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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Regarding server queues


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You didnt really say anything with this tbh. Im fine with a 15 min que here and there but right now i have been in one for 2hours and 20min and there are still 340 ppl infront of me. This is not nowhere near acceptible for a monthly sub game. Ill give it to after christmas, after that im gone.
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As I said the game's not reached it's actual release date yet, that's not an excuse however they will have to fix this issue as soon as they can, and I'm sure they will.


They've put a ton of work, money and time on this game, and I doubt they will allow this game to lose players because of an issue such as connecting to servers.


I'm not protecting them but merely saying that no game's completely perfect upon launch and an issue such as this one will have to be fixed quickly.


Bugs are expected, NO chance to play IS NOT EXPECTED

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I thought Bioware might have been different to other companies like Blizzard, guess not. They are staying tight lipped about what is going to be done about the problem.


This is not the way to go Bioware. Make a post saying " we didn't anticipate how popular our game was going to be and we apologise for this but we will ensure or are working on a solution"


Grow some balls and just tell it how it is, you will get more respect from the consumers.


This really should never have happened in a controlled EGA. I could have understood if it was with the official game release but not when you are in complete control over how many people will be logging on and then assigning servers properly!

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The funny think is that they are so lucky that this is a Star Wars game. There is to many maniacs out there (incl. me), so this game cannot fail. I am so angry that Sony closed down SWG. I would have came back there and let other ppl wait hours in the queue for SWTOR. BTW I am now 1532 in the queue lol. Estimated wait 1.5h = really around 3-4h. Congratulation EA/BW you are going down soon. I saw once an article written by one guy who was working on SWTOR. He said "that game needs some improvements, but the biggest problem is: incompetent managers, and they will destroy this game". I did not take this guy seriously until now .... :D
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It's 2011 and WoW's graphics have barely been updated since the release, sun, water, new content and new races have been improved.


The questing is still the same as games that were released way before WoW, text, kill, grind, level up and grind more.

While questing is great fun in SWTOR, PvPing thus far seems fairly balanced, crew skills allow you to do something else than farm mats or stay in a capital city to be able to level crew skills instead of gaining levels or something else.


The game's got some minor issues, plus the connection problem (which they will HAVE to fix as soon as they can), but other than that it's a great game. As I've previously said Bioware should get some slack, sure they've done a bunch of games, but no game is completely perfect at launch, and the game's not reached it's actual release date yet.


BW dev's aren't the ones in control of the servers, the game and the servers are 2 different issues.


the people in charge of controlling server traffic etc, Only need to take 1 look at the Q'ing and see that the ONLY solution, from here.. till launch will only be expanding the server cap, or more servers with free transfurs. Yet they refuse to let the thousands waiting to know anything, what does our money mean to these people? bad handling, fact.

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My apologies, Stephen, but this post reeks of corporate bulls... lingo. It pretty much says that you guys couldn't care less. Again, my apologies, but this is simply not acceptable. While I now could start ranting about the fees (which we're not paying - yet) or the cost of the client (which I did pay already), I will simply say this: If this situation is not fixed very soon, people will simply become so fed up with this, that they will start leaving.


Waiting for over an hour (let alone five hours!) is simply not acceptable. Please, Bioware, raise the population caps a lot, or you will have absolute chaos at hand come the twentieth.




Edited by Electricdawn
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Posting because these queues are ridiculous to begin with, but also we need a damn grace period to get past the queue in case we get a random disconnect or our game crashes. It is unreal to wait 4 hours in a queue after a random DC.


Currently 1354th in queue for Legions of Lettow. It was over 1500 an hour ago.

So estimated time to play, 5-6 hours or so. FUN.


Yeah i just RAGE quit that, was playing on legions this morning got d/c'ed then the queue said an hour and a half for 1300 and started waiting an hour later i hadn't got down below 1000! Ridiculous!

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I been DC 6 times to day, 3 times I had to re-queque and the problem isnt at my end, rather that the second the server got full Im getting kicked from it. If you think I going to play and pay for a game that first forces me to to queque and then kicks me the second i logg in and forces me to requeque, your insane! Considering the amount of gameplay I had vs queque this game isnt a MMORPG, its a queque-game.

BTW Acceptable or tolerable wait-times is 0 minutes, noone paid for this game to wait.

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Players on Forums: We have long queues, we cant play the way we want, help! *cry*

Bioware HQ, developers talking: -Why are those idiots logging into one server only? -I duno, maybe they didnt notice there are more servers? Lets add some more, they will surely notice that!

After more servers added, Players on Forums: Aaaaaa, queues are 3 and more hours, we cant play, heeeeeeelp!

