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PvP heroes - Stop blaming your team.


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Fact, Being better than someone else at a videogame does not make you special in any way, or give you some divine right to treat other people like crap.


At the end of the day you're just some socially inept nerd that spends too much time playing video games and insulting others. I imagine most of the "bad" players you like to abuse in-game probably have real lives, and talk to girls. No wonder you resent them so much.


I get annoyed when baddies increase the time it takes to finish my daily, because this gear grind is retarded.


so you have no problem with us leaving the warzone in frustration, right?

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Fact, Being better than someone else at a videogame does not make you special in any way, or give you some divine right to treat other people like crap.


At the end of the day you're just some socially inept nerd that spends too much time playing video games and insulting others. I imagine most of the "bad" players you like to abuse in-game probably have real lives, and talk to girls. No wonder you resent them so much.


Clearly ppl who are unable to understand the mechanics of a game designed for 12+ have amazing social skills, are all astronauts, navy seals and rocket scientist.


Do you even listen to your self ? It does not require alot of time to be decent at a piss easy game such as swtor, and have commen sense.


Get off you're high horse, nerd.

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Clearly ppl who are unable to understand the mechanics of a game designed for 12+ have amazing social skills, are all astronauts, navy seals and rocket scientist.


Do you even listen to your self ? It does not require alot of time to be decent at a piss easy game such as swtor, and have commen sense.


Get off you're high horse, nerd.


While being good at a game is nothing special, since we're in a forum dedicated to the said game this still makes people who are better at the game than I cooler than me by definition. Besides, looking at the speech astronauts gave about future of space exploration, I'm not even sure you want to be like those guys since they can't often tell the difference between Star Wars and reality.

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I conveyed this in another thread, but seeing this last night in pvp in light of those who feel entitled to leave wz's without penalty because they're allegedly so awesome it's appropriate to recount here too.


I get into Civil War, waiting for the speeder to pop up with 3 other random players and another "awesome" 4-man premade of "LeetProHardcores."


One of them, the ops leader says "Group 2 go left."


I ask our Ops leader who is in group 2. He doesn't really answer but says "go right." I figure that means I'm in the group going right. Evidently that was correct, more or less. I and another guy went right. We capped the grass node. Everybody that went to the snow node, evidently didn't do so hot, so we had split nodes with a neutral middle. So what happens next? I'm alone at the grass node and I see 2 enemies approaching. I immediately type "2 snow." Suddenly our awesome premades decide to quit. Barely 2 minutes in and they're gone. Next thing you know one of the other pugs leaves too. It's 3 on 8 and here come those 2 guys and one more. And yes, I died. They cap all three, but the rest of the randoms that flooded in made a solid effort to at least not get swept and took away the middle.


The above crap with these "Hardcore" pvp'ers is why 30 minutes unable to queue is totally fair. Add that on top of the normal wait you usually expect on a busy weekend evening and that's something that will make some of these "pro" babyragers think twice about bailing when the game is still up for grabs.


I'm curious what these "great" players who like to thump their chests here and justify quitting when the other players aren't up to their standards will do once ranked hits and things don't pan out for them like they hoped.

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LOL ... really? We have a thread about this?


I don't think I've ever played an MMO ... hell mutliplayer game of any kind, that people didn't argue.


SOMEONE is always going to be the guy having a bad day and vents in WZ chat. ::shrug:: If you can't deal with it, just put them on ignore.


Otherwise, my suggestion to you is, grow a pair and get over it. This isn't elementary school where they make sure you don't get your feeling hurt. ... this is the real world.

Edited by Zepath
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News Flash: Most players ARE bad.


It's not really the players gualt. Bioware has made PVP a waste of time. You make three times the XP/Credits/Legacy/resources for doing PVE content so -Most- players never take a lot of time for PVP. Those of us here on the PVP forums are usually the people who spend a few hours a day pwning noobs. But for the "Average player" who doesn't enjoy the hunt, PVP is a mini-game and Bioware will always consider it a mini-game. It will never -EVER- be good because Bioware puts just only enough priority on it to keep the "Average" player from rage quitting over it. Which again, makes us, the people who actually enjoy it, screwed.


PVP will -never- be balanced, pvp will -never- ever, be treated with the same care as PVE and you will ALWAYS pay the price of having half or more less credits and resources because you aren't out there questing.

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