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EA to Release Fourth Quarter Fiscal Year 2012 Results on May 7, 2012


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lol, so you really dont think the fact that they gave everyone with legacy level 6 or a level 50 a free month is going to make their sub numbers totaly useless?


Wait, you're not supposed to start saying this kind of stuff until tomorrow. I don't have my hat on yet!

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Go on record!


Post your predictions and why!


I predict there will be numbers and no matter what the numbers are some people on this forum will say they are lies and/or say that the numbers prove that EA/Bioware are failing, just like last time, kinda like Deja Vue.

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You are the only one making the assumption. Perhaps you can link some posts that show people wanting the game to be shut down?


If it shut down, I wouldn't cheer at all, frankly I wouldn't care, I already canceled my sub, and quit playing about 1 month ago, and I still have 72 days left (bought 6 month sub on launch)


and so look at the post directly after your post... see? there are some very petty people out there.

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Wait, you're not supposed to start saying this kind of stuff until tomorrow. I don't have my hat on yet!


if you believe that giving out a massive amount of free subs isnt going to scew their numbers then i totaly believe that you own a tin foil hat.

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lol, so you really dont think the fact that they gave everyone with legacy level 6 or a level 50 a free month is going to make their sub numbers totaly useless?


i knew these posts would come because as a whole the negative people on these forums would rather believe biowares sole goal with giving a free month was to inflate the numbers for the fiscal report, and nothing else, but guess what? giving away that free month is more costly then a short term number inflation as their actual profits will be lower for the quarter, bah but who are we kidding? sub numbers are all that matter on the forums right?

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Tbh I would be happy to see this game fail. As Star Wars fan it would hurt pretty bad. However, as someone who is really interested to work in the game industry, it would cheer me up. This game is mediocre and a copy paste from wow. It has zero innovation. Hell, they even went years back. Also this game has so many design flaws, so many progression vs fun-deicisions, which shouldn't be in the game. Like cutscenes. Would have been an easy fix: Let cutscenes give some credits and EP if you watch them. Or make a mini game. If you're dark, be an ******e and gain EP/Credits for that.


Just stuff like that blows my mind. This with a 200? 300? Mio budget and the most talented programmers in the industry. The lead designers are freaking stupid.

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if you believe that giving out a massive amount of free subs isnt going to scew their numbers then i totaly believe that you own a tin foil hat.


Free 30 days or not, subscribed means just that...people with a valid credit card on file who have signed up for one of the payment plans.


And yes, after reading these forums, I do own a tin foil hat!

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1.7m + , I told you they were doing well, this game is a success OR the numbers are false the reality is that the game is dying


1.0m - 1.6m , this is normal drop off for any MMO the game is doing fine OR yea , maybe at the 31st March but it's got a lot worse since then


500k - 1m there have been some problems but BW are addressing them and it'll grow OR this game will go F2P now

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i knew these posts would come because as a whole the negative people on these forums would rather believe biowares sole goal with giving a free month was to inflate the numbers for the fiscal report, and nothing else, but guess what? giving away that free month is more costly then a short term number inflation as their actual profits will be lower for the quarter, bah but who are we kidding? sub numbers are all that matter on the forums right?


I dont think that they gave out the free month to cover their sub numbers, but i dont see how anyone can think that it wont make their report toaly useless, i canceled but my sub wont expire until june18th am i not going to be counted in their sub report?


I dont see how someone who can tie their own shoes cant figure that out.

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I dont think that they gave out the free month to cover their sub numbers, but i dont see how anyone can think that it wont make their report toaly useless, i canceled but my sub wont expire until june18th am i not going to be counted in their sub report?


I dont see how someone who can tie their own shoes cant figure that out.


Look, you and I both know that it's going to go one of two ways tomorrow.


1) numbers are up or remain steady - conspiracies will abound decrying BW for inflating their numbers

2) numbers are down - the I-told-you-so-this-is-dying posters will swarm like crows on roadkill


The bottom line is that we don't know what BW counts when they release their subs, so the number is what it is. If people with the free 30 days count, so what? Technically, they are still subscribed, so how does that skew the numbers?

