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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Regarding server queues


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free server transfers easy fix


An even easier fix:


Let you play on one server while you are queued on another.

Then ask if you want to switch to that server, when the queue is gone.

This way you might even get more republic players on the PVP servers

AND you might even 'naturally' get people to switch servers to lessen the queues on their primary one.



3:46PM - CET Queue: 1969 ETA: 2h10m

4:20PM - 1729 QUEUE

Edited by AlexanderB
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16:19pm at the moment. I logged in at 12:00 am, and 4 hours and 19 minutes later i still have 25 people ahead of me. When i logged in i had 1600 people ahead of me. Server: EU-Tomb of Freedon Nadd. This is Science. Numbers are science.
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An even easier fix:


Let you play on one server while you are queued on another.

Then ask if you want to switch to that server, when the queue is gone.

This way you might even get more republic players on the PVP servers

AND you might even 'naturally' get people to switch servers to lessen the queues on their primary one.



3:46PM - CET Queue: 1969 ETA: 2h10m

4:20PM - 1729 QUEUE


An even easier fix then this. Increase the current server capacity limit.

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i grinded

lvl 30 marauder(beta)

lvl 50 mercenary(beta)

lvl 44 assassin(weekend beta)

lvl 40 assasin(official launch, 2day 6 hrs play time)


i really do not want to play Korriban, kaas, balmorra, nar shadda, tatooine, alderaan, taris, hoth, quesh, again...


i won't mind redoing belsavis, corellia and ilum

but i would puke if i ever play noob zones again...


under lvl 40 is noob zone for me


and i think players who did not reach lvl 40+ should consider rerolling...

players like me who is above 40 has a right to demand character migration...

i dun understand why lowbies crying on the forums tho...


That's just elitist talk right there. when i joined Frostclaw realm it was medium populated. Now at level 30 it's full with an hour long queue(would be higher lvl if it wasnt for the queue). And not everyone has 10 hours a day to play video games. What youre saying is i should discard the precious game time spent on my level 30 that i played since the 14th just because BW refuses to increase server cap(which is very low atm). I payed extra for my early access just like everyone else here, and seeing a 1-2h queues is an insult to the customers. If 50% of the players have to switch realm, BW would have to delete all characters in all realms in order to make it fair to people.


Rant ended.

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5 hour ques are unacceptable, bloodworthy needs fixing.


yes and the same goes for Tomb Of Freedom Nadd. *** happend when you plased Guilds on thees, did you have 2 groups that dident kowe about each other??

or was it done att the end of a crismas party in BW??

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While waiting 1,5 hours in the queue I found this Starwars medley performed by Macro Carbella on his D-Deck.



I find this an exceptional performance that should be honored.


Give it more views. :)






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not quite sure how this works, but are they afraid that if they open up too many servers there will be alot of possible barren servers if people decide not to play anymore? and/or if so would it not be possible to just add as many more instances in the current servers as required, so that reducing the instances rather than the servers would be more practical?
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I think everyone just needs to calm down for a few minutes.

This talk of quitting and class-action lawsuits is a little premature

Yes, no one likes to wait to play the latest and greatest game, but when you are a company like Bioware, who pride themselves on the compelling content they create, then you can see the dilemma they face. Scenario A is the one we're facing now, long queue times while new servers are coming online, in an effort to preserve the quality of content that Bioware is known for. Scenario B, however, is quite the opposite. You allow everyone who wants to play to log into their server, but because everyone is new, the starting zones/planets become overburdened with hundreds of players all vying for the same few mobs/quest items. I've been on games that have launched like that, and that kind of game, where you are in game, but no able to play, is far more frustrating than anticipating the game while in a queue.

So please, everyone, just calm down. While the server queue announcement was ambiguous at best, it at least lets us know that they are working on it.

I doubt Bioware, of all people, want our experience in this world to be any less than stellar.

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So... Right now I got the error 1003 for the third time while I was 100 in queue... Total of 4 hours waiting. This error is givven if the server is entering maintenance as it is wrote in its description. So WHAT THE **** IS GOING ON BIOWARE??


