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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Patch Notes - Companion Implants/Earpieces


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I noticed this in the patch notes:

  • Earpieces and implants now properly apply their stat bonuses when equipped on companions.


Apparently, it only properly applies these stat bonuses if you remove the pieces and then put them back on your character.


I was on Corellia running the dailies when I noticed Lokin could barely keep one of us healed, let alone both. So when i opened up my character sheet, I noticed his Cunning/Endurance were both in the low 900's. So I took off one implant and put it back on and his stats shot up. Did it for all 3 pieces and now he's back to 1168/1153...


So if you notice your companions seem gimped, take a look at their stats...

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