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...and in the meanwhile Elder Scroll Online is rising like a storm.

bwahaha :)


2 immediate problems with that statement.


1. The game is scheduled for a late 2013 launch, meaning its over a year away (at best).

2. TES:O apparently uses the *gasp* Hero engine.. and will be fully voiced.. sound similar to any other MMO we might know about ?


But lets leave other games out of the convo, before i write a novel on it and get the thread locked :)

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Look, you and I both know that it's going to go one of two ways tomorrow.


1) numbers are up or remain steady - conspiracies will abound decrying BW for inflating their numbers

2) numbers are down - the I-told-you-so-this-is-dying posters will swarm like crows on roadkill


The bottom line is that we don't know what BW counts when they release their subs, so the number is what it is. If people with the free 30 days count, so what? Technically, they are still subscribed, so how does that skew the numbers?


I dont really care what their numbers are, i wont believe them, and actualy i dont care, i just want them to fix the game, if they have to lie to their investors and the game community to keep the game from dying that is great, i dont want the game to die.


But if you think counting canceled subs as current subs because the game company gave them the free subs is not scewing the numbers then you are high as a kite, work for ea or you need someone to help you type on this message board.

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bwahaha :)


2 immediate problems with that statement.


1. The game is scheduled for a late 2013 launch, meaning its over a year away (at best).

2. TES:O apparently uses the *gasp* Hero engine.. and will be fully voiced.. sound similar to any other MMO we might know about ?


But lets leave other games out of the convo, before i write a novel on it and get the thread locked :)


Elder Scroll Online is going to be totally different kind of beast, you can bet its 60-70 mill game minimum. Btw, Q2 2013 is current ETA.

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The bottom line is that we don't know what BW counts when they release their subs, so the number is what it is. If people with the free 30 days count, so what? Technically, they are still subscribed, so how does that skew the numbers?


They don't technically which is why most MMORPG count them.


But equally if say 500,000 of the subs numbers are people that had 30 free days added to their account, that wouldn't really be an accurate representation of the numbers actually playing (although it would be a perfectly correct technical representaiton).

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Elder Scroll Online is going to be totally different kind of beast, you can bet its 60-70 mill game minimum. Btw, Q2 2013 is current ETA.


i would bet everything i own that a game that just anounced will not launch when they say its going to launch. Not saying that im not looking forward to the game or that i wont play it, but after swtor im back to not buying into an mmos hype at all.

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Tbh I would be happy to see this game fail. As Star Wars fan it would hurt pretty bad. However, as someone who is really interested to work in the game industry, it would cheer me up. This game is mediocre and a copy paste from wow. It has zero innovation. Hell, they even went years back. Also this game has so many design flaws, so many progression vs fun-deicisions, which shouldn't be in the game. Like cutscenes. Would have been an easy fix: Let cutscenes give some credits and EP if you watch them. Or make a mini game. If you're dark, be an ******e and gain EP/Credits for that.


Just stuff like that blows my mind. This with a 200? 300? Mio budget and the most talented programmers in the industry. The lead designers are freaking stupid.


You can say the same thing for just about every other MMO out there. Probably didn't have a 300 million dollar budget but regardless none of them strive for innovation. In fact most businesses don't now days.

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You can say the same thing for just about every other MMO out there. Probably didn't have a 300 million dollar budget but regardless none of them strive for innovation. In fact most businesses don't now days.


Take a look at The Secret World.

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Age of Conan was full of innovation aswell :D


That was a long time ago ;)


The good thing is they have been using the same engine for years now. Updated to dx11 for 2012! From the looks of things they have learned a lot.

Edited by BCBull
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I dont really care what their numbers are, i wont believe them, and actualy i dont care, i just want them to fix the game, if they have to lie to their investors and the game community to keep the game from dying that is great, i dont want the game to die.


But if you think counting canceled subs as current subs because the game company gave them the free subs is not scewing the numbers then you are high as a kite, work for ea or you need someone to help you type on this message board.


I'm with you in that I don't really care what the numbers are. As long as I'm having fun, I'm going to keep playing. It doesn't matter if the game has 220 servers or 2 or if it has 5 millions subscribers or 5000; if it's engaging to me, I'm willing to keep paying.

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