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So all GTNs are going to merge soon ?


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It's a Legacy unlock.


Ah, IC. Well, it will be realistic.


A bunch of people that never come out of their rooms in real life....will never come out of their ships in-game.


Most excellent. Maybe put mailboxes, vendors, flashpoint access in there too.....

Edited by Blackardin
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Ah, IC. Well, it will be realistic.


A bunch of people that never come out of their rooms in real life....will never come out of their ships in-game.


Most excellent. Maybe put mailboxes, vendors, flashpoint access in there too.....


They might even put a troll cave in for you.

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What "ship" GTN?


I can see merging GTNs to one, but a ship GTN would be a huge mistake.


the ship gtn is a neutral gtn you can buy for 5 mil and i think level 28 legacy unlock. It's already in game, and i dont see how that would be a mistake. Who cares where someone clicks on the GTN box? it gets clicked on either way.

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Griefing by undercutting? Deflation? Thats just consequences of an open market. What you call clutter everyone else would call choice. Already many cross faction items change appearance if you mail them to an alt on another faction. You just sound like your looking to complain for the sake of complaining about one of the few great ideas BW has come up with in regards to this game.


Couldn't agree more.

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the ship gtn is a neutral gtn you can buy for 5 mil and i think level 28 legacy unlock. It's already in game, and i dont see how that would be a mistake. Who cares where someone clicks on the GTN box? it gets clicked on either way.


You have a piggly wiggly in your car? Walmart? Or do you use your car to drive to them? LOL


Further. within a few weeks of it going live, the fleet will be a ghost town.


With that, the same people complaining that they want their ship GTN will be complaining, once again, that the game suxors because it feels empty....and this time they will be right.


Devs need to stop listening to the whiners that want everything simplified. Cross server LFG, shipboard mail and GTN. Why not just go with a single player game that has three companions?

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I got my degree in Computer Science not Business Administration, so obviously I'm missing some critical information here with regards to business and economics. Please bear with me:


Why is undercutting seen as griefing?


Here's a good example: Just yesterday, I crafted my first [Augmented] orange chest piece. Going to the GTN, I see some guy has already crafted the same item, about eight times. He's selling each of them for 100K. So... my completely not-trained-to-be-an-MBA mind said that I should sell mine for 95K. I mean, after all, I scavenged half of what I needed to make the thing and probably spent about 2K in missions to get the rest. I want mine to sell first (need the cash) and I'm willing to lose 5% of the price for that privilege. To my CS-trained mind


Clearly, if I had my MBA I'd realize how stupid this is and I'd have set the price at 100K or maybe 120K (prestige pricing, you know?). However, as I'm not educated in such matters, I don't fully understand why its griefing not to. Could some of the more informed players please explain this to me?


I mean, I could understand the guy feeling a bit annoyed that I grabbed a sale from him, but I'm just not smart enough to see how that's griefing. Are Amazon and NewEgg griefing the world? Are the really smart business people all setting their price to exactly match their competition, and only the dumb, griefing companies setting them just lower than the competition?


Even if I set the sale price at 1K credits, my weak mind can't see how this is really damaging. Clearly this is my fault and indicative of my lack of education. To me, the result to the world is the same as if the price were 95K: The other guy misses out on a 100K sale, some guy gets augmented-custom armor. The only difference is the location of 94K of credits. At best, this seems like I'm griefing myself, especially since there's a good chance the person who bought it is just going to put it back on the market for 100K (because they're smart and putting it back at 95k would clearly be griefing).


I'm confused. Someone please educate me.

Edited by Malastare
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I got my degree in Computer Science not Business Administration, so obviously I'm missing some critical information here with regards to business and economics. Please bear with me:


Why is undercutting seen as griefing?


Here's a good example: Just yesterday, I crafted my first [Augmented] orange chest piece. Going to the GTN, I see some guy has already crafted the same item, about eight times. He's selling each of them for 100K. So... my completely not-trained-to-be-an-MBA mind said that I should sell mine for 95K. I mean, after all, I scavenged half of what I needed to make the thing and probably spent about 2K in missions to get the rest. I want mine to sell first (need the cash) and I'm willing to lose 5% of the price for that privilege. To my CS-trained mind


Clearly, if I had my MBA I'd realize how stupid this is and I'd have set the price at 100K or maybe 120K (prestige pricing, you know?). However, as I'm not educated in such matters, I don't fully understand why its griefing not to. Could some of the more informed players please explain this to me?


