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Taral V - Lord Hasper

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You guys must have serious lag or something, I've done this fight twice, the first time as a level 30 shadow, i was told to run away after being gripped, did so and barely took any damage.


I really don't see the problem?


The general is just a DPS check. Kill the 2 turrets, burn boss to 50%, kill droids, kill boss.

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Our group had to give up. The Force Storm was wiping our healer and most of our team.


Team was:


Level 30 Sage Healer

Level 35 Sage Ranged DPS/Healer

Level 36 Shadow Melee DPS

Level 35 Tank Guardian


Inevitably, we'd get 40% percent of his HP burned, then he'd Force Storm. Healer would die either on the first or second attempt.


We also tried interrupts, but in that kind of chaos, it was impossible.

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We just got past him about 30 minutes ago and this was our group.


31 Guardian (Support - me)

35 Vanguard (Tank)

33 Vanguard (DPS)

37 Sage (Healer)


It took us three times to figure it out, but we did it on the third. Outside to the left of the building is a little barrier/wall thingy. We had the tank pull him out to the left and the healer and the DPS hid behind this barrier (He was able to fire his weapon) and the Healer was able to use his heals. When he did his little yank and gank technique, he could not pull the DPS or the healer through this wall and all I had to do was run away. It took us about 10 minutes but we got the job done.


I recommend that your whole team bring med packs of their own. The Healer will not be able to get everyone and with that massive amount of damage, you are gonna wanna heal yourself.There are other ways to do it, and since we had a team of "Heavies", we only took 1.5k of dmg (about, a little more, a little less) from his shock technique (The AOE one when he pulls you in and force crush did like 3k a dmg. His force shock can be interrupted but his super AOE can't be interrupted.

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  • 1 month later...

My team used a very similar method to Shadow_Spec. Team was:


32 Vanguard (tank)

32 Commando (dps/offheal)

35 Sage (heal)

36 Gunslinger (dps)


Tank stood in the middle of the room with the boss. Everyone else stood outside, standing with their bodies halfway in the doorway. From there everyone was able to dps the boss and the healers could both target the tank.


When the boss did his pull, the three standing outside would simply be pulled into the wall right in front of them. (course might be harder to achieve if you have melee dps).

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  • 1 month later...
After 3 of his channeled lightnings he pulls people in, just go behind a wall before it get interrupted. He will pull you into a wall and only tank will take damage.


This works quite well, my group after the third one backed up and hugged the wall type pillars until we were pulled into them then continued healing/dps. We found that if you were to close to the edge of the wall the boss would still be able to pull you into the spell. Don't make the mistake of waiting behind the wall while he casts the large lighting spell, the moment you see you char. be pulled into the wall you can run out and begin healing. It helps to have a dps healer as well as the main healer. We defeated him with a lvl 29 commando(dps/heal), 29 scoundrel(dps), 35 Guardian(tank) and 31 Sage(heal).


Have fun :)

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We tried doing it outside using the tanks wheeltrack and a good angle to stop the pull, which works, but it was too hard to co-ordinate the tank outside of voice communication.


We usually do this in the HM variant, but as you mentioned, co-ordination would be tough without voice. Tank's gotta pull him just far enough back that you can heal the tank but not have LoS of Hasper.





TBH I think the AoE in that fight is a little overtuned. Anyone with an ounce of latency has a really rough time. They may want to consider changing it to give a stacking damage debuff so that someone can eat the 1st & 2nd tick with minimal damage taken but will die if they also eat the 3rd.


Or something similar.

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Outside his room are long red flags to the left and right, stand behind the left flag there is a gap there and have the tank pull him outside the room to a point where you can dps and heal through the gap. To illustrate this better, please see the screenshot below:




As usual interrupt him as much as possible.

Edited by Flain
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  • 2 weeks later...

Bit of a thread necro, but I experienced this fight a few days ago, and it was kind of amusing.


Both our DPS players got wiped out on the second lighting pull, which left me to try and keep the tank up and and preserve myself (I was a 36 or 37 Sage, tank was a 36 Guardian). Managed to actually kill Haspar (took a while with only the DPS of the tank), but I had this conversation with one of the DPS after they died (specifically when my health was getting rather low).


DPS: Do you have any medpacks?

Me: Yeah, plenty, but they're not slotted.

DPS: ...why not?

Me: I consider using a medpack a form of failure.

DPS: .......

Me: *opens inventory, uses medpack*

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