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Everything posted by Genocyber

  1. yes the same thing is happening to my characters aswell, it happens after every other move skills or just running left or right, plz fix this asap http://s562.photobucket.com/user/genocyber1976/media/Screenshot_2015-03-29_20_14_20_864999.jpg.html
  2. completely agree, I used this move a lot ....JUST BECAUSE! I don't give a crap about elitist builds! this move got me out of trouble sooo many times just doing whatever. if it ain't broke..don't fkin fix it!
  3. hi, im not sure if this has been suggested already so sorry if it has. i would like to be able to go back and view all my characters (not some fugly youtube monstrosity) class story cinematics, i really enjoy most of the stories and would like to have an option to see them again back to back (once unlocked of course). it would also be a better way for anyone who has spent some time away from the game to catch up with their class story and see the choices they made, or if you wanted to take it a step further maybe give people the oppitunity to make a different light/darkside choice for light/darkside points if they felt like it. (probably a more rp thing, corruption look)
  4. not quite sure how this works, but are they afraid that if they open up too many servers there will be alot of possible barren servers if people decide not to play anymore? and/or if so would it not be possible to just add as many more instances in the current servers as required, so that reducing the instances rather than the servers would be more practical?
  5. wth! i was doing a mission with my mates, game boots me out for god knows what! and i have to wait an hour to get back in! not impressed
  6. i preordered on the 26th and im still waiting..this just annoys me..:/
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