Bioware HQ, developers talking: -What are they mentally challenged, why do they keep logging into one server only? -Im not sure, lets make an official statement that there are new servers added, probably then they will notice.

After official statement about new servers added, Players on Forums: BW, solve the problem, we cant get into game, we have too long queues, we will rage-quit this game and go play WoW!

Bioware HQ, developers talking: -Yeah they definetly are mentally challenged and sadly most of them illiterates also. -I agree, lets just make statement that we are looking into this matter and lets wish them to have a fun in the game, it should calm down at least few of those who can read.

After the statement, Players on Forums: Queues are still damn long but at least it calms us down that BW is looking into this matter, and we hope that after launch the game will run smoother, meanwhile we will log into other servers and enjoy the game.

Edited by Snowwolfy
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This is not Star Wars the Old Republic, its Star Wars Queues of the Old Republic.



The queues are ruining any change of setting events on time (people having to log in 3-4 hours prior to the event just to hope they dont get disconected and back in the queues) many people cant even play (afther a work day you try to log in for a couple of hours and all you manage are queues).


Just hope that they had locked the servers, Guilds where sent to the servers and they should have just given a small amount for unguilded players so taht it was possible to manage the server population.


This or a new log in protocol that alows us to join the server faster not like this.

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I waited close to 7 hours yesterday to play.


A queue of 5 minutes is unacceptable. Paying consumers want to log on when they have free time and play, not queue.


The consumer contract to us states "an item has to be fit for purpose", this is not fit for purpose and therefore you are breaking UK law if this is not fixed for launch (not sure about other countries).


Grow some balls and just tell us what is happening. We are not robots and we realise things can happen so just be honest with us and tell us exactly whats happening!

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Queued at around 16:30 hoping to go in by 22:00 to do a couple of dungeons with friends. But it seems that is too much to ask for...


Total Wait Time in Queue was approx. 6 hours 23 minutes and finall played at 23:30.


Ridiculous. :mad:

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okay just to add my voice to the hundreds of other voices


this game is awsome BUT


early access awsome loved the idea the reality is somewhat of a disappointment though to put not to fine a point on it 2 hours waiting to get on to play with my guild mates is absolutely ludicrous my guild was put on red eclipse by you guys at bioware /ea most have managed to put quite a few hours of playtime into this game and have characters at lvl 36 downover unless you can move us as a guild what on earth can we do are you planning on allowing us to move as a guild to a different server for free or perhaps set up a spanish server and maybe a dutch server and allow those guys to transfer for free


as has been said many times if this isnt sorted i will struggle to justify actually paying for this game


also bare in mind that this is before the actual release date what is going to happen when the many many people who go and buy this game on release day try n get into the game cant because of ques and then take it back to the retailers for a refund


the contract you have with us is that we will have access to the game not access to a queue


please get it sorted yours very sad that such a cool game is being ruined by what is hopefully an easy fix

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Here is what gets me annoyed:


1) You have not learnt from any other MMO launch.


2) Your original statement told people to join other servers when many were pre-assigned using your guild launch programme, which has obviously been a complete waste of time as it has caused more issues than it solved.


3) This statement basically says "you have to feel the pain by Qing to get balanced servers in a month or so because we do not want any pain in re-balancing the servers at a later date."


4) The "estimated" Q time is a joke and I feel it is designed to make your Q issues look less bad than they really are. For example, this afternoon my Q time was estimated at <1hr20mins. Been waiting 2hr15mins and still have 270 in front of me.


5) Other than recognising the issue in your statement you have not given any information on how you will deal with the 5-10 servers that are currently in an exceptionally bad way.

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each of the last 3 days i have waited for over 2 hours to even start playing, this is unacceptable! and for everyone in EU already angry - just click that north america tab :mad:


Yep the good old US of A, no queues at all.


They will probably try and fob us off with the statement " not as many people play in the USA"


Yeah right, ALL companies put the USA above the rest of the world which pisses me of to no end!

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This is not Star Wars the Old Republic, its Star Wars Queues of the Old Republic.



The queues are ruining any change of setting events on time (people having to log in 3-4 hours prior to the event just to hope they dont get disconected and back in the queues) many people cant even play (afther a work day you try to log in for a couple of hours and all you manage are queues).


Just hope that they had locked the servers, Guilds where sent to the servers and they should have just given a small amount for unguilded players so taht it was possible to manage the server population.


This or a new log in protocol that alows us to join the server faster not like this.




If this queue problem isnt solved after the 20th, i am definetily not paying for this game. it amazes me how BW doesnt seem to care about keeping paying customers happy, instead telling them to "roll another realm" just to leave our guilds and friends behind along with characters that might already be level 50. I pay to PLAY the game, not stare at the server selection screen.


inb4 error 1002

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