I mean, I could understand the guy feeling a bit annoyed that I grabbed a sale from him, but I'm just not smart enough to see how that's griefing. Are Amazon and NewEgg griefing the world? Are the really smart business people all setting their price to exactly match their competition, and only the dumb, griefing companies setting them just lower than the competition?


Even if I set the sale price at 100 credits, my weak mind can't see how this is really damaging. Clearly this is my fault and indicative of my lack of education. To me, the result to the world is the same as if the price were 95K: The other guy misses out on a 100K sale, some guy gets augmented-custom armor, and keeps a lot of extra credits. At best, this seems like I'm griefing myself, especially since there's a good chance the person who bought it is just going to put it back on the market for 100K (because they're smart and putting it back at 95k would clearly be griefing).


I'm confused. Someone please educate me.


Well said to me the griefer would be closer to those wanting to sell it at outrageous prices taking advantage of the fact if people want to upgrade they are forced into paying inflated prices. Screw that ill sell mine at what ever low price i deem fit and if it costs the people who want to be the jcpennys of the game a sale. Well just call me costco 8)

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You have a piggly wiggly in your car? Walmart? Or do you use your car to drive to them? LOL


Further. within a few weeks of it going live, the fleet will be a ghost town.


With that, the same people complaining that they want their ship GTN will be complaining, once again, that the game suxors because it feels empty....and this time they will be right.


Devs need to stop listening to the whiners that want everything simplified. Cross server LFG, shipboard mail and GTN. Why not just go with a single player game that has three companions?


other than the rakghoul outbreak my level 50 never hits the fleet except to goto raids anyways. i leave them on the planets with the dailies.


That being said, anyone under 50 will still use the fleet for rest xp, training, group finding.


plenty of reasons to be on the fleet, as for it being a ghost town? on alot of servers it already is. :cool:


It has been a few weeks since the neutral GTN went live on ships, and nothing has changed on our fleet yet. Highly doubt this is going to have a global impact. all I hear is that the sky is falling.

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You have a piggly wiggly in your car? Walmart? Or do you use your car to drive to them? LOL


Further. within a few weeks of it going live, the fleet will be a ghost town.




It's already live.


The Fleets are fine. For my own part, I don't see much value in drawing people to the fleet if their only point in being there is to use the GTN. For all intents and purposes, they might as well be on their ship. They are unlikely to interact with or join any other players.


Of course, the shipboard GTN is a heavily premium item requiring a lot of credits and a high legacy level. Anyone who is eligible for that has already proven that they're involved in the game community. Or if they're not, then they've at least earned the right to be a hermit.

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Clearly, if I had my MBA I'd realize how stupid this is and I'd have set the price at 100K or maybe 120K (prestige pricing, you know?). However, as I'm not educated in such matters, I don't fully understand why its griefing not to. Could some of the more informed players please explain this to me?


Sure, I used to teach microeconomics in an MBA program and I can explain it to you.


If you had an MBA, you would have contacted the seller and colluded with him to set up a cartel. You would agree on the pricing and divvy up the market amongst yourselves. Each time you saw a competitor put up the augment at a lower price, you would snap it up and repost it at your price. Eventually you would work with a guildie to engineer a leveraged buy-out of the other seller in your cartel, resulting in a monopoly that you would control.

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Ah, IC. Well, it will be realistic.


A bunch of people that never come out of their rooms in real life....will never come out of their ships in-game.


Most excellent. Maybe put mailboxes, vendors, flashpoint access in there too.....


Well said kind sir, this is a most amusing comment and made me laugh, +1 and a gold star for you!

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Sure, I used to teach microeconomics in an MBA program and I can explain it to you.


If you had an MBA, you would have contacted the seller and colluded with him to set up a cartel. You would agree on the pricing and divvy up the market amongst yourselves.


