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Companion Ear/Implant Bug not fixed


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Wow. I'm actually amazed. I thought this would be fixed in today's 4/27/12 patch. The bug is still there.:(


I'm not normally one to needle a development team, but this one merits big, spikey sharp needles. Please, fix this. Snipers absolutely should be using tank companions. Having them spawn at -3k health without the work around on every dismount (particularly during daily quests) is unacceptable. Sorry, but that's the way it is. Frustrated that this is not top priority.

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I cannot believe Bioware hasn't fixed the companion ear/implant bug. I dont know if these guys understand this. But the people playing this game, and loving it, are getting FREAKING annoyed by this bug. two of my mates couldnt stand it anymore and quit already till you fix it. Guildies wining like b*tches about it.

Changing the ear/implants every damn time when you zone/relog/resummon/mount. It's game breaking **** and a pain in the behind

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I cannot believe Bioware hasn't fixed the companion ear/implant bug. I dont know if these guys understand this. But the people playing this game, and loving it, are getting FREAKING annoyed by this bug. two of my mates couldnt stand it anymore and quit already till you fix it. Guildies wining like b*tches about it.

Changing the ear/implants every damn time when you zone/relog/resummon/mount. It's game breaking **** and a pain in the behind


I am one of those people, but my patience is running out. Enough so that I pre-purchased GW2 (when I never intended to) and will be spending this weekend in the beta. If they have managed to pull off all the claims (which early beta players are saying they actually exceeded), then I will be one of those unfortunate casualties of SWTOR when I never wanted to be (and still don't). I'm just tired of paying for BioWare to figure out what the MMO space is really about.


I understand this bug may be difficult, but after two weeks, if it really had any sort of priority it should have been fixed by now. There is only so long anyone can go with, "We'll fix this in the next major patch" before you begin to lose hope. Seems vent chat for guild lately has turned into a lot of discussion about their disappointment with the way this game is being handled and just buying time until another MMO is chosen by the guild.


Sad really.

Edited by Wayshuba
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Of all the things that could and should have been fixed today, I am at a loss why this wasn't fixed, considering that the devs have obviously been putting time and effort into it.


Not just that, but the number of bugs is just rising and needs to be seriously sorted ASAP. The crashing and sound issues notwithstanding, I haven't seen things like the smart camera work since 1.2.


As a former Champions Online player, I've been in a game before where long-standing issues are either ignored or just remain unfixed, despite the protestations of players. I really hope that Bioware is not going to go down this road, as it's MMORPG hell for the players.

Edited by llesna
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Getting irritated beyond words.... BW don't seem to want us to enjoy the game.. they certainly don't want to talk to us. Has anyone even seen an acknowledgement that they are aware their fix ... didn't?


Yes, they did acknowledge that the fix didn't work ( once players reported it ) and pulled it from the patch notes. If they are having problems sorting this bug then it would be good of them to let us know that it is a priority and will be fixed ASAP.


I too hoped it would be mentioned in todays 'notes' and am very disappointed that it isn't.

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I find I'm still having to tell people in game about this bug's existence everyday.


Bioware did a really crappy job at letting their population know this serious bug existed. Put it on your front page, send an email out, dammit, do something to get the news out to people.

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I am slowly starting to wonder if this is a universal bug, or a "selective" bug only for some players.

I myself have this problem until this very moment - so all the time I need to re-equip implants and earpieces of all my companions, with all my characters. What is puzzling me: I am asking mates in the ingame chat about it and many state vigorously that they haven´t got this problem. So - no offense meant - are they just blind about that or is this really a selective issue?

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Of all the things that could and should have been fixed today, I am at a loss why this wasn't fixed, considering that the devs have obviously been putting time and effort into it.


Because this was an emergency patch to fix an exploit. The bug fix will come in a regular patch after triage, design, implementation, and testing.

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It's game breaking **** and a pain in the behind


"Game breaking" gets thrown around to the point that the term has lost all meaning. This bug is, at most, a nuisance.


1. For 99% of all missions, a 5-10% loss in companion stats has negligible impact on the outcome.

2. For the remaining 1%, there is a work-around.


I only bother with the workaround on fights with elites and above and only on my L50 main. On my alts, I don't even notice. I've played just as much SWTOR after this bug as before, so I don't see how it is "game breaking."


