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Regarding server queues


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Btw, a thought for those who claim to be quitting because of the queues:


DO IT! That would shorten the queues for us others.


I already paid the game, and even with the queues, I am willing to play.


The game itself is great, no doubt about that.

Same. But they should still solve this issue no matter how good the game is :p
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This is true, because you aren't paying for this. It's free early access.


We're guinea pigs for them to adjust the servers before the game goes live on the 20th, and we get "paid" for our assistance by getting free playing time and a bit of a leg up on those folks who aren't in yet.


free? we all paid £5 for early access actually.

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You people should join the queue early, do something around the house or take a shower etc and take care of things then get on.


I normally wake up & join the queue, then make breakfast, do the dishes, take a shower and come back and my queue is good to go.




Sigh... Impatient kids these days...


im glad u have all this free time on your hands but some of us cant simply wake up Q up shower etc its more like get up get my *** to work fight holiday traffic to get home to sit here in a Q

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star wars or QUEUE wars ...... i cannot tell :mad:



LOL agreed.


Originally Posted by djemotion

I have to say firstly well done as this MMO is as polished as an MMO gets on launch. However i have to stress my concerns over the queue times already experienced by players. With the game not even launched and queue times already in excess of an hour on some servers, are we to fear the worst on launch day? I understand that on launch that most MMO's result to queueing for servers but have Bioware done the maths when it comes to pre-orders and server population or can we expect server miggration imminently?


That said im not going back to my queue only 500 log offs to go.

See ya all on the dark side



I completely agree here. Waiting for a 1hour and 10 minute queue is NOT good. Especially as the game as not yet got live for retail.


I am impressed with the game thus far, with a bit of fine polishing, can knock wow off the top block. BUTTTT..( There is always a bit butt, and I am glad its not mine), long queue times will send ppl straight back to wow you will start to loose ppl fast.


PLEASE PLEASE, have a look at server capacity and do something to reduce these ridiculously long queues . Now, you seriously have to re-evaluate your position here. If ppl have to wait more than 1 hour, they are going to go else where and you will begin to loose your player base. START TO LOOK in to reducing queue times and SOONER rather than later. or SWTOR will die before its even begun.

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Bioware, this queue thing is very unprofessional and uncool. You used to be such a great company.


How do you think this will reflect on the reviews of the game?


Acceptable wait time to play the game is 30 seconds max.. The current queue state is nothing short of a disaster. You should be embarrassed.


Such failure..

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I was in the first wave of early access invites and my guild started on TOFN.


Queues on TOFN are simply ridiculous and they get worse and worse every day.

I started queuing tonight at around 7pm and was shown an estimated queue time of 2 hours with over 2000 players ahead of me in the queue (which is bad enough).... it is past 11pm now, I am still queuing, there is still 600+ people ahead of me in the queue... so I have been queuing for over 4 hours and at this speed I would have to wait at least another 2 hours if not more.


I am giving up now. It is an absolute shame that I have been pretty much unable to make any use of the early access (still only lvl 12) because of these ridiculous queues and it is only getting worse it seems. I now have the choice to not play the game at all because of the queues on my server or rerolling on another server and play on my own... really considering the former because MMOs are no fun if you don't play them with your friends/guildies.

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Bioware, this queue thing is very unprofessional and uncool. You used to be such a great company.


How do you think this will reflect on the reviews of the game?


Acceptable wait time to play the game is 30 seconds max.. The current queue state is nothing short of a disaster. You should be embarrassed.


Such failure..


30 seconds max, are you crazy? have you ever played a new mmo? 30-45 minuets max.

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+1 on the grace period after DC

+1 on the free transfers


Currently, queues are expected. Rift had them at launch as well, most highly-anticipated MMOs do at launch on many of their servers. I don't like them, but I accept them as part of this "early adopter experience".


I expect (and have confidence) that they will be sorted out in a couple of weeks.


Kudos on a good game, now please fix this so we can all enjoy it! :)



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If you cant fix queues atleast give us the option of a free guild/char servertransfer.

In the current state there is no way i'm going to pay for this game.


If i come home from work around 7pm i dont want to stand in a +3hour queue.

Havent been able to play since wednesday

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Originally Posted by Sith

25 minutes to log into my char? Gimme a break. Increase the load capacity. Waiting a half hour to play is NOT fun.


25 minutes?!? I really wish I was you... Estimated queue on my server is 1 hour.


LOL 1 hour try 3+ hours and still in que to get in i wish i had to wait only an hour..

and the fact that the eta has said 1 hour 20 min the whole time is just and insult! at least give us the truth about how long we have to wait!


It is such an awesome game and i would really hate to see it fail cause you cant keep up with the demand

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I'm sorry, but I feel that I need to write in this thread.


Today I have all in all waited over 10 hours to be able to play a game that I have bought and paid for.

And guess what, do I have to cope with this when I created my character on an ->empty<- server when I was allowed into Early Access?

I've already lvl'd past 30 and can't see myself nor the guild and the alliances I am familiar with to move to a whole different server, that's not the solution and that's the end of it.

