in the hold of your main ship, or attached to the hull.


Mining ships could be good if they start adding cargo space or space mining.


Frigates I'd class as capital ships, so I'd leave those for when we get the guild ships.

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Sounds cool. As long as I'm not getting camped like the EVE warpgates or whatever they were lol, and as long as it's optional as well. If it turns out I hate it, I don't want to be forced to complete 50 1st person space missions as part of my class story. I'm sure these things will be taken care of (honestly!).


They took away the single mandatory space combat mission they had in the class story well before launch. I doubt they would make the mistake of not making the new space combat optional.

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Fighters, I'd definitely like to see put in. Something small like the R-41 Starchaser that could fit in the hold of your main ship, or attached to the hull.


Mining ships could be good if they start adding cargo space or space mining.


Frigates I'd class as capital ships, so I'd leave those for when we get the guild ships.


No i mean frigits as in the sense to multi player turret manned ships designed specifically for multi person ships. I expect guild ships to be huge things that take alot of people to run and alot of people to keep alive. Frigits should really be at a max needed of 3 peeps/companions.



And ye the small ships like that and the ones we use to shuttle around the fleet stations.


I would like to have mining vessels as a way to get materials for space crafted items as for me that keys in better and also the possiblity of getting the rare metals you find from underworld trading found within asteroid mining and that type of thing.

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No i mean frigits as in the sense to multi player turret manned ships designed specifically for multi person ships. I expect guild ships to be huge things that take alot of people to run and alot of people to keep alive. Frigits should really be at a max needed of 3 peeps.



And ye the small ships like that and the ones we use to shuttle around the fleet stations.

I would like to have mining vessels as a way to get materials for space crafted items as for me that keys in better and also the possiblity of getting the rare metals you find from underworld trading found within asteroid mining and that type of thing.


Ah, you mean kind of like a gunship type affair? Not a capital ship, but big enough to require mutliple people manning it? Like the Y-Wing had 2 seats in it - pilot and gunner? Yeah, I like that idea. I would say create it to require 4 people, or a full group. Perhaps make them unavailable to players initially, but use them as the focus for a few spaec flashpoints.

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Ah, you mean kind of like a gunship type affair. Not a capital ship, but big enough to require mutliple people manning it? Yeah, I like that idea. I would say create it to require 4 people, or a full group. Perhaps make them unavailable to players initially, but use them as the focus for a few spaec flashpoints.


I edited my post you quoted but yes basically that. Having ships as such would allow for flashpoint type things within space combat where players take not just turrets but seats in the cockpit and look after shields, reloading missiles etc.


If no players available allow companions to take over jobs and have skills tied to them which we can improve via space gameplay.


Edit- Example could be mako uses her slicing skills etc and one attack is to send out a jamming signal to enemy craft to lower shields or attack friendlys if droid ships.

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I edited my post you quoted but yes basically that. Having ships as such would allow for flashpoint type things within space combat where players take not just turrets but seats in the cockpit and look after shields, reloading missiles etc.


If no players available allow companions to take over jobs and have skills tied to them which we can improve via space gameplay.


Yeah, this is nice. Shingara, I like the way you think :)

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Yeah, this is nice. Shingara, I like the way you think :)


Thank you, and this is the main standpoint im coming from, if we are going to have multi player ships i dont see why we should have everything under the pilots control. Shields, missile reloads, extra turrets, ship defense systems like flares, emps etc could and should be given to companions or other players manning your ship.


This way people playing space more then ground have a reason to still get companions, a bonus for having companions and a bonus for playing with others in space.


Space also alows for more easy dynamic events cos you know what space is full of, space.

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This is how I could see space working, obviously it's just me making stuff up, lol.


A brand new space station, on which there are hangars for different ships to use once you qualify. Also, there would be trainers and mission terminals. You could pick your next mission, launch, and pick what sector of space you'd like to go to, with all sectors open to you if you just wanted to explore.

