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Anyone have an awesome focus build?


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Looking for a good focus build! Wanna try something different. anyone run focus and have a good rotation? Please share!

no such thing as an "awesome" focus build because focus as a tree is crap. Its there to attact bad players because you can crit force sweep then do nothing the least bit threating for another 12 seconds.

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no such thing as an "awesome" focus build because focus as a tree is crap. Its there to attact bad players because you can crit force sweep then do nothing the least bit threating for another 12 seconds.


This is absolute nonsense.


Focus puts out insane burst damage which is invaluable in high level PvP.


Zealous leap is incredibly useful for maintaining pressure on healers.


The main weakness of focus is that you don't get the 80% transcendence buff. But watchman doesn't get it either.


Anyone who thinks focus is garbage obviously hasn't dealt with 2 fully geared focus sentinels on their ***, critting them for 6500 at the same time while force exhaustion double ticks on them for massive damage that cannot be healed through.

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Anyone who thinks focus is garbage obviously hasn't dealt with 2 fully geared focus sentinels on their ***, critting them for 6500 at the same time while force exhaustion double ticks on them for massive damage that cannot be healed through.


2 DPS on the same target puts pressure on the opposing team? Do tell.

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If you think other classes can put that kind of pressure on someone, you seriously need to l2p this game.


If 2 sorcs try to kill my healer, I just laugh at them while I heal through it no problem.


2 snipers? LoS, game over.


2 mercs? LOL interrupt / CC / LoS all day


2 tankasins? Not even close to the same amount of burst.


2 juggs, difficult to deal with. What a surprise, they are using the same spec.


2 operatives, also difficult to deal with but can be countered by quick reactions because they are easy to kite.


2 powertechs, difficult to deal with.


There is almost no way to counter 2 focus sentinels that are coordinating their burst damage on a healer. I play a sage healer as well, and there are few things in this game that terrify me more than a couple of rage specced juggs or marauders.

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If you think other classes can put that kind of pressure on someone, you seriously need to l2p this game.


If 2 sorcs try to kill my healer, I just laugh at them while I heal through it no problem.


2 snipers? LoS, game over.


2 mercs? LOL interrupt / CC / LoS all day


2 tankasins? Not even close to the same amount of burst.


2 juggs, difficult to deal with. What a surprise, they are using the same spec.


2 operatives, also difficult to deal with but can be countered by quick reactions because they are easy to kite.


2 powertechs, difficult to deal with.


There is almost no way to counter 2 focus sentinels that are coordinating their burst damage on a healer. I play a sage healer as well, and there are few things in this game that terrify me more than a couple of rage specced juggs or marauders.


this is why i say no GOOD player spec focus.

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the damage you do in warzones means nothing when you still lose. Focus cannot do enough damage to actually kill someone. Yeah that 5k burst seems spiffy but in reality all it is, is a big hit that is EASILY healed though. Focus provides no pressure to a healer, it cannot even threaten a tank. Focus always has been and still is nothing but a gimmick spec to trap bad players.
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Yeah I'm not really liking Focus atm. Mainly played Watchman and respec to Focus today just to see, and I'm not too impressed. Sure getting big hits with Sweep is sweet, but that's all you really have. Then once you're done with your rotation you can't really do anything for +10 seconds. Haven't tried Combat 1.2 yet, so I do that next time I play. Edited by HeavensTerror
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  • 4 weeks later...
no such thing as an "awesome" focus build because focus as a tree is crap. Its there to attact bad players because you can crit force sweep then do nothing the least bit threating for another 12 seconds.


It's actually pretty epic before level 30. After that not so much.

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no such thing as an "awesome" focus build because focus as a tree is crap. Its there to attact bad players because you can crit force sweep then do nothing the least bit threating for another 12 seconds.






if you think I'm doing nothing for 12 seconds and I'm a bad player then I'd love to hear it, been frequently called the best sentinel on my server.


Albeit the population has dropped significantly but I've been regarded as that for along time, oh and I've been focus since day 1 - have tested combat and watchmen a few times but don't enjoy them one bit.

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Taglim, Why do you take the 3% of accuracy in the combat tree, we just need to cap at 95%.

Otherwise i love your channel ! :)


Cheers for the comment about my youtube channel! please pass to as many friends as possible, would love as many likes comments and subscribes etc!


The reason I take the 3% accuarcy is because I have built my "template" (term used in DAoC where I'm from - basically my gear and getting the best out of it) around using these Armourings/Mods/Enhancements below:



36 Strength

34 Endurance

50 Expertise

Taken from: War Hero Vindicator pieces - So I have 10% extra damage for 5 seconds after force leap



51 Strength

32 Endurance

30 Expertise

39 Power

Taken from: Either the War Hero Vindicator Saber (3400 ranked commendations + 1 vindicator saber which is 1400 normal warzone commendations) OR from the War Hero Vindicator Gloves (2000 Ranked commendations + 1 Vindicator Gloves at 875 per piece)



27 Endurance

30 Expertise

53 Accuarcy Rating

41 Power

Taken From: Either the War Hero Vindicator Chest Piece (3200 Ranked commendations + 1 VBM VIndicator chest piece) OR War Hero Vindicator Headgear (2425 ranked commendations + 1 BM Vindicator Headgear)


On everything I have an augment slot using 18 Power + 12 Endurance


Stats are currently @


1475 Strength

1444 Endurance

1017 Expertise

882-1028 Dmg Pri

207-298 Dmg Sec

550.1 Bonus Damage

104.95% Accuarcy

19.89% Crit Chance

64.39% Crit multiplier


Force bonus dmg = 878,9


I'm currently 1 Hilt + 7 Mods away from completing my mods + Amouring + hilts

and 5 enhancements away from completing, however everything is literally the Battlemaster equivalent currently therefore only missing 2 power and 2 strength from each piece and 5 expertise.


I built arround accuarcy because previously I used the enhancements replacing surge with accuarcy and I found that yes I do bigger crits on my force sweeps with surge, but overall I do more damage with higher accuarcy because I'm penetrating enemies defences more often and easier.


Hope this is a good insight to all - will prolly post a guide similar to the guy above me as that was quite an interesting listen - however I think he was SO wrong in the way he built his spec!

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