Ahh. I see now. That's brilliant. I wouldn't have thought about setting up a cartel. We could spread the risk between each other while doing a better job of fleecing our customers. See, this is why I didn't go into business.


Each time you saw a competitor put up the augment at a lower price, you would snap it up and repost it at your price.


To be honest: I have done this a couple times. (Purple Mod for 1K? That's not right....). And for people complaining about serious undercutting, this is your solution.


Eventually you would work with a guildie to engineer a leveraged buy-out of the other seller in your cartel, resulting in a monopoly that you would control.


Touche, sir. Thanks for helping me understand. The next time I make an augmented-custom, I'll try to be more business savvy.

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Dooomy doomy doom doo doom doom dom


Get some comprehension there skip. ;p


I'm not dooming and glooming. I'm talking about your type, that seek instant gratification without every looking beyond that gratification need....then, one day log on and see the results of their complaints and begin to complain about them.


Very rarely do I see a well thought out argument on these boards, just "I want, I want, I want". Zero forethought.

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Actually in a way the merger is already here.


Yesterday my wife's republic character mailed my republic character some mats that my empire character needed for crafting. My republic character mailed them to my empire character. After crafting there were mats left over so I put them up on the empire gtn. When they sold, my empire character took the credits and mailed it to my republic character who then mailed it to my wifes republic character.


We have almost all of the crafting, gathering, and mission skills between our characters and are use to moveing mats and credits around between accounts and factions. It is quick and no big deal although you do get to look at a lot of loading screens.


At the time I left WOW this was not a possibility as someone else has noted. Aside from the neutral AH there was no way to move gold, mats, or crafted items between Aliance and Horde. That was a real pain and tended to make me want to keep all of my characters in one faction. In Swtor we have an even split between republic and empire characters and get to experience both factions stories and quests without having to pay a crafting or credit penalty. I would say well done in that aspect of crafting and trading to BW.


As far as merging having a negitive effect on pricing or causing undercutting, I don't think so. We have characters on a medium server and on one of the very heavy servers. I am seeing a better market with more availability and more consistant better pricing on the heavy server. For some reason more buyers tends to support pricing evern though there are more sellers. On the medium server I can put something up for sale at a fair price that sits for days and then expires. That is especially true on the republic side. On the heavy server, the same item at the same price sells quickly. Again yesterday, as I was putting up a number of mats on the heavy server, my mail box was actually clicking with sales while I was still in the process of listing. Hopefully a merger will bring more buyers into a single market and even on a medium server replicate my experience on the heavy server.

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Get some comprehension there skip. ;p


I'm not dooming and glooming. I'm talking about your type, that seek instant gratification without every looking beyond that gratification need....then, one day log on and see the results of their complaints and begin to complain about them.


Very rarely do I see a well thought out argument on these boards, just "I want, I want, I want". Zero forethought.


Instant? At best it takes 5 mil and level 28 legacy to achieve, trust me when I say legacy 28 isn't instant and if you only have 1 toon running dailies that is about 200+k per day minus repair bills from raids and flash points. 5 days per mill 5 mill is 25 days.


nothing instant about getting the gtn on your ship, and that is if that is the first legacy unlock you are going for. mind you there are a TON of legacy unlocks all costing a pretty penny. instant? lol

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other than the rakghoul outbreak my level 50 never hits the fleet except to goto raids anyways. i leave them on the planets with the dailies.


That being said, anyone under 50 will still use the fleet for rest xp, training, group finding.


plenty of reasons to be on the fleet, as for it being a ghost town? on alot of servers it already is. :cool:


It has been a few weeks since the neutral GTN went live on ships, and nothing has changed on our fleet yet. Highly doubt this is going to have a global impact. all I hear is that the sky is falling.


This logic is so flawed, so full of conjecture that it really is not worth the time to explain the impending results to someone that has convinced themselves that any of what was just written is true.


Maybe we can talk in 3 months, when more then 2 people have this in game and we can see the results....and the real "sky is falling" posts that will result from the same people that insisted on this addition.

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