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Companion Ear/Implant Bug not fixed


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4 hours of maintenance scheduled tonight but no word if there is a fix for this problem. Wish we were kept in the loop with regards to this bug.


Bug fixes are usually not announced in advance. It is a known bug, the intent was to fix it in the last patch, it seems reasonable it should be fixed tomorrow. Be patient.

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Seriously, what does this patch note mean then?


Companion Characters



Companion quickslots now update correctly when a new companion is summoned, correcting an issue that could cause the previous companion's abilities to continue displaying on the new companion's hotbar.


Earpieces and implants now properly apply their stat bonuses when equipped on companions.


That bug is amazingly annoying, especially for classes with tank companions. I find myself having to obsessively check stats, sometimes even walking into a story area triggers the bug.


well i would have to hazard to guess, that they were referring to the companion QUICK SLOT and to the stats on the Earpiece and Implants. i don't see how anyone else got the idea that that referred to the issue of the objects becoming unequipped. as the quick slots refer to SKILLS, come one people learn to READ

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well i would have to hazard to guess, that they were referring to the companion QUICK SLOT and to the stats on the Earpiece and Implants. i don't see how anyone else got the idea that that referred to the issue of the objects becoming unequipped. as the quick slots refer to SKILLS, come one people learn to READ


I was referring to the bug were stats from earpieces and implants were not applying correctly to companions. I checked Doc out this morning who had the problem pre patch and after re-equiping once the bug seems to be gone for me. Hope everyone else has the same results as this was one of the more annoying ones!!!

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On all my chars except my L50, I don't even bother reequipping and in practice I notice no difference. I feel the significance of this bug has been way overblown. Aren't we talking about stat changes on the order of 5-10%? And this is only on your companion, so as a team, the overall impact is probably less than 5%, given that your main will always fight smarter than your companion.


I don't understand for one second how this can be called "game breaking", but then again, that particular term has been diluted to the point of being meaningless.


It is true that swtor has so many game breaking issues that the term has become meaningless when it is referenced.


In most fights the stat drop will not matter since you can get through them with no problem. But swtor has many quests (class and other) that are tough and take some doing to complete. If you play a squishy class, your survival and success depends on keeping the mob(s) off of you. That is especially true for someting like a Sorc or Sage healer. That is your companiions job. If your companion is killed quickly by a gold and he then turns to you, you are toast. You only have two plays and they are stun and run or slow and run. LOL, there is nothing like seeing a gold or two silvers burn your companion down to the ground quickly and then turn smiling to you.


If I play my commando with a healing companion, the difference is not that great because my companion is not usually under attack although you can suffer from the reduced healing.


Although it is somewhat of a pain, my wife and I do what we call a companion ear check every time we dismount or go through any other transitional event. This is a major bug that affects everyone. It should not have made it through even the most preliminary testing, but since it did (grats BW on your QC), it should be fixed post haste.

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It is true that swtor has so many game breaking issues that the term has become meaningless when it is referenced.


To be fair, very few are actually game breaking... at worst the bugs tend to block one quest or FP / OP, not keep you from playing at all. I never even knew about the companion earpiece bug until last week, despite leveling a character to 50 and another into the 40s, so I wouldn't call a bug that I played for 3+ months without noticing "game breaking"... ;)


It does explain a few boss fights that seemed harder than they should have been though.

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Not sure if this qualifies as broke, but the GTN search is funky now. You have to specify rarity or the search button won't activate.....


Sounds like a sloppy fix to the GTN bug. If you searched without a rarity on a category that didn't have subcategories it would come up empty.

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To be fair, very few are actually game breaking... at worst the bugs tend to block one quest or FP / OP, not keep you from playing at all. I never even knew about the companion earpiece bug until last week, despite leveling a character to 50 and another into the 40s, so I wouldn't call a bug that I played for 3+ months without noticing "game breaking"... ;)


It does explain a few boss fights that seemed harder than they should have been though.


True. I was being somewhat tounge in cheek with that response to another post.


My wife and I are playing and enjoying ourselves and generally like the game. To us the game is indeed buggy and has issues galore. Many of the issues have been identified and termed game breaking by others. Like the earpiece / implant companion bug we just play past them, We do think that the experience is deminished by treating so many flaws as part of the game. Our general reaction is to keep playing as long as we enjoy ourselves. We are looking (probably like many) at the new games on the horizon not because we want to leave swtor per see but because we want a quality smooth gaming experience.


The one thing that has concerned us is not the large number of bugs, problems, flaws, etc. but that we have noticed a significant drop in population on our server over the last week. Perhaps it is due to other game beta testing. When we go to fleet or a planet, we end up wondering where everyone has gone.

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Just to address this, companion ear pieces and implants are indeed fixed. Companions are summoned with full stats from gear and character presence. Any class buffs on the character are then re-applied to the companion on summon, so if you have the endurance buff, it will take a second or two for that to kick in. The complaints of the previous few dozen preceeding posts are wondering what they broke to fix this particular issue. But rest assured, companion gear and loading is now working 100% as intended.
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A related problem might be another bug.


1. Click on your companion and the color of the Icon on the right side SHOULD BE BLUE. (It is presently RED)

2. Click on a party member and the color of the Icon on the right side SHOULD BE BLUE. (it is presently RED)

3. In the SWTOR documents all Friendly targets should be BLUE.

4. In the SWTOR documents all Enemy targets should be RED.


So what we have here is that ALL TARGETS ARE ENEMY. This may be the problem for many bugs.

Yeah I noticed that. And when you first load a character, their health bar on the lower left is empty. ? Weirdness. But I did notice what you're saying about all friendlies being red. I was wondering about that. However, it does let me heal a companion which if he were truly counted as an enemy, I couldn't. So there's a mixup at some intermediate level there too.

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