Once you've completed a mission, and got enough exp, you are given a new rank, which opens more missions, ships, parts, etc. Reaching highest rank gives you the ace title, new uniform, and some new ships, including multi person ships, with turrets.

Also on station would be a pilots bar/lounge, vendors selling parts and ship customisation kits.

You could flag yourself for pvp, or choose pvp missions from a terminal/trainer. Each side could have their own sectors, but ideally I'd like all sectors open to both sides.


Using a station as a hub for space would allow them to keep it separate from the ground game, and give them more time to integrate the two, if they wanted to.

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Space Battlegrounds 10 v 10? Players can choose between 3 or 4 different types of fighters.


please no queuing up for warzones type, if BW messes this up by making space a 10 minute warzone this will be the final nail in the coffin, simply copy JTL and bring some new fresh ideas, that´s it.

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They should have had full space game in at launch. Playing catch up now is something they wouldn't have to have done. How on earth they could have made a star wars game without space is something I'll never get my head around.

And it's funny how they've been so quiet about it, but now it's come out top in the polls, suddenly they're soooo excited.


No game has ever launched with a compelling and fully-fledged space and ground component to the game. Period.


It makes perfect sense that BioWare put the solid efforts into making a great ground game, and then added a fun space component for launch, and then devoted more time to fleshing out the space component after the game was in production.


If they'd done it the other way... this game would be as broken as STO.

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I may as well stop posting now since people seem to quote my actual posts then make up what I said.


The proof that space combat would bring enough players to the game to be worth the development time / cost is in the name of the game? The name doesn't prove anything of the sort. Nor does the amount of people playing a free mod or the amount of people playing a virtual economy with a little semi-automated space flight thrown in.


Nor did I actually say that no one would want it, nor that only the current subscribers would want it.


If my posts aren't read before being responded to I see no point in continuing to post here. I'm sure your "proof" is completely valid, even though you are unable / unwilling to provide any of it.



Do you know how much it would cost to develop? No, neither do I.


Clearly it won't happen if it costs too much, but there are space MMORPGs out there doing ok - without the Star Wars pull and without a groundside MMORPG attached.


I don't understand how using your supposed "criteria" you could "prove" SWTOR should be made.... going by the only example prior to it, and as I've said ignoring WoW itself all other fantasy MMORPGs "fail" to be as profitable as WoW.


In fact I can't think of anything where you can guanetee an outcome 100%.

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No game has ever launched with a compelling and fully-fledged space and ground component to the game. Period.


It makes perfect sense that BioWare put the solid efforts into making a great ground game, and then added a fun space component for launch, and then devoted more time to fleshing out the space component after the game was in production.


If they'd done it the other way... this game would be as broken as STO.


Or, you could look at it like this...they have the team that is currently working on space at the start of development, so at launch they have both ground and space. I honestly don't think that's too much of an ask from such an established pair as bioware and EA, but that's just my opinion, whatever the arguement, it doesn't really matter now, what's done is done.

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Or, you could look at it like this...they have the team that is currently working on space at the start of development, so at launch they have both ground and space. I honestly don't think that's too much of an ask from such an established pair as bioware and EA, but that's just my opinion, whatever the arguement, it doesn't really matter now, what's done is done.


It's a great wish, but it's never been done competently by any publisher in the history of MMORPGs.


It's like having two masters, or two bosses... one of them is going to win out. Space and Ground are so totally different in terms of environmental setup and mob placement, player mechanics, and so forth that I am really doubtful that anyone will ever have them both at the same time, in an MMORPG, right from launch.


I know that Entropia has both modes now, but it took almost 11 years for the space component to come out in fully-fledged form as it is now. I don't play EVE so I can't comment on their ground model, but from what I know of the space combat, that never interested me either.


But I am tremendously excited to see what BioWare delivers in terms of 3D space combat, as well as the Guild capital ships concept if they can pull that off, which they can, given enough time and resources.

Edited by Kubernetic
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