I'm almost more annoyed at the companion wielding bug, which is a visual irritant.

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"Game breaking" gets thrown around to the point that the term has lost all meaning. This bug is, at most, a nuisance.



Anyone who has the nerve to call this minor bug game breaking is nothing but a sad whiner who doesn't even know what a real game breaking bug looks like.

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Another patch in which none of the things that are ruining the game for me have been fixed.


  • Stuck movement bug remains on my Knight
  • Companion accessories still need to be reequipped every time I dismount/zone/summon
  • Memory leak that eventually destroys ingame sound and requires frequent client restarts along with all the looooooong load times that entails still remains

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I am slowly starting to wonder if this is a universal bug, or a "selective" bug only for some players.

I myself have this problem until this very moment - so all the time I need to re-equip implants and earpieces of all my companions, with all my characters. What is puzzling me: I am asking mates in the ingame chat about it and many state vigorously that they haven´t got this problem. So - no offense meant - are they just blind about that or is this really a selective issue?


I would say they are blind or not understanding what you're trying to explain to them. EVERYONE I have spoken with in-game has this issue, and those who say they don't once it's explained and shown what they have to do, have it as well..

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Has there been any official acknowledgment of this bug yet? I haven't read all the threads out there discussing this, so I was just wondering.


This bug can potentially be pretty crippling. If I wasn't a regular board reader I would probably still be sitting in my chair wondering why my companion and I were dying so often all of a sudden. Doing "the Trials" on Voss was a nightmare and I had no idea at first why my companion died more times on that one quest than he had in the last 10 levels. I couldn't complete the final boss at all. Then I found out about the bug....sure enough. My companion was missing 2,000 health points. Re-equipped his implants and earpiece and bang...completed the whole quest no problem. Problem is, I have a hard time remembering to re-equip each time. So I'm dying a lot more than I used to.


Here's the weird part though - not all my companions are affected. Corso has the bug, Vector has the bug, but Gus doesn't. Odd.

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I hope this is fixed in tonight's (5/1/2012) patch! I haven't been leveling my characters much lately because it is such a hassle to remove and re-equip these items over and over.
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I hope this is fixed in tonight's (5/1/2012) patch! I haven't been leveling my characters much lately because it is such a hassle to remove and re-equip these items over and over.


Yes this is very annoying they need to fix it asap.

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I hope this is fixed in tonight's (5/1/2012) patch! I haven't been leveling my characters much lately because it is such a hassle to remove and re-equip these items over and over.


On all my chars except my L50, I don't even bother reequipping and in practice I notice no difference. I feel the significance of this bug has been way overblown. Aren't we talking about stat changes on the order of 5-10%? And this is only on your companion, so as a team, the overall impact is probably less than 5%, given that your main will always fight smarter than your companion.


I don't understand for one second how this can be called "game breaking", but then again, that particular term has been diluted to the point of being meaningless.

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I don't understand for one second how this can be called "game breaking", but then again, that particular term has been diluted to the point of being meaningless.


This bug affects different players in many different ways. As a healer, your tank companion may lose thousands of hit points. A DPS companion won't be as efficient with the stat losses. Because you ignore the bug doesn't mean it is not affecting others in a more serious way. A lot of players appreciate playing at their best. When your companions are gimped, it is a real annoyance.


If you take a moment and understand how this may affect players other than yourself, you may find an answer to your question of "how it is game breaking?".

Edited by Skyzen
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4 hours of maintenance scheduled tonight but no word if there is a fix for this problem. Wish we were kept in the loop with regards to this bug. Been going on too long not to be a priority issue and it has been too long since we got a dev update.
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This bug affects different players in many different ways. As a healer, your tank companion may lose thousands of hit points.


Out of how many (i.e., what's the percentage loss?).


When your companions are gimped, it is a real annoyance.


Even after our explanation, I don't understand how annoyance = game breaking. The bug annoys me too, but it hasn't affected one iota how much I play the game. I just don't see how it breaks the game to the point of making it unplayable, because that is what "game breaking" means.

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