I have gotten this a lot over the past several days....submitted a ticket on it after first couple of times and finally got this response:


I am Protocol Droid W2-O4 of Human-Cyborg Relations...


I have received your transmission regarding error 1003.


Normally, this means the server has gone down -- or been taken down for maintenance. It can also be related to firewall issues, so the usual 'check your firewall' instructions apply.


For some people, this happens without any firewall issue and while the server is demonstrably up. For those folks, there is a thread on this topic, and the actual root cause is still unknown. But for many people, setting the launcher to run in Windows XP SP3 compatibility mode seems to solve the problem as an interim workaround.


Please do not hesitate to contact us again if there is anything further we can help you with.


Galactic Support is our specialty...




Protocol Droid W2-O4, aka Vin


Star Wars: The Old Republic Customer Service


Haven't tried it yet...but then I get different error codes (1002, 9000, 1003) every time I get DC'd and thrown back into queue.

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i dun understand why lowbies crying on the forums tho...


Because they have paid their money just as you have.


(Thankfully) most of us decide the merit of one's opinions based upon the strength of their arguments...not how many hours they have put into the game. After all, some of us have to go to work, and have a family life that mean we can't spend 8-9hours on the game in one go.

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There are 2 soloutuions. Force change server the guilds who were not originally assigned to the server (that is most fair) or let the rest pick another server and transfer us there.


Let us play on one server while we are still queued on another.

That way people can actually play the game, and eventually get onto their server of choice.

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I feel bit uncomfortable about long Q's.

1st informations about how long Q take to handle is no even close truth is about four three times longer.

2nd there should not be Q's in pre-launch you have your numbers about how many ppl will be playing this game.


I feel betrayed because extreme long server Q's (2h+ in real time) are only matter of Europe servers ... why so? I have few answers what comes into my mind. You don't care about European market and selected low support for this field. Or European support stuff is bunch of amateurs who totally failed in handling pre-launch for Europe. If I consider fact I have sent couple mails to customer service and none were answered I am afraid that you don't care about us.


If situation wont change soon and by soon I mean before official launch I will demand my money back and will recommend the same in review and that review I ll write wont be good ad for this game.


I'm huge fan of SW and can overlook many in-game bugs, bad optimization and overall feeling I'm playing copy of WoW. But not fact that you are not even technically prepared for pre-launch what causing huge frustration to whole European community.


Show us someone with guts who will say: "Yes we have screwed this." someone who really calm down us not just plain words.

Edited by Killmek
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BW are the supplier, We are the customer, so far you have supplied a good product on the outside. But on the inside, your server limits are too low that you are bottle necking and making the situation worse. Ppl are waiting. Those waiting longer than 2-6 hours will not pay to do this anymore so you loose your money and your customers. No customers, no products, No products to sell. company goes bust. There have been many leak reports that SWTOR has cost a lot of money and almost bled BW dry. SORT THIS OUT NOW,


You got it wrong! Bioware is the Developer, not the Publisher and they did a really fantastic job! You should blame EA, for they are responsible for servers and infrastructure.

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I played for about 10 minutes this morning around 11am, got kicked, played again for another 10 mins got kicked, and again but now there's a server queue and a 20 minute wait. This was midday, I keep getting error codes while in the queue and going back to end, endless circle.

Will not pay for this service, I like the game, but if I want to wait in a queue, I'll go to the bank, at least I can look at women there.

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There are 2 soloutuions. Force change server the guilds who were not originally assigned to the server (that is most fair) or let the rest pick another server and transfer us there.


You are forgetting 1 final problem. Server capacity limits. This problem could be found on the other server you transfer to. If there is a limit on server capacity as the one you left, Then problem persists, just transfering to a lower capacity server is not really and option to be honest.

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I played for about 10 minutes this morning around 11am, got kicked, played again for another 10 mins got kicked, and again but now there's a server queue and a 20 minute wait. This was midday, I keep getting error codes while in the queue and going back to end, endless circle.

Will not pay for this service, I like the game, but if I want to wait in a queue, I'll go to the bank, at least I can look at women there.


whats stopping you googling?

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