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Regarding server queues


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i can understand that a hyped mmo like this will have queues and i was prepared for that. but having a random disconnect at peek-hour just to get you into the queue is something extremely ridiculous. even though the gameplay has been smooth in many ways, still i have to say that this is probably the worst mmo launch i've experienced. just because you dont get a reserved slot after a disconnect.
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transfer is pointless, after launch the servers that arent full will be targetted by BW for the new players and thus all servers will become full. only way to solve this is to increase the max player counts on the servers and that can only be done by removing any limit BW have imposed som far for EGA or to increase the server power.
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Been in queue for over four hours now, I've been playing on this server since day 2 of early acces, so not at all keen on rerolling my character. Would be nice to see some kind of free transfer or a comparable solution.


edit: Tomb of Freedon Nadd

by the way, the estimate's been saying 2 hours since I started queueing, 4 hours later it's still saying 2 hours.



it would have to be a forced guild transfer.. for all members on login... many people will not be willing to move after they get settled in. They should do it now (something like the prelaunch guild setup) but just assign some guilds like mine (lords of the darkside on min trick) to other less populated servers...


Oh wait.. they are all full with ques... nevermind =(

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The following is a brief statement from Jeff Hickman, Executive Producer, Live Services:


"We know there have been questions about the queues on the servers, so we wanted to take a moment to give you some insight.


In order to ensure that the service would be smooth and stable, we staged how we brought people into the Early Game Access program, adding people in waves. As you know, there are a lot of folks who want to play the game right now and we want to make sure they have lots of people to play with. Balancing this with figuring out when to bring new servers online to help alleviate the size of the queues is part art and part science. On one hand, you do not want people to wait too long – on the other hand, you want to make sure that people have a dynamic, engaging community to play with for long after launch. Either way, we have one clear objective – to make sure folks have fun.


While we can’t promise that there won’t ever be queues, we can promise you that we are taking this matter seriously and constantly reviewing them to make sure that they are manageable and reasonable."


Damn right you should take this serious!! ... im not paying for a 1,5 hour wait befor i am able to play a game. 10 min is ok but 30 min, in my opinion is way to long! And lets not start about the 1-2 hours i alleady had to wait. the game is great, but this is in my opinion one of its biggest flaws

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I'm on ToFN... I've waited +-5h to get in and got disconnected after 40 mins... now I got to q again for 3h+ since I have 1500 before me, my guild and all my community is there, I don't want to leave that server and I understand they are limiting server caps to heaven all servers so I can understand the queues (well not 4/5 hours ones) but what I don't understand is why I have to queue again?! :confused:
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@Tomb of Freedon Nadd

Joined queue at 15:15 CET

There is now 19:44 CET and there is 345 ppl before me.


Have mercy.



I'n in - 20:50.


5h 35m in queue!


@Tomb of Freedon Nadd

Joined queue at 16:00 CET

Estimated wait time 2 hours 15 mins

now 21:35 - Still not in


At least fix the estimates to what they really are!


And fix the AFKers that are macroing their way to staying on the server...

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My computer crashed three times today, all of them were different issues related with the client. And I've waited (still waiting for the third one) three times over 1.5K+ queues at Legions of Lettow server.


My guild has been deployed on this server, BY YOU, and I'm playing the game since day two of headstart with my guildies, and I'm still waiting to login to the server after disconnecting/crashing because of the client.


I think this is not reasonable and you cannot manage this issue. Most of the other publishers on other games made the same mistake and you're doing exactly the same.


IF I order this game on August as PRE-ORDER, I have every right to play! I've wasted over 6 hours in front of the computer, just waiting for you to raise the population limit on my server!!!


Thanks for nothing.

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I can understand queues are a hard thing to balance. You want a high population so it feels like an mmo with lots of player interaction. However, there are difficult technical limits to how much a server can support.


While you work through those difficult technical limits can you do something about the requeue you get if you get disconnected?


Disconnects happen. It could be bugs in the game (these I hope you'll find and fix). It could be buggy drivers, isps, or even electricity flickers. You can't prevent all disconnects.


Since this is an mmo, disconnects for one person tend to affect others. If I'm in a flashpoint and someone disconnects, my group can't finish. We could wait for him to relog, but even with a minimal 5 minute queue, it is likely to cause the group to break up. With an hour+ queue, even the most diehard group will break up on the first disconnect.


If you can't reliably finish multiplayer content in an mmo, the system is broken.

Edited by Crystus
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So you gave us a statement stating the complete obvious and giving us no new information about this issue? You're not calming any nerves about this issue with that kind of a statement, you make people more frustrated when you say you're "taking action" and no results have been seen from it.
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Take it easy boys and girls. Yes, its unacceptable, but they are working on it. I think working out a proper solution for this problem could take some time.;)


I got a solution. Call Blizzard 1-800-592-5499, ask them how they do in over in WoW land.

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If the ques don't shorten or disappear completely after the official launch people are gonna be really pissed off. i can understand the ques during the early acces fase (even though it severely cuts my game time, which sucks *** ) but if this continues after launch, RABLERABLERABLERABLERABLERABLERABLERABLERABLERABLERABLERABLE
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While the queuing is completely unacceptable, especially without any kind of grace period when re-connecting, it seems unbelievable that people are expecting the Wait Time estimates to be correct.


Even at the most sophisticated the estimated wait time could only be based on past data of how many people log off minute or whatever. They can't actually predict when people are going to log off the server and make room for you, unless they start kicking people who have been on the server for the most hours.

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