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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Regarding server queues


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The following is a brief statement from Jeff Hickman, Executive Producer, Live Services:


"We know there have been questions about the queues on the servers, so we wanted to take a moment to give you some insight.


In order to ensure that the service would be smooth and stable, we staged how we brought people into the Early Game Access program, adding people in waves. As you know, there are a lot of folks who want to play the game right now and we want to make sure they have lots of people to play with. Balancing this with figuring out when to bring new servers online to help alleviate the size of the queues is part art and part science. On one hand, you do not want people to wait too long – on the other hand, you want to make sure that people have a dynamic, engaging community to play with for long after launch. Either way, we have one clear objective – to make sure folks have fun.


While we can’t promise that there won’t ever be queues, we can promise you that we are taking this matter seriously and constantly reviewing them to make sure that they are manageable and reasonable."


Well for starters you are failing fataly on your objective on 2 very important levels.

1. I played the large scale stresstest beta and reported alot of bugs regarding random crashes. These bugs havent been dealt with at all. Why havent they? Since im not the only one who actually got the crash to desktop problem you ought to think that you would have fix it. Why not?

2. The que system is a total mess and im starting to think that you didnt really consider how a crash would be handled. I would like to think that this would be a VERY important issue to adress?


Alot of ppl payed to much money for a CE in order to be OK with this. This isnt acceptable and we demand satisfaction. Yes you are blaming it on the early access but the cold facts should have been that you should´ve fixed all issues before that. You did beta test it right? The result however is that you didnt take the bugreports from beta testing seriously...

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A few steps to make it better


1. Keep server-client connection for 5-10 min after someone disconnects, cause sometimes you just reboot your pc, router or just game client crashes.


2. Dont allow new chars on problematic server.


3. People from premaid guilds, which were asigned to this server are free from queue waiting. Queues are for random guildless people who can create char on another server.


4. Boot afk players. If someone stays in one place for 30 minutes, boot him. He definitely is afk, faking activity or just "socialising" :)

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You have to be ashamed !

Years of waiting....

Tons of hype...

An year of beta testing...

150 euro for a F... collectors edition...


The super MMO...the "only hope against WOW" ....your "Masterpiece".....your "Bla Bla Bla whatever"....and the saga begins like this?



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Our guild was assigned to Chuundar server but when we came to know all the Russians going to play there we escaped to Tomb of freedon nadd. I actually start to regret this decission... we have dodged the Russians yes , but instead we got Spanish and now we have to wait from 3 to 6 hours to log in to the server.


More servers woud be good idea, also some official servers : Spain, Russia , Italy would be good idea. Why do the Germans and French get always the privilege and you skip all the other big countrys who cant or dont want to use english.

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Look i understand you wanting to make sure you have servers that aren't too over- or undercrowded. But then just do it in a way that does not punish people. Make sure that 1: people can reconnect sooner after disconnects (like a 5-10 min grace period for crashes, internet probs and so on). Also make sure people or guilds can transfer to emptier servers freely! I would welcome the chance, but don't want to lose my lvl 23 character... Because this will just cause people to cancel their pre-orders... Edited by FaTaL_eRRoR
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the bigger crash in all time mmop's have.


ahahah exactly !


What a bunch of idiots....


The funny thing is that they knew how many people bought and preordered the game....


Is like i have a family of 10 people and i need to go in holyday by car and i buy a Skateboard...

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Our guild was assigned to Chuundar server but when we came to know all the Russians going to play there we escaped to Tomb of freedon nadd. I actually start to regret this decission... we have dodged the Russians yes , but instead we got Spanish and now we have to wait from 3 to 6 hours to log in to the server.


More servers woud be good idea, also some official servers : Spain, Russia , Italy would be good idea. Why do the Germans and French get always the privilege and you skip all the other big countrys who cant or dont want to use english.


Unfortunately the guild I'm in was assigned ToFN which wasn't a problem when I started playing on the first day of early access. Now it's pretty horrible, and it's hard for us to re-roll because lots of people in the guild, myself included, have already sunk in a reasonable amount of time into leveling up our mains.

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our guild was assigned to chuundar server but when we came to know all the russians going to play there we escaped to tomb of freedon nadd. I actually start to regret this decission... We have dodged the russians yes , but instead we got spanish and now we have to wait from 3 to 6 hours to log in to the server.


