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Merc changes in the next expansion


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Bounty Hunter


- Flamethrower has had its damage greatly increased to fend off melee classes

- Bounty hunters will no longer die from falling from hights because of their new jetpack ability - Ignition

- Death from above now has a knockback effec in PvP




- Thermal Detonator no longer sticks itself to the enemy, it now detonates on impact

- Thermal Detonator has now become a lvl 50 ability for all specs of the merc

- Shoulder slam is now usable in pvp, only against incapacitated targets


One of the huge changes that are coming to the merc is that the Pyro tree and the Arsenal tree will be merged to make space for a melee spec of the mercenary.


Yes, mercs will be able to dual wield vibroblades and techstaffs



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Here's what i'd like to see.


Bounty Hunter


- Bounty hunters will no longer take fall damage thanks to the new passive ability - Reverse Thrusters

- Death from above now has its knockdown effect applied in PVP




- A new ability called disengage has been added to your repertoire. (Propels the user forward and into the air 30m)

- Powershot can now be used while moving.

- Powershot now has a small chance to ignite the target.

- Powershot's damage has been reduced 20%.

- Powershot's cast time has been reduced 30%.

- (Pyrotech) Flamethrower can now be used while moving

- (Pyrotech) Flamethrower has had its cool down severely reduced

- (Pyrotech) Flamethrower now has a chance to increase the damage of railshot.

- (Pyrotech) Incendiary Missile's damage is now reduced by 50%

- (Arsenal) Heatseeker Missiles now appropriately gains damage from the stacked tracer missile debuff.

- (Bodyguard) Kolto Missile and Kolto Bomb now affect up to 5 targets

- (Bodyguard) Rocket Punch (Kolto Punch) can now heal a friendly target

- (Bodyguard) Rapid shots now has a small chance to trigger a kolto residue effect


Wishful thinking, i'm sure.

Edited by Verraton
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No, please stop!

Don't post it. NO!

You're making me wish for stuff that will never happen.. it is Bioware afterall. It's almost like asking Blizzard to get rid of Panda's and Pokemon and replace them with Sith Lords.. as epic as it would be.


On a side note, I love the OP suggestions for expansion changes so far. They look really good already. Though I'm primarily a Powertech, I would love to see some of your suggestions for one of em :p

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