I sincerely hope you will manage to somehow increase the performance by allocating your resources in to the servers that require this.

You Seriously need to introduce a system that allows the player to keep the place in the queue for at least 10 minutes after a disconnection or crash.


This is my story.

Today at around 13.00 CET I fired up my game and there was over 1400 people in the queue, I had to wait 2.5 hours to get in and finnaly when I did get in the game lost connection and I was back at square 0.

Around 15.45 I fired up the game again and now there was 1700 people in the queue, I had to wait around 3 hours to get in and this the game simply CRASHED.

Now I've stood in queue for another 3.5 hours and finnaly got it, god knows what will happend if the game crashes again.

Please Bioware & EA, do something about this.

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Haven't been able to play since Wednesday, cannot move server as I want to be playing with my Guild and it's hard to get hundreds of people to move.


Pre ordered for early access and yet cannot play :S I thought the whole point of this staggered release was to prevent this from happening....


*********** useless EA service again.

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Although I understand what BW has to say on the que for server log in. The wait to get on to these servers is just absolutely terrible. More servers are needed; as well as the potential to transfer between servers to help change this. Art and science are good, but waiting hours to get in to playing the game they worked so hard to develop is frustrating to say the least.
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plz change the order of choosing..


let us first select the char then the server :)


or buy more servers.... use some of the billions from the preorders to buy hardware.. i dont give a frack about the population as long as theres no que. wait till peeps reach 50 to play serverscrooge

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I went to a soccer game at 6 i was 2200. I came home and i was at 400.. at 22.30 This is unacceptable. My guild that are playing keep playing some moved to a different server since they just started. While I had pre start from day 13th and i am lvl31.


Give free char transfers and guilds can sort out there server that way everone happy and everyone can play with not big que's

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30 seconds max, are you crazy? have you ever played a new mmo? 30-45 minuets max.


30 min is stupid, for any mmo. 5 min tops, be WOW ot SWTOR; don't mind, if not, bad customer service. Period. A good amount of servers can manage that with a finger

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I don't feel that 60 minutes plus is even remotely reasonable. I understand your perspective to a point but this is hardly the first MMO launch ever. You aren't breaking new ground here and while I respect the end goal the point that you're probably missing is that no one want's to pay to wait in line to play a game. Maybe this means looking into better or smarter server technology and scaling? I don't have the answer, but as a customer the queue's are simply too long.
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Yesterday i sat in que for maybe shorter than 4 hours. that did not bug me one bit and as soon as i got back in it had completely left my mind. I was happy to be and continue to be part of the early access group. I have waited years for this game and you know what i can wait a couple of hours in a que to play. I really don't enjoy the people who blame Bioware for this but i guess they have to have someone to blame. You guys are doing your best and i couldn't be happier. (Its also my fault that i picked a server based on its name "Mind Trick" :D) Keep up the good work Bioware don't let the haters get you down! I know i wont let them stop me from enjoying your game! Cant wait to hear about upcoming patches and more details about.. well... the game :D


- Spizzay




Your a tool!! And 4 hours is crazy. Not acceptable

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Although I understand what BW has to say on the que for server log in. The wait to get on to these servers is just absolutely terrible. More servers are needed; as well as the potential to transfer between servers to help change this. Art and science are good, but waiting hours to get in to playing the game they worked so hard to develop is frustrating to say the least.


more servers are not needed, there are more than enough, population limit needs to increase.. i mean, i was on nar shaddar and there was 37 people there, 37! and im sure there are more than that in ther 20-25 range.

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logged onto The Swiftsure at noon...half hour que already. played 25 minutes, got disconnected and back in the freaking que 465 people out, which will be about an hour to an hour and a half ... come on Bioware do something about this already!


Give us guild x-fers off The Swiftsure and The Harbinger...the Oceanics rolling on them have completely blasted the population on these 2 servers.

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The reality of this situation is that it's been very poorly managed. BW, you guys should have had all the data needed so you could plan this a little better I'd think. So many testing sessions, a number of beta weekends, stats on preorders to date, lots of data to know what you were heading into.


But now it seems that all of that was tossed aside and you all just wanted to appease the loudest voice (people crying to get into EGA ASAP) and in the process, you made the experience poor for all of us.


I've always dealt with queues in other games but with that said, I've never sat in one greater than maybe 30-40mins. Beyond that, it's just ridiculous. You guys keep saying you're monitoring the situation but that's it. What else do you need to see before you take action? Maybe you have, I don't know. What I do know is that it's not getting better.


Last night, me and two of my RL friends had toons created on Dark Reaper as we got into EGA on day 1. We had such a crazy queue the last couple days that we decided to roll on Infinite Empire. We had close to 100 combined levels with our toons on DR and it looks like we're going to just dismiss these as a casualty of picking the wrong initial server. We're not very excited about this but what else can we do? We'll just leave them for now but it's really thrown a wrench in our initial plans of progressing through the game.

Edited by Kadin
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