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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Are there actually a bunch of Dead servers?


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Or are people just QQing? I keep seeing people saying they have a dead server and asking servers to be merged or to add a server change option. I'm on Ajunta Pall, which is one of the ones that keeps switching between "standard" and back to "light." There are always a bunch of people on. So there are really just a bunch of dead servers, with nothing going on?
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I've seen and heard a lot of the same thing. The server I'm jumps from light to standard and sometimes heavy on the weekends. One person I talked to said she could name everyone that used the GTN because there were so few players on her server. My personal opinion is they overestimated the player base and had way to many servers. A merge or transfers are definitely needed.
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I had chars on a server where the max population at peaktime was : 13 on fleet, 1 on ilum, 2 Correlia and 2 Belsavis.


Dont care much for what lowbee planets did, but my guess is not much better.


The game should not end at 50 but start at 50. With hardly any endgame population it's fair to say servers are dead.


Thank the Maker I rerolled before I had a GG char, made it easier to abandon it.

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I am on Kath Hound, and we average about 32 (Imperial) players on fleet, peak I have seen 60. Planets for questing or doing heroics are sparse, some only have 4 or 5 (no not Quesh), some 12 or so... hardly ever enough willing bodies to do heroics.


So, dead is a relative term to what you are looking to accomplish I guess.


Server merges would be nice, but I doubt they will happen.

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The thing is sometimes it's hard to differentiate between the legitimate dead server claims and the silly ones. I remember that once someone posted a republic station screenshot with a very low population but the screenshot was taken around 3am CST. There seems to be a lot of exaggeration about the dead servers situation.


Ok, unleash the replies now...

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Okay. I understand now. See, on Ajunta Pall, we average like 50-90 played on the fleet, sometimes more. And at peak hours, there rarely less that 20 people on a given planet, usually more there as well. I know everyone has high level character that they're attached to, but why don't you make some toons here? The more the merrier! it might make you enjoy the game again!
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I've seen and heard a lot of the same thing. The server I'm jumps from light to standard and sometimes heavy on the weekends. One person I talked to said she could name everyone that used the GTN because there were so few players on her server. My personal opinion is they overestimated the player base and had way to many servers. A merge or transfers are definitely needed.


I think it was Daniel Erikson who explained (in a podcast) what happened at the SWTOR launch. They had to create hundreds of servers because the demand was enormous and the average daily playtime for the first months was around 8 hours! They had to do it to prevent atrocious queue times and lags. Now back to the present: the average playtime dropped but not the population. Plus, many players migrate from standard-light servers to heavy-very heavy-full servers like The Fatman and Tomb of Freedon Nadd. That combination led to some "death" servers. It was kind of predictable. It's interesting how Bioware will solve that.

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Its not overstatement at all. What you expect with 100+ servers?

Merge is definetly needed to recreate state from first two months after the release where it was like 300-400 ppl in fleets and ~100 on questing planets.


Finding a group for flashpoint below 50lvl is now mission impossible...:/

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Im from Uthar Wynn, according to a certain website we are the #1 LOWEST populated server in the EU.


At peak times across the server we get around 80 people online (thats everywhere) Republic, Imps is a little lower around 65.


Saying that though, I am from a very active guild (around 50 active members), and we do everything the game offers, including 16man Operations. The only down side to our server is PvP WZ's, you cant get a game before midday, or after 2330, as there just isnt the people in the queue.


People always say 'there is only 2 people on xx planet' but those players have already at least 1 level 50, and honestly how many times do you want to run Mandalorian Raiders, or a 2+ Heroic on Coruscant??


Cross server PvP (even if I dont like it - I like the community we have on Uthar) will solve most of the problems on lower pop servers

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There are a lot of EU servers that are constantly on light regardless what time of the day it is or if it's weekend. It is somewhat a problem as MMOs include interaction with other players and on some servers you can hardly find a HM Flashpoint group.
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Be happy if you get 60+ people online, that is far from being a dead server.


