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pyrotech viable for lvling merc?


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Hey folks


Played a juggernaut to 50, rolled a mercenary for my next story playthrough.


All the tasty-looking low-tier stuff seems to be in the arsenal tree, but judging by all the angry static im hearing from everybody about what theyve done to tracer missile and heat seeking missile, i was wondering if i should just go pyrotech instead. dots are cool by me.


so, that said, could i get some feedback on the viability of lvling as pyrotech? is it doable? is there a certain tier where its best to just switch over from arsenal to pyrotech?


thanks in advance!

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Having leveled Sorc dps, healer and melee dps to 50, I'd rate Merc Pyrotech as somewhere in the middle for the PvE leveling road. So given the relatively easy state of PvE leveling for a player who has done it before, such as yourself, I think Merc Pyro should be perfectly viable. Some bosses you will steamroll, some you will die to a few times, but overall I think it is fine.


The bigger issues for that subclass come in the post-50 endgame environment.

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I leveled my merc solely as arsenal up to 40, then switched over to BG to run with some of my DPS companions (only reason).


Nothing really wrong with HS or TM atm. there's a bug with the TM debuff apparently...but it really didn't stop my leveling process at all. I actually held off on leveling my merc post 20 because i hated the old TM animation. so from 20-40 post 1.2 and it was a breeze as arsenal. so if you want to go arsenal, go for it. don't pay attention to the whining )for the most part) in the forums. the Tm bug is a real issue, but it didn' t even come close to breaking the class.


Had a guildie level as PT, and he loved it as well. you have to balance out your heat...you can pump out a ton of damage fast, but the heat comes with it. other then that, it's a good spec. both are fine for leveling.


IM currently BG spec and running with Torian and I don't notice any difference in downtime...set up with decent blues and mods he wrecks stuff. I sit back and heal him, throwing in various attacks when hes not taking damage.


Moral of the story is...post 1.2 all 3 specs level like beasts. pick your flavor and have fun.

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Hate to sound like a downer but unless you're looking to do more than just pve you might as well quit while you're not too far and reroll powertech because we have some serious flaws atm.


But ofc I bet you don't want another tank class so to be on topic pyro is definitely viable, especially with the ability to kite hard hitting melee mobs with a perma slow, dots and LoS. Had a lot of fun with the bounty hunter but don't try to get competitive like in pvp, we don't have nearly as much utility as the other classes. Just dmg and plain dmg, nothing more.

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There's one boss in the storyline that is a real pain as a pyro, esp. since you mostly do burn with intermittent burst. You'll know her when you meet her. Brew a strong cup of coffee and find a comfy chair when you fight her.
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Hey folks


Played a juggernaut to 50, rolled a mercenary for my next story playthrough.


All the tasty-looking low-tier stuff seems to be in the arsenal tree, but judging by all the angry static im hearing from everybody about what theyve done to tracer missile and heat seeking missile, i was wondering if i should just go pyrotech instead. dots are cool by me.


so, that said, could i get some feedback on the viability of lvling as pyrotech? is it doable? is there a certain tier where its best to just switch over from arsenal to pyrotech?


thanks in advance!



My 34 Arsenal Merc was/is my first toon, I do no PVP being strictly a solo PVE player--no FP's, WZ's, raiding, nothing like that. Post 1.2 I have had to change my tactics--DFA doesn't doesn't do what it used to, as a previous poster stated TM is currently bugged so I'm using more Unload, RS, MIssiles and other attacks. I'm also still L2P so some enemies others have no trouble with give me all sorts of fits--I do not for one fraction of a second believe the Arsenal Merc, or the Merc class, is in any way shape or form broken. That said, were Arsenal Mercs gimped? Absolutely we were--again, I cannot speak to the PVP side but will say I believe the Arsenal Merc is still very much a viable toon and still very much fun to play...in the near future I am going to roll another Merc, this time Pyro, and have a feeling she will be a lot more successful because I now know the game better than I did before.


If you PVP, go Pyro. If you're going solely PVE, you will do well with either one--you can always respec later if you want to and I would say finish all your class and side quests and you should be able to solo the H2 missions without much difficulty if you are so inclined...I solo'd an H2 on Hutta w/o Mako...sure, I died like 86 times but I did finish the quest...definitely a L2P moment...

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