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Regarding server queues


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What have they done to fix this ? NOTHING.


Well, they've let their fans rip into those who complain about queues, and also put all the complaints into one thread, so make the game look more appealing to anyone who casually browsed the forums.



Mitigation 1: Let us queue from the launcher.

Mitigation 2: Let us queue for one server while we play on another

Mitigation 3: Let us play our character on any server, lock the guilds to a specific one.

Edited by AlexanderB
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So, out of my prelaunch time.. I've have been total of around 30h in just queues.. now out of my limited playtime that is about 90% total gametime I could have been playing.


So I got 10% about of my pre-launch time used :mad: in gaming. This has been one of worst pre-orders I've made so far. I am seriously considering other alternatives to play..


I know you guys are doing your best but why couldn't you have given like those who are pre-deployed to a certain server, a priority to that server? I am locked on server where my guildmates are and everytime I disconnect I have to wait 7-8h to get back in.


This is redicilous. Just outrageous. Period.

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Although i can understand your dificulties with balancing server population its absolutely rediculus to have 2+ que lines for server log in....

Its even more rediculus to have the time estimation for log in to be 1,5 hours when realy is a 2+ hours waiting line.

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so you blame the engineer of your car, if there´s a Q @ your gas station?


only an analogy... ;)



The gas station is analogous to the electricity in your house - completely unrelated to Bioware, but 100% necessary to run the game. Nobody is complaining about electricity issues in this forum, they are complaining about being locked out of their car for hours on end by the "engineer", then when they get close, or finally get in, the "engineer" boots them out to make them wait for hours again. The only way you can Fanboy your way to BWs' side of this issue is to be completely blind to the facts.

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Bioware where are you? Please let us know that you are doing something about it and what you are doing! Silence is not the answer, and you need to find an answer quick, oh wait... Maybe you dont, I've got 4 hours to fill now that I've entered the q.
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<----Tomb of Freedom Nadd, on queue from 12pm.


Do something with the afk/jumpers if possible please. The queues doesn't move.


Well, can you really blame them for doing so.


If I waited 6 hours in queue before I could get back onto Tomb, I would seriously contemplate means of not going afk as well.


With the queues being the way they are, I will have to start the game before going to work, and then remain afk for 9 hours so I could get some game time when I got back home. The alternative would be to never get to the play the game at all, since by the time I finish the queue it would be bed time. Then the next logical step would be to cancel the game. And hope others followed suit.


When rift started losing customers they opened up free migration and introduced a LFD system. For many, it was too little and too late.

Edited by AlexanderB
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So i queued three hours. Now my swtor went to black screen of death! So I have to restart the game. And you are saying I have to queue another three and half hours, line is 300 people longer than three hours ago. Do something already! Raise the server pop limit like 1000-1500 people. This is unacceptable!


Or give us free guild transfer to another server.

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I think it is absolutely vital that the game implements a maintenance of both position in queue and a slot on the server (e.g. 10 mins) - unless the person explicitly leaves the queue or quits the game.


Having to queue for 2 hours+ and then either being kicked out at the front of the queue (Happened to me) or to disconnect whilst playing, then have to re-queue is infuriating.


Not everybody has all day every day to play this game and, whilst the queues may only be here for the first few weeks, its very important to make it flow as easily as possible.

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