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Legacy name... grrr


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Let me change my bloody Legacy name already! Everytime I log on, I am reminded of my silly Legacy and that I can't change it, not even if I delete all my chars on the server. Yeah yeah I should have paid more attention when I picked my Legacy name, but I didnt.


Read an article from BioWare on pcworld about doing "anything and everything" to keep players logging in, well start by letting me change my Legacy name. Your whole char is defined around this Legacy system and if you for some reason picked something stupid or silly that only fits one of your chars then you are stuck with it and everytime you log on with another char you are reminded of how stupid that choice was and maybe you should start playing on another server, but your friends are on this one.. Play a some hours on another server, maybe try playing Republic more, but you have more fun with Empire and then you realize you are just wasting time on that server, maybe wasting time playing swtor?




Well, hope I can change my Legacy name soon.




Edit: Sorry another Legacy name change thread... ;)

Edited by Goofydk
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Low priority, and your problem to begin with.


Tbh I'm never reminded of my Legacy, I rarely ever see it in-game. Only time you have to see it is when selecting characters, even then you don't have to look there.


High priority and Biowares problem.. This is an ongoing issue.. We need to change our legacy names..


Low to you doesn't mean it is low to everyone.. Bioware knows this is an issue.. They added a warning message to the process of naming your legacy.. Sadly, this warning does nothing for the people that have already created their legacy with no warning it would be permenant..


We need to be able to change our Legacy names.. It is that simple..

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well I know I've seen quite a few people running around with their legacy name being exactly the same as their char's name. while I know some have done this on purpose, I'm pretty sure lots of them didn't fully 'get' it the first time.

while I agree it's their own fault for not paying more attention, it is something that is bothering people. and if people are bothered by a lot of things they stop playing. I thought we already had server population problems... :rolleyes:

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High priority and Biowares problem.. This is an ongoing issue.. We need to change our legacy names..


Low to you doesn't mean it is low to everyone.. Bioware knows this is an issue.. They added a warning message to the process of naming your legacy.. Sadly, this warning does nothing for the people that have already created their legacy with no warning it would be permenant..


We need to be able to change our Legacy names.. It is that simple..


Its a feature that should come along, but it IS low priority.


Know why?


Because it doesn't affect gameplay, it just affects you. And its your problem because you accepted that legacy name, taking responsibility for it.

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Next time click the ? on the pretty pop-up ingame and then you would have seen the warning that the name you picked would be permanent.




The question mark is there for obvious reasons, for people that don't know what picking Legacy actually is.


That wasn't there in Jan. when many of us created our legacy. But thanks though..


See patch notes for Feb. 14th 1.1.3 when it was added..



•A confirmation dialog is now displayed when choosing a Legacy name. The UI has been updated to better communicate Legacy name decisions.


Next time read the patch notes..

Edited by MajikMyst
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That wasn't there in Jan. when many of us created our legacy. But thanks though..


See patch notes for Feb. 14th 1.1.3 when it was added..


Next time read the patch notes..



I've made my legacy back in December and even then I knew it was permanent.


When an "unknown popup" comes in your game you "look at the pretty picture and think, ow let's put something random in it" or you go like "hmm what is this, lets seek some info".


Judging by the ammount of people complaining they did not know about it tells me they went "ow pretty picture". :)


However you look at it, it remains people their own fault for not seeking information, ingame or offgame.

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Its a feature that should come along, but it IS low priority.


Know why?


Because it doesn't affect gameplay, it just affects you. And its your problem because you accepted that legacy name, taking responsibility for it.


Cant that be said for legacy period?? It is about me.. A paying customer.. And a lot of other folks that don't like their legacy names and had no warning it would be permanent.. It is biowares problem because I pay them.. I did not have a warning dialogue when I created my legacy.. That makes it their problem..


You are entitled to your opinion.. But nonbody here asked you if you thought it was low or high priority.. The OP made a post about it.. It is a priority to him.. Why don't we let bioware decide what is or isn't an issue and what priority it is.. It was a big enough issue to have a confirmation box added.. I think it will be big enough to allow us to change our legacy.. After all it was their mistake for not making sure the confirmation was there in the first place.. It is their responsibiliy to make sure that I am informed when it comes to permenant choices..

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I've made my legacy back in December and even then I knew it was permanent.


I find that hard to believe.. The game was released Dec. 20th, unless you had prerelease then it was Dec. 15.. Not many people got that far in Dec... It is possible, but unlikely..


I would like to know how you knew.. There was no information about legacy back then.. I have been playing this game since July.. Even when the first legacy screen showed up in game as a tab at the bottom of your talent screen.. We the beta testers thought it was to become dual speccing.. That is how quiet bioware was..


Please provide your source as to how you knew the names would be permanent??

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How a player can come up with a name they wouldn't be satisfied with I would not know, or perhaps why they would put something in they weren't satisfied with.


Shouldn't need a confirmation box if you put enough thought into the name the first time. Just sayin..:rolleyes:

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How a player can come up with a name they wouldn't be satisfied with I would not know, or perhaps why they would put something in they weren't satisfied with.


Shouldn't need a confirmation box if you put enough thought into the name the first time. Just sayin..:rolleyes:


Actually you do.. First info (which was merely rumor as there was no info.) was that your legacy was your lastname.. So you had to find one that fit all your characters.. Best way to do that is to pick one, look at it in game, and then change if you don't like it..


Again there was no info that the legacy name was permanent.. That wasn't added until patch 1.1.3 on Feb 14th.. Almost 2 months after launch.. So why would anyone think that it was permenant??

Edited by MajikMyst
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The link I got it from is closed. (yeah it were the old swtor forums)


About not even knowing what legacy was, back in november they already said the name would go across all your chars on a server. It does not say permanent in this link but the post where I got my info says "No Thread specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the administrator". My guess is the old forums are goners but saying you did not even know what legacy was prior to december...well...there was info given before launch. You only needed to look.


and I'm beta player plus pre-ordered back in 2010 with my local retailer and yes I also played pre-launch.

Edited by Kirameki
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That wasn't there in Jan. when many of us created our legacy. But thanks though..


See patch notes for Feb. 14th 1.1.3 when it was added..


You are correct that info was not available till later in game. However there were interviews with developers about legacy name and the importance of them. Not to mention several posts on these forums about it as well. All it would have taken is a simple Google search to get info on legacy name!


I guess being silly is never a good thing.


FYI there is an in game option to turn it off in game. Problem solved!

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Actually you do.. First info was that your legacy was your lastname.. So you had to find one that fit all your characters.. Best way to do that is to pick one, look at it in game, and then change if you don't like it..


Again there was no info that the legacy name was permanent.. So why would anyone think that it was??


Actually that's the worst way considering you had no idea whether it would be permanent or not.

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Next time click the ? on the pretty pop-up ingame and then you would have seen the warning that the name you picked would be permanent.


This whole quote is a bit self-defeating. Obviously if it's permanent there won't be a "next time", genius. Quit being so condescending, it's obnoxious.


Those of you who are bothered by poor Legacy name choices, I can almost guarantee you they will eventually allow you to change it. In the meantime, just go to options and turn it off so no one has to see it.

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This whole quote is a bit self-defeating. Obviously if it's permanent there won't be a "next time", genius. Quit being so condescending, it's obnoxious.


Those of you who are bothered by poor Legacy name choices, I can almost guarantee you they will eventually allow you to change it. In the meantime, just go to options and turn it off so no one has to see it.


The sheer ammount of rerollers that picked legacy 2/3 times claim otherwise. There are still loads of people that make the same misstake on a new server. So yes that "next time" is a fair comment.

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