More servers woud be good idea, also some official servers : Spain, russia , italy would be good idea. Why do the germans and french get always the privilege and you skip all the other big countrys who cant or dont want to use english.


really u think the spanish ppl is the problem to queues in tofn??? Omg!!!! No coment....

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I am both new to posting and new to waiting in queues to get into my MMO's. My real question to star wars and to all of you is what the hell did that representative mean when he "supposedly" addressed the server issues. Have our brains been turned into such mush watching the queues tick down from 1700 people that this representative believes we will consider his/her statement an address to the current problem. The best we can say for that statement is that it acknowledged the problem (the time it took them to acknowledge it, after having to close down two entire threads because they were at capacity with complaints is another mater entirely). You made a great game here but I think a good public relations representative may be in order if you can spare the salary. To not get to far off topic, this representative's statement acknowledging the problem helps us to feel better but is an inappropriate response. The fact is we have literally hundreds of posts acknowledging the problem we do not need one more, even if it is written in gold letters. What we do need is a commitment for you that you are working to resolve this problem. You don't even have to tell us any possible solutions you might be thinking of, hell you can even just lie to us and tell us your working to find solutions when you actually aren't. All you really have to do is say "We are aware of the problem with the server queues and we are doing our best to find ways to fix them." For the sake of protecting everything that you have worked so hard to create please choose your words a little more tactfully in the future.
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Playing on Bloodworthy EU pvp server.


While I understand why there are queues I don't understand why the servers are that crowded. I also accept the fact that we are still in an early game access phase! The number of people with a preorder were very well known by those operating the server. So accepting hours over hours in queues as a publisher cannot be satisfying.


What bugs me most thou is that there is no "grace" time after a disconnect, client crash, whatever. I just crashed to the desktop while on a 2 digit number in the queue, I was actually looking forward to play. Now I am on position 1200, so it might take a while.


well guess that is just another whine post.

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Our guild was assigned to Chuundar server but when we came to know all the Russians going to play there we escaped to Tomb of freedon nadd. I actually start to regret this decission... we have dodged the Russians yes , but instead we got Spanish and now we have to wait from 3 to 6 hours to log in to the server.


More servers woud be good idea, also some official servers : Spain, Russia , Italy would be good idea. Why do the Germans and French get always the privilege and you skip all the other big countrys who cant or dont want to use english.


Nice u went over but our guild got assigned to tomb of freedon nadd. Its allready crowded as it is. Stay on ur own. :)

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I know this has been said a million times but I will be the million and one.




I was on all day yesterday in fear of getting DCed because other guild members where literally in que for 6 hours. Today I did not get on early enough and I'm now in the dreaded que that moves WAY slower then estimated.


While I was online though something struck me as odd. For a server with a 6 hour que it did not seem packed. The Capitol ship which is like the equivalent to org in Wow was Dead, i did not have to fight over kills in quest areas it was no where near what I would consider a over filled mmo server and yet it had a 6 hour que.


This tells me they must have the server caps set to WAY low.


There advise is to just reroll to a low pop server and stop crying. Well this works for people that are lone wolves or just dont have a guild yet but to tell 1000's of players in guilds to reroll is re tarded. BW set up this not wqel though out guild transfer thing then then after live they tell those same people to reroll on a different server *facepalm*


IMO they dont need complicated free server moves or anything like that they just need to find the slider bar on there population cap and move it over to the right. If the servers can not take at least double that are in the zones now then we have a whole other issue that is being covered up by these low low caps.

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really u think the spanish ppl is the problem to queues in tofn??? Omg!!!! No coment....


No, im not saying spanish ppl is the whole problem but for sure they are part of the problem.

They have been advertising on many other servers telling spanish ppl to make new characters on ToFN making it unofficial spanish server.

Edited by Bloodo
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Part science and part art.....U have qs in most servers but some are like 5-6 hours q ,it is EGA so u can open free migration to these 2-3 server and let ppl to balance the servers by them selves !Where is the science in that???free migrations to the 3 - 4 servers which have 5+hours q and see what happens till 20th ...but no u dont do anything and the reason is i think "let them wait 5+ hours in q so ppl who log at 20th will see the q and go to other servers and we deal with problem after few weeks" You are not going to have problem in few weeks cos ppl would leave in few weeks ....if u care about costumers u act fast or at least u explain what are u doing ,your explaination post was a joke.


BTW u send us a mail "YOUR WAIT IS OVER" to say about game's official launch day ...........your wait is over ...........lololololololololol

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