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PvP class/spec roles and player QQ


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This was originally meant as a reply to another thread, but it might get buried in other subjects and it covers multiple threads as a reply, so i made it a thread of its own. While this not covers the source of all pvp QQ, it does cover a pretty big part of it.


Tanks need healers and healers need tanks to be effective. And by tanks i mean tank gear on tank spec.


They are Dps enablers. Those 2 roles hold the line and keep people alive for dps to do their job.


The problem is not with the game but with players not being able to gear properly, or want to do 2-3 roles AT THE SAME TIME and end up doing a poor job at multiple roles.


Players suffer from the do it all by myself syndrome and focusing to much of being individualistic in a team based pvp game. If you want to play the role of a tank, gear properly and get used to depending on a healer to stay alive and a dps to kill things for you. Same for the other roles respectively.


Problem is when a tank wants to do more damage or thinks he can not survive long enough... and think the problem is with the game, no ... the problem is with your TEAM.


And the reason tanks and healers are so strong together is because dps players have no clue how to gear properly, you should only focus on doing as much damage as possible and leave your "survivability" in the hands of your tank and healer team mates.


If you want to live longer on your own and trade damage for defense, you might do ok vs other dps... but in team pvp you wont be able to kill sh.it. then come on the forum and complain about endless battles and nerf tank and healer classes because you are unable to do your "job"

Edited by Dmasterr
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"DPS who aren't gearing properly".


I'm really confused as to what you mean by this. You're saying that DPS make the mistake of gearing for survivability over damage? How the hell are we doing this? By using Expertise? Sorry to break it to you, but Expertise is the best way to boost your damage done.


You could delete your entire thread and instead say, "A well balanced team, coordination, and proper gearing/spec'ing leads to victory".


Say it ain't so.

Edited by Angelfeeties
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"DPS who aren't gearing properly".


I'm really confused as to what you mean by this. You're saying that DPS make the mistake of gearing for survivability over damage? How the hell are we doing this? By using Expertise? Sorry to break it to you, but Expertise is the best way to boost your damage done.


You could delete your entire thread and instead say, "A well balanced team, coordination, and proper gearing/spec'ing leads to victory".


Say it ain't so.


I am not talking about expertise.

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I believe the OP is saying PvP (in Swtor) is sort of like a game of rock, paper, scissors if you assume equal gear and skill of all players involved. I quite agree.


I play a 50 Merc healer, 50 MM Sniper, 50 Tank assassin (in tank gear to boot!) and will have a 50 Sorc healer soon.


On my healers, I expect to die unless protected. 1 vs 1 I should be able to drag out a fight for awhile, but unless help comes, a dps will eventually kill me. In a team situation, I am at my strongest because I am protected, and I am the only role that can add health back on long enough for my dps to kill the enemy.


On my Tank, I expect to be unkillable (Within reason). 1 vs 1 I will simply outlast most other people. It does not mean I won't kill someone or that I can't, but it's not my strong point and it's not my role. I also have the added bonus of protecting others, and I am expected to share my "unkilliable-ness" with my team (once again, within reason.)


On my Dps, I expect to kill things. Other people are expected to keep my alive (through healing or protection) so that I may kill things. My damage+utility needs to be enough that I can kill whatever needs to die, assuming my team keeps me alive long enough to do so. Plain and simple.


Heals keep people alive long enough. (Not Forever)

Tanks protect healers and dps. (Slowing damage, not stopping it.)

Dps kill things. (As fast as they can before they die themselves.)


No one should be able to do more than 1 of these roles (hence, not balanced around 1 vs 1), and no team can win a warzone if lacking one of these roles against a team not lacking these roles. >.> Is "rock, paper, scissors," Really that hard to understand? (Not directed at the OP)

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