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Regarding server queues


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When we were playing beta there were about 400 ppl in Tython 400 ppl on Coruscant, and so on and we dont have problems with queues.


Now its 60 on Tython and 100 on Coruscant.


Do you want to know what is mean ? BioWare is holding low limits for servers lower than it could be.

My opinion is they are worry about newcomers on 20th Dec who want join they guildies which are preordered. They are worried that these newcomers wont have place. Now they hope we'll endure or migrate to another server. They will do nothing to solve it. Just my opinion. Have a nice day in queue. ;)



213. in queue

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Everything about this reads like the people & experience being used to deal with this problem comes from EA's FPS division. Sure, when dealing with a game like Battlefield, adding new servers is a fine solution. Put them up to deal with the load, then take them down when things ease up, but if you had ever played an MMO with a character that you created yourself, you'd realize that the idea is really terrible when applied to an MMO.


Players can't switch servers. Adding new servers only deals with new players, not existing ones. As players leave SWTOR and the servers start freeing up, you'll find you have too many servers for the playerbase and that's when you realize the 2nd problem: You can't just suddenly take a server down, you have to move the entire playerbase onto another server, and you'll find that there will be a LOT of duplicate names, but also the possibility of having players who already have 8 characters on both servers. If you start spreading players out from one server onto many others, you'll find nothing but unhappy customers.


The solution is not to add more servers that you'll be stuck with for the long term. The solution is to expand the capacity of existing ones. Later on, it is much easier to reduce the capacity of a server than it is to remove a server altogether.


The only technical reason I can think of that would make the only solution Bioware has to this problem one of adding new servers would be caused by a server being handled by only a single machine without the capability of spreading the load between multiple machines. If that's the case, it was a really really bad design idea for an MMO expected to be so popular.. If it's not the case, than what is preventing Bioware from taking the machines it plans to use to add a new server and instead allocates it to expanding the capacity of an existing one.


I bought the CE, but if the servers are still queueing the way they are, I won't be subscribing when the box arrives. I'm not going to pay a subscription just so I can spend the month sitting in queues, and I certainly don't want to use up any of my included 30 days on queues either.

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Our guild was assigned to Frostclaw, this server is constantly full with queues in excess of 1 hour. We didn't choose this server but expected that BW would not allow it to become overpopulated and cause the ridiculous queues.


Character transfers are not an option. Guild re-assignments are what is needed.

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A few steps to make it better


1. Keep server-client connection for 5-10 min after someone disconnects, cause sometimes you just reboot your pc, router or just game client crashes.


2. Dont allow new chars on problematic server.


3. People from premaid guilds, which were asigned to this server are free from queue waiting. Queues are for random guildless people who can create char on another server.


4. Boot afk players. If someone stays in one place for 30 minutes, boot him. He definitely is afk, faking activity or just "socialising" :)


Come on best options just do em already!

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Why not invoke a free character transferprogramme?

On the EU servers, we have up 1 hour, 30 min. waiting time.

Not a cool way to greet new customers...


I'm all for the idea of a balanced gameplay - but I hate to wait 1.5 hours to play a game, I pay for (not meant in a harsh or flamentory way)...


Just food for thoughts...

Edited by Megablam
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Well its only the beggining stages. Im petty sure they working on it and is defenitlely listhening to our complaints. But I think when the + millions of more people get on Dec20th I think the ques will be better for the simple fact the early acces is like a stress test in some ways. I had to wait 40min. thats the most I've ever waited, which is not too bed compared to some of the ques I read. But im pretty sure there not crazy to think we going to be waiting 6, 3, 4 or even 1hr and 1/2 to get into this game. They will be a fool to do that, which people will start not to play the game for that reason. let us give them time to fix the issue. Im pretty sure are complaints are good fair complaints that they are definetly listhening to us. lol besides some of them are playing the game and im pretty sure they have to wait like us. lol (maybe).:)
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I'm not going to QQ about the 3 hour queue that I am again sat in.


Instead I offer suggestions about how you can alleviate some of the ill feeling in the community. Obviously raising caps will help but that's not the root cause of the issue.


a) A grace period for disconnects to get back in without having to return to the back of the queue - at the moment if you d/c on Legions of Lettow you are basically condemned to queue more than play that day.


b) Recommended tags on servers for new people. Obviously guilded individuals or unguilded but with a lot of friends on a particular server will still roll characters on the busiest servers - these games are considerably less fun solo - but others might be dissuaded from rolling up if you put tags on empty servers or even prohibited/danger tags on the ones where you can expect a long wait (although at peak that's over half of the servers and nearly all of the PvP ones).


These should be reasonably straight forward fixes - I know that your devs have a lot on their plate right now but a few fixes now could save you a lot of cancelled subs in the long run.

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The following is a brief statement from Jeff Hickman, Executive Producer, Live Services:


"We know there have been questions about the queues on the servers, so we wanted to take a moment to give you some insight.