Try playing on tasaa baresh, for about 9 hours in a day you will be alone and then there would be maybe 30 people online to do 4-5 wz matches and that's it, back to solo play :)

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Totally dead ones. And it seems its gotten A LOT worse in the past few weeks and even prior to 1.2. The guild I am in , we was raiding full clear 16 man nm's/hm's of KP and EV. We always had an abundant number of guild members online....now we are lucky to find enough + puggables for an 8 man once a week. :(


Also levelin alts is like riding through a ghost town. You may once in a blue moon come across a bot or credit farmer but any real interaction is just dust in the wind. The community in this game is one of the worst. I see so many people cheering for BW and SWTOR and I really wish this game was what you make it out to be. Its not, you guys are flipping nuts because an mmo without player to player interaction, grouping, etc, is just a single player game that you are paying a monthly fee for and only a retard would do that. We pay money to play in a MASSIVE world with other people, to make friends, run dungeons, pvp.....and when you cant complete any of this ever anymore its simply a waste to pay to play.



Server: Black Vulkars , Republic side.

Edited by Meluna
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The solution is a word. It's healthy. It's healthy if people get frustrated after powerlevelling to max and Manage to raid for 2 weeks. Then take a whatever(time) break.:)


Let's work with that.

Edited by Carambole
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I'm from Zez-Kai Ell and I get on maybe once a day or two for a couple hours, sometimes longer. I have never seen a shortage of players, but this IS my first MMO so I don't have anything to compare it to. I'd say there are never less than 10 players on any planet I have been to, and about 40 or 50 in the fleet. I just started a guild with some friends and we are recruiting like crazy.


But hey, if all you people are so pissed about player populations and wasting your money, why don't we all switch servers and "merge" them ourselves. It's just levels, and if you play this game enough to have a 50, you can do it again. It's just a game. Let go, haha.

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I don't know if my server is dead but the GTN market definitely took a nosedive, a few months ago buying scavenging materials meant scrolling through about 20 pages, now more often than not there's nothing to buy. The selling market is the same, people just stopped buying things.


Getting a group for a FP is next to impossible especially for lower levels as well.

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This is what happens when they open too many servers for the pre launch and dont think about the future.


And when players here were complaining about long server queues and demanding BioWare add more servers, this is exactly what other players warned would happen.

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there are quite a few servers that have very low numbers but i wouldnt say any that are dead, when they introduce battlegroups and cross server random flashpoint finder you wont notice. There has been a big impact on some servers getting way over what a normal server should have and its just a case of bioware filtering peeps across the servers so all are healthy and faction balanced and not are over populated which a few servers are really suffering from.
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Be happy if you get 60+ people online, that is far from being a dead server.


Try playing on tasaa baresh, for about 9 hours in a day you will be alone and then there would be maybe 30 people online to do 4-5 wz matches and that's it, back to solo play :)


I'm on the same server, ive counted 76 people on atm on rep side in prime time.



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Bao Dur.


I started a new alt there (as did my girlfriend) and we're usually the only people on the planet.


I was seeing 8 max on Tatooine. 12 on fleet over the weekend. And I am usually the only one on Coruscant or Taris.

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There are atleast 30-40 servers that never even hit standard population during peak times, or ever for that matter. Rwookrrorro is one of those. I got home on Saturday night around 9pm EST and was in queue for 3 hours and never got queue for pvp, cause there was never enough people on line to queue. I am on the Imperial side and we had always outnumbered the Repubs 4 to 1. Well I haven't gotten into a pvp match with the repubs in over a week, I heard they all left for another game. So my server might be able to get 4-5 pvp matches a day now, only same faction matches, than queue goes dead. I was talking to some guildies last night who hadn't gotten their weekly pvp mission done because there was never queue going when they were on. Its not being over hyped, atleast 1/3 of the servers are super low populated. I allready canceled my sub, no point in playing when no one left to play with.
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