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EA to Release Fourth Quarter Fiscal Year 2012 Results on May 7, 2012


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Well, how the hell can the Subscription drop with the 30 Free Days? o0


Because the free 30 days doesn't happen until after the financial report, they did it that way specifically for the doom cryers.


Nice try.

Edited by Jett-Rinn
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Its still not 6 months after Dec/Jan. So all those 6 month subs that were paid for but where the players quit are still counted.


The only thing I would be interested in is if there has been ANY growth at all.


Do you have any idea the tiny fraction of people who purchased six months subs?


They did a seminar about this a couple years back at GDC.......less than .5% Three months subs are the most common with around 5% of MMO players purchasing those.


So the six month subbers aren't even enough to count I would wager; the vast majority of subscribers go month to month or sixty day game cards.

Edited by Jett-Rinn
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Well Daniel Erickson has said as recently as today that Subs for TOR haven't dropped So I'm going to take a wild guess and say 1.7 million active subscriptions for TOR.




So much for the Omgzorz mass exodus!!!

I know: "Just you wait till next quarter!" :rolleyes:


so i wonder if the games subs havent dropped then why do so many people say so many servers are dead then.game could have 10 mil active subs,but they all want to roll on the same servers,so who cares


not to mention.lets come back and see what daniel erickson says about the subs when upcoming mmos come out,im sure there gonna be a hell of alot less then 1.7 mil

Edited by CrunkShizzle
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well considering the just vast amount of options people have in terms of mmorpgs.i wouldnt really care what the active subs are until gw2 and tera and other mmorpgs come out



I don't think TOR has too much to worry about with GW2 at most GW2 will be the game people play along with whatever they are subscribing to rather than instead of...in fact I'm betting that GW2 doesn't break half a million sales in it's first two months.

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subs havent dropped cuz obviously the only other option in terms of mmorpgs that arent complete garbage is world of warcraft


just wait until upcoming mmos come out.then lets take a look at what daniel erickson has to say on the active subs.my guess is,its going to be a whole hell of alot less then 1.7


anyone who thinks this game has 1.7 mil active subs for any other reason then people tired of world of warcraft and nothing really worth playing in terms of mmorpgs is lieing to themselves



You know you just said that TOR is the best game out currently :p


So it's gone from OMGzorz mass exodus!!!!! to folks are staying until the <insert next over hyped MMO here> comes along.


Wow the straw grasping is over 9000

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Do you have any idea the tiny fraction of people who purchased six months subs?


They did a seminar about this a couple years back at GDC.......less than .5% Three months subs are the most common with around 5% of MMO players purchasing those.


So the six month subbers aren't even enough to count I would wager; the vast majority of subscribers go month to month or sixty day game cards.


I think I missed something. Are you saying that the majority of subscribers are 3 monthers and that accounts for 5%? Something isn't adding up for me in your assertion.


Oh yeah and seeing how stock is at a low right now under 15 bucks, I think they have some serious splain'n to do to their stockholders.



Edited by Drakkip
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so i wonder if the games subs havent dropped then why do so many people say so many servers are dead then.game could have 10 mil active subs,but they all want to roll on the same servers,so who cares


not to mention.lets come back and see what daniel erickson says about the subs when upcoming mmos come out,im sure there gonna be a hell of alot less then 1.7 mil


Because BW added a lot more servers than what they had a launch. If you take 1.7 mil subs and spread it out thinner then yea you are gonna end up having some dead servers.

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You know you just said that TOR is the best game out currently


i guess


i dont really care.if i knew what i knew now about sw tor i probably would of just messed around with a free mmo til gw2 or tera came out.this game isnt worth playing if your not a casual

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i guess


i dont really care.if i knew what i knew now about sw tor i probably would of just messed around with a free mmo til gw2 or tera came out.this game isnt worth playing if your not a casual


Yeah I agree it's a casual focused MMO...and after testing GW2 and Tera the causal base may try those games but they will come right back to TOR, because those games offer difficulty that will turn causal players off. Nothing good or bad about that, it's just the nature of the demographic. If Bioware keep focusing on the causla market and get's it's act together with some of these bugs they should do very well.

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This game is failing I gotv3 lvl 50s stuck on a dead server thanks for wasting 500 hours played.


You play a game for an average of a hundred and twenty five hours a month and you pronounce fail?




Thanks that was awesome :D

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No problem; one thing I learned form all of this...No matter how much QQ the haters spew out on the forums it has no effect of subscription numbers.


All those forums hours wasted...shame really.


I'm one of those guys that has a hard time not telling you, "You made a dumb move." Then I hope you wont do it again.


I'm also the time to say good job when you get it right :)

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Because BW added a lot more servers than what they had a launch. If you take 1.7 mil subs and spread it out thinner then yea you are gonna end up having some dead servers.


u dont get his point,

if there were 1.7 PCs,

it wont be so many dead servers,

and PCs wont reroll on few servers,

if swtor is as health as Jan 2012,

u wont see so many problems.


BTW last day is my sub last day, only 21 ppl on imp fleet, and most of them r my old guild crew, how ironic, where is other PCs? all reroll on fatman?

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I'm one of those guys that has a hard time not telling you, "You made a dumb move." Then I hope you wont do it again.


I'm also the time to say good job when you get it right :)


Yep I agree I'm the same way, yes I have defended TOR..but I have also laid into both Georg Zoller and Daniel Erickson over bugs that need to be addressed.


I totally get peoples frustrations...but the issue these forums had (not so much anymore) was that group that spent twelve to sixteen hours a day raging about every little thing and jumping into positive threads just to let everyone know how fail the game was despite the topic. I think TOR has it's niche and yes it is a niche just like TERA and GW2 will have theirs. It all comes out in the wash, very few MMO's actually fail anymore.

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I was planning on staying for the free month but I'm cancelling before this billing cycle closes. If they want to give me the free time without charging me they can but my server is dead and this is my 2nd 50 and 2nd server so Eff that.
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