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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Rate the Warrior storyline 1-10


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10, I loved it.. I think they got the "darkside" warrior story down perfect.. although in retrospect maybe it was a little cliche, but it's hard to avoid that with such rigid archetypes in place, and what your players expect.
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8. It's hard to see straight because Quinn's line was the most distracting, distressing, discombobulating thing ever - probably my second favorite romance and definitely my top companion-screwing-with-me in my gaming career - but I would say, for the class as a whole, 8.


Act 1 didn't grab me, but the transition at the end made me pay attention. Taris by itself was just incredibly enjoyable. Perhaps the best class/planetary one-two punch in the game. The rest of Act 2 seemed kind of random. Well, I guess that just leads us right into the conflict of Act 3. I didn't like how the questgivers were handled - I hate not being able to check credentials on these people - but once I got on track with the proper revenge motivation, it went well. Probably. I think. I still don't trust who I'm working for.


Rising to power as a notorious Sith thug was enjoyable, all in all.

Edited by bright_ephemera
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7 or 8. Was a bit to cliche at times and would've preferred some more options that weren't either "all is forgiven" or "kill you and your entire family where you stand." I wanted the guys I was fighting to suffer at times, not grant them release with a quick and relatively painless death. A few options in the Jaesa arc did that decently, but for the most part a little bit too extreme on the morality choices.


For example:


I left the old Jedi dude on Tatooine - Yonloch I think - alive because he said he's formed a psychic bond with Jaesa unlike any other student he'd trained. I wanted him to live and experience as Jaesa fell to the dark side while being powerless to stop her fall. Game didn't really recognize that, but it's kinda a side tangent so I didn't expect it to be able to catch something subtle like that.


The general on Alderaan was probably the best part. Choke the dude while she claims she won't break. Then she breaks because they're lovers, then kill everyone BUT the dude and leave him alive knowing that he was the weakspot that caused the Organa general to give up information the Empire wanted AND she's dead now too. I believe his line when you leave him there was "I am misery."


And leaving Jaesa's master (Nomen Karr?) alive to wallow in his failure after you turn her. That was cool too.



I wanted the option to get more resolutions like that and less "I choke you/slash you with my lightsaber because i r sith and I make things ded. Rawr."


The inability to properly punish "that one companion" at the end was a buzzkill. The actions of the companion were great and I applaud the writer for setting it up like that. The removal of certain companion related options that were in Beta is what soured that exchange more than anything - which isn't a fault of the person that wrote the storyline.

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7 or 8.


The inability to properly punish "that one companion" at the end was a buzzkill. The actions of the companion were great and I applaud the writer for setting it up like that. The removal of certain companion related options that were in Beta is what soured that exchange more than anything - which isn't a fault of the person that wrote the storyline.


How could I forget. I rated the Warrior story 8, and even if everything else were perfect I couldn't go higher while The Plot Rail of Idiocy stays installed around the companion plot point. Good idea, good setup, actually brings some things full circle, but either you give the player the appropriate reaction (as in beta) or you remove the scene. The current implementation slams the whole narrative's integrity, badly.

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Somewhere between 8.5 and 9. Great beginning and end, it only draggs for a bit in the middle when you set up the execution of Plan Zero.


I would have loved to be able to properly punish That One Compation too, it's out of character for my SW to show mercy in this situation and we're pretty much forced to. I understand the reasoning behind it, though.

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most of it was I'd say on average about 8. in some places 10 and aldeeraan darkside in particular 11!


The average though, Well the story fits the class ruthless cold blooded etc. But for entertainment value the smuggler story was well smugglery very comedic, had action.


smuggler spoiler:



On nar shadaa you gotta go to a party and on the way out you flirt with a chick then you go off and do your thing after having space relations. Then a bit later shes back asking why you didnt call her the next day like you said you would[......made my day. Also later on your rivals girlfriend try's to kill you but fails and shes like "well he cant get me I got this portable shield generator and her boyfriend goes "how are you powering that thing, you know they have a limited power supply right?" and her bubble falls ....shes really set up to be a dumb blonde


Edited by Carbonated
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Somewhere between 8.5 and 9. Great beginning and end, it only draggs for a bit in the middle when you set up the execution of Plan Zero.


I would have loved to be able to properly punish That One Compation too, it's out of character for my SW to show mercy in this situation and we're pretty much forced to. I understand the reasoning behind it, though.


yeah i wanted to rip their throat out

but its still my favorite storyline.... agent is a very very close second though

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9 because of some of the plot railing, particularly the story conversation on Voss in the cave with that guy near the end... I know what you're planning to do but why the hell do I have to go with it? grrrr... and oddly not so much about shredding that ONE companion....


Only story that I've finished so far that I'll willingly play again, granted I haven't finished IA yet and so far I'm liking that too. Consular and Trooper were .. meh

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Act 2 was definitely very weak (neither challenging nor at all interesting, with a collection of seemingly random targets and ill-defined missions), and dragged the overall story line down. Act 1 was good, but Act 3 was excellent, with a lot of twists and turns and deep, interesting Lore about the Empire and its underpinnings. The final boss fight was challenging, but not nearly as rewarding as say, the Corellian storyline and its culmination, which might well have been a better ending to the story.


I think the writers could have done more to connect the importance of the First Act with the final events and claims made by the villain in Act 3, ie Jaessa as critical to revealing the enemy and proving his claims false. Then the whole first act wouldn't seem like an irrelevant quest for a companion, and would tie things up much more neatly.


Still, overall quite good, and vastly superior in both main and side quests to anything I'm experiencing with the insufferable Republic right now. The Republic is truly weak and pathetic in both their characters and their storytelling/NPCs :)

Edited by jgelling
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9 - Second only to the IA I would say, it certainly blows the Jedi Knight out of the water, sure the JK gets to do more epic stuff but the SW story actually involved me in a way the genericness of the save-the-planet-of-the-week JK story never did
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I love the places where you can be at your most evil, some of them made me shiver with glee. Nothing like I ever felt with the other characters (although IA did come pretty close). Like turning Jaesa and sending Neman Karr to be tortured on Dromund Kaas or forcing the general's lover on Alderaan to watch as I chop his friends and his girlfriend down, just delightful!


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