In order to ensure that the service would be smooth and stable, we staged how we brought people into the Early Game Access program, adding people in waves. As you know, there are a lot of folks who want to play the game right now and we want to make sure they have lots of people to play with. Balancing this with figuring out when to bring new servers online to help alleviate the size of the queues is part art and part science. On one hand, you do not want people to wait too long – on the other hand, you want to make sure that people have a dynamic, engaging community to play with for long after launch. Either way, we have one clear objective – to make sure folks have fun.


While we can’t promise that there won’t ever be queues, we can promise you that we are taking this matter seriously and constantly reviewing them to make sure that they are manageable and reasonable."


If this keeps up I fear SWTOR is gonna be dead before it launches. They have my five bucks for the preorder and I was planning on picking up my CE on Tuesday but unless I see a marked improvement I don't think I am going to bother. Prolly just get the standard if I buy the game at all.


Blizzard has made some major mistakes but I never had to wait 3 hours to play World of Warcraft..


Oh and @ your blog post. All of our servers are freakishly overpopulated is NOT an insight.


This is not a free to play game, when we pay for a product we expect you to deliver and if you can't we will move on to a company that can..



While we can’t promise that there won’t ever be queues, we can promise you that we are taking this matter seriously and constantly reviewing them to make sure that they are manageable and reasonable


Anything over half an hour is not MANAGEABLE or REASONABLE..


When you call 911 and expect an ambulance use what you feel their response time should be as the mark of what a manageable and reasonable queue time is.


Smoke, mirrors and friendly sounding blogs will NOT fix this problem. Believe me the clock is ticking if it isn't fixed BEFORE Tuesday this could become very grim indeed especially if the development figures I have seen for this game are true.

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While I can understand that you re waiting for launch of the game to sort out the queue problems-since mant more players will come at 20th. Wating 3 hours to log into the game is not reasonable. It is not fun either to wait those 3 hours every time you dc or server kicks you out or even you ve got to go to walk your dog for 30 min.

I cannot see the reason why you wouldnt at least attempt to solve the problem nowespecialy that almost every server has got a queue and people from the bigger servers are getting more and more angry with you through out the early access week.

So I ll ask a question which is implied by this very thread- Will you sort it out? If you will then when?

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I mean at the end of the day waiting 6 hours to play a game is not on


and that would be every day i would of through that it would be been sorted by now before the 20th they new how many people pre ordered so they could of had it all sorted by but if this does not get fix then i will not playing this game


don't pay money to spend 90% in queues all the time

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It's quite funny that after all theese complaints, we have not yet seen another Bluepost! Come on Bioware, I don't want this game to end up with no players just because you are to lazy to fix some kind of free character migration or expand servers!


This game will loose it's casual players, which are the ones that fund the game / GM's / updates. The hardcore player won't stop. but the hardcore players won't get you the money required. And you are getting this negative attitude so the game won't spread further.


I don't know if I am wrong, but this is my point of view!


Currently playing on Tomb of Freedon Nad, 5h quene time.Rerolling is not an option since my guild is located there. I logged in yesterday at 21.00 and noticed only 9 or 8 servers didn't have a quene time.


simply not acceptable.



Waiting for blueposts on how to fix this issue asap.


PS: Still love this game!

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Oh come on, you know very well that "taking it seriously" is industry standard for "not giving a <brown sticky stuff>". Stop spewing hot air and name measures.


Well if they're not fixing this issue they will start losing subscribers, they have no reason to ignore such an issue.

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Find it weird that we have to pay a fee for early access when it's not really available.

Changing servers is always a solution but making over 50 people change server is ridiculous.

Been waiting a total of +12 hours to play and I've had the game since Friday and I'm in queue again. Forcing people to change server to balance the population overall seems like a futile attempt because everyone wants to play with friends and so on. If this keeps up more and more people will go to a different game and it's a loss for swtor community and corporations involved. (I know this post might just fall into the background, just wanted to give a point of view).

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Reallly ... nearly the half of european Server is full with queue over 1h + (500 people). This is NOT slightly to less this is by far away from what wen need on server capacity. It would be ok if it is the regular start, you can only hardly imagine how many people go to a shop and buy your game. But THIS is the pestart. You had the numbers of Preorders. How can this happen that you have such a low capacity?


This will cost you more subsricptions than you think, from 9 Frends who have preorder the game 4 have canceld the order. If you are not able to run a pre start with exact numbers of players, how will this end wenn the real start come?


It doesn´t matter how good your game is or not, when the people don´t want to wait to play ... the don´t play your game.

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You have to be ashamed !

Years of waiting....

Tons of hype...

An year of beta testing...

150 euro for a F... collectors edition...


The super MMO...the "only hope against WOW" ....your "Masterpiece".....your "Bla Bla Bla whatever"....and the saga begins like this?





The game's not reached it's actual release date yet, and it took quite some time for Blizzard to fix their connection, actually about two years I believe.


If you would want this game to succed and you enjoy the gameplay give them some time to fix the connection and other issues, it's their first MMO and there's obviously going to be some issues upon the release.

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Okay, I'm in the stupid queue for the Red Eclipse for the 3rd time now, just because receiving some errors. This is getting really annoying and I'm starting to lose my temper really hard. Bioware you are a great company and just make those servers bigger for more than 2k people just like you promised in a